The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
EndLight End, from time to time your posts show that you may be guilty of nothing more than over enthusiasm and a certain charming gullibillity. I definitely do not put you in the same category of emotionally powered dipshit that is occupied by electrafiction.
You want to talk about some of these UFOs being high tech mand made craft, then I'll play that game.
You claim there are examples of them conducting manouvers impossible to a conventional craft. Please provide details, including links if appropriate, for the very best example of this kind that you know of.
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Why is it, when all you have to do is google "antigravity" or "tr3b astra" you feel a need for anyone to post links. This is no privilege for us. It's your butt that needs an education. Get off it and go get it.

Do you even know who Searl is? You people have lost your minds if you think the government and other private testing and development facilities have not been working with gravity generation and manipulation. That's OLD news. Where's the dude with the dead fish when you need 'em?

start here and move forward from the cave in which you have been residing.
Why is it, when all you have to do is google "antigravity" or "tr3b astra" you feel a need for anyone to post links.
Listen butthead, I am discussing the issue with End, an individual who maybe can be saved from inremental self delusion. I wish him to post links of what he considers to be the best examples of UFOs moving in ways impossible to conventional craft. I am not interested in any examples of these. I am not interested in all examples of these. I am interested in the example(s) that EndLightEnd considers to be the most important/significant/convincing.
This is no privilege for us.
It is no fun for me dealing with a dipshit like you, but I don't go on about it unless asked.
Do you even know who Searl is?
Do you know who Hallam is, or Tippler, or Anderson?
Is it ****ing relevant?
You people have lost your minds if you think the government and other private testing and development facilities have not been working with gravity generation and manipulation. That's OLD news.
You realise this is delusional? There is no evidence for this. There is no justification for believing this. I feel genuine anguish that a fellow human could be so misguided as to believe such rubbish. What led you to this sorry state? I am more than curious to understand the pathology of your condition. Would you share your epiphany with us?
Listen butthead, I am discussing the issue with End, an individual who maybe can be saved from inremental self delusion. I wish him to post links of what he considers to be the best examples of UFOs moving in ways impossible to conventional craft. I am not interested in any examples of these. I am not interested in all examples of these. I am interested in the example(s) that EndLightEnd considers to be the most important/significant/convincing.
It is no fun for me dealing with a dipshit like you, but I don't go on about it unless asked.
Do you know who Hallam is, or Tippler, or Anderson?
Is it ****ing relevant?
You realise this is delusional? There is no evidence for this. There is no justification for believing this. I feel genuine anguish that a fellow human could be so misguided as to believe such rubbish. What led you to this sorry state? I am more than curious to understand the pathology of your condition. Would you share your epiphany with us?

Well well, listen to Mother Thresea. Now you're into "saving" people from themselves. Fuck off wimpy! You post on a public forum, you'll get a public response. You're response is no different than your intellect. WEAK.
So, you don't know of Hallam, Tippler or Anderson. Interesting.
You think helping others is wimpish behaviour. Useful data point.
You post on a public forum, you might get a pubic response.
Wonderful Elegant Amazing Knowledgeable.
you attack, you get attacked. Isn't that somewhere in the theory of relativity? Come on guy. You helping somebody? Give me a break. You are a patronizer and nothing more. You did the exact same thing with the other person that brought up the report on the TR-3B sighting.
Maybe not antigravity devices, but some form of inertia control is evident based on the maneuvers these things exhibit.

This statement assumes that the explanations for UFOs exclude delusions, lies, hoaxes, reflections of light, astronomical events and bodies, and other misunderstandings and misperceptions by people who claim to see them. It also assumes that their observations are accurately reported and remembered.

As long as such explanations still exist and cannot be excluded with tangible and testable evidence, there's no reason at all to make claims that appeal to ignorance as yours above.

It is, however, perfectly fine to hypothesize anti-gravity devices and devices that "exhibit" "some form of inertia control," but, in the end, these hypotheses are subject to the known laws of physics and Occam's Razor: the most parsimonious and efficient explanations that introduce the fewest new assumptions about what we know remain the most logical and probable.
Of course a percentage of UFO sightings are actually attributable to mundane explanations, no one is arguing that. Moot point.
The point is very relevant if the percentage of UFO sightings are largely mundane and prosaic, particularly if the remainder, even if they are explanations that are unique and wondrous, are still within the bounds of known science.

Making positive claims of extraordinary causality (which both you and electrafiction have done) without the inclusion of extraordinary evidence is woo.
And I guess without a pilot these crafts are suddenly able to move silently, make 90 degree turns at high speeds, and accelerate to impossible speeds.

Before you can make such claims, you must first demonstrate that there are "crafts" that actually do make these maneuvers. Reflections of light do it all the time -and there are a few other explanations that are rather mundane compared to your hypothesis that these are "craft" with a technology that violates the laws of physics.

This is WHY I am TRYING to get off the subject of ETs, you guys are clearly not ready. Instead I am trying to discuss man kinds involvement in the UFO phenomena.

I've very happy to move away from the ETI hypothesis for UFOs. I somehow doubt electrafixtion will let it go -he thinks they are "non-human technology" -implying ET.

Still, I think the explanations for UFOs are completely fascinating and wondrous even if ETI is excluded. This would mean, however, that you would need to consider and evaluate the very nature of human belief, perception, cognition and power of observation.

As I have said many times, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE (outside expert testimony), why keep bringing this point up when it has been addressed already on SEVERAL different occasions

On the contrary, there's a lot of evidence. Evidence abounds for the nature of human psychological behavior, response to extraordinary events, and also for phenomena that can create situations that can be misunderstood and misperceived.

If you're interested in this sort of evidence, I'm happy to cite it, though you might need to wait until at least Friday since I'm giving a lecture tomorrow night and will be preparing between now and then.

If you're not interested, then I would assert that this is suggestive of a preconceived notion or conclusion that you don't care to evaluate or criticize. This wouldn't be a very scientific attitude, but it would definitely be one that is characteristic of human behavior.

As Ive said before logic is based on causality, without causality logic falls apart.

This is completely and utterly incorrect. I would also challenge you to cite the scholarly discourse that aligns with this notion. Logic, my friend, is critical to engaging in discussion and argumentation. It is also important to note that "argumentation" doesn't necessarily imply the colloquial "argument" that opposing view points have but, rather, formulating a position or assertion designed to convince others

Right now we are only observing the effect of a cause which we are incapable of understanding.

This is completely fallacious and, again, assumes that there is an extraordinary cause. If the cause is ordinary it may very well be completely within our ability to understand, investigate, and adequately explain. This is, again, an argument from ignorance.

And I also have astrophysical in my user title. So you cant take one without the other unless of course your purpose is slander.

No. My purpose is to point out your failings in the hope you'll accept the correction and criticism in order to better yourself. Contrary to what you might think, my goal is to educate. Preferably you but, if not, then perhaps others that stumble upon this thread from Google or elsewhere. Also, I clearly stated in a previous post that you've demonstrated neither term in the user title. Still, you have to admit that "astrophysical" is the adjective, modifying the subject "philosopher," so I've been accurate in addressing the correct term.

You arent capable of logically proving that they ARENT real man-made flying saucers, can you?

I can certainly demonstrate the likelihood that many are not -and have done so in this thread. But I wouldn't dream of trying to "prove" all UFOs aren't "man-made flying saucers" in spite of the fact that I doubt any are actually "saucers" of any likeness to the word. This is because even the sightings of the most mundane occurrences lack raw data to examine. A bird that swoops low over a lake a twilight or the reflection of the headlights of a distant car on a low bit of fog or cloud are as mundane an explanation as you can have, yet they leave no forensic data.

But of course the burden of proof is on us, so you have a get out of jail free card and a convenient way of avoiding the tricky parts.

I'm always going to try to avoid the sticky parts. That's the nature of true argumentation -but I'm not arguing a position, you are. I'm simply questioning and criticizing that position with actual fact and providing logical alternatives to fanciful speculation. When I *do* resort to the "tricky parts" in a presentation or argument, however, I ensure that I've carefully dotted my "i's" and crossed my "t's" so that I can minimize the criticism. Then, when I get the inevitable criticism, I evaluate it and incorporate it into my hypothesis, revising and improving where necessary. I'm fully prepared to abandon my hypothesis altogether if the criticism cannot be overcome.

There some philosophy for you, and its telling you that you need to get off your high horse because your just as prejudice as I am. In fact I may start calling you crazy for NOT believing in man-made UFOs. You nutter.

That would be your prerogative, however, it is a position that isn't tenable since I most definitely believe that there are UFOs. I just think they have very plausible and probable explanations that are independent of those proposed by significance-junkies and mystery-mongers.
If UFO's belong to a type 3 civilization there's no way in Hell that they would pay any attention to us. End of story. I believe in intelligent Alien Lifeforms, but any being belonging to a type 3 civilization would never let us see them in the first place. 99.9% of all UFO sightings are actually top secret military Aircraft. Google "Lockheed, X-22 A"
If UFO's belong to a type 3 civilization there's no way in Hell that they would pay any attention to us. End of story. I believe in intelligent Alien Lifeforms, but any being belonging to a type 3 civilization would never let us see them in the first place. 99.9% of all UFO sightings are actually top secret military Aircraft. Google "Lockheed, X-22 A"

Please briefly define the different possible types of lifeforms/civilizations.

I am fairly certain, although not entirely certain, that a greater than 1% of the UFOs observed, those in space included, are non human technology. I don't doubt that a greater than 50% of those reported and observed in our atmosphere are man made (TR-3B Astra, Aurora, X-22, etc.), but the problem becomes not so much the observed aerial phenomenon itself, but rather the context of time (our history as a technologically developed society) in which identical phenomenon have been witnessed and reported.

Currently, at least 20% of the photographed and filmed documented evidence is accomplished in space. Do you honestly believe that we have craft in excess of 1.0 mile in dimension in use currently? I do not deny it's possibility, but it's probability is greatly in question.

What about the abduction scenario? What type of civilization do you believe this class of being represents?
Please briefly define the different possible types of lifeforms/civilizations.

And the citation for the source of these possible different types. I'm curious what entity is defining these.

I am fairly certain, although not entirely certain, that a greater than 1% of the UFOs observed, those in space included, are non human technology.

What do you define as "non-human?" Are these aliens/ET? Or are you referring to something else?

Also, how do you arrive at "1%" certainty? Why not 2% or .5%? Please show us the math for the curious that we might apply this to other scenarios.

I don't doubt that a greater than 50% of those reported and observed in our atmosphere are man made

What percentage would you assign to delusion, lies, hoaxes, atmospheric phenomena, reflections of light, misidentified birds, etc.?

Just curious. And, again, why 50%? What data do you use to arrive at that calculation?

Currently, at least 20% of the photographed and filmed documented evidence is accomplished in space.

This should be far easier for you to demonstrate the math on, since photographed and filmed evidence is certainly a finite figure. What data are you using to arrive at this figure of 20%?

Do you honestly believe that we have craft in excess of 1.0 mile in dimension in use currently?

What data are you using to estimate alleged "craft" of 1.0 mile in "dimension" (sic)?

I do not deny it's possibility, but it's probability is greatly in question.

It is indeed. But not nearly as much as the probability of a "non-human" hypothesis.

What about the abduction scenario? What type of civilization do you believe this class of being represents?

The only evidence of "abductions" currently in existence shows it to be of human origin, perhaps with the occasional abduction by baboons in regions of Africa where human and non-human primate populations are competing for resources.
you attack, you get attacked. Isn't that somewhere in the theory of relativity? Come on guy. You helping somebody? Give me a break. You are a patronizer and nothing more. You did the exact same thing with the other person that brought up the report on the TR-3B sighting.

Thanks for the link. What an insightful read. :)
That's BULLSHIT. "particular aspects[/I] of that technology" was a particularly small degree of Gordon Cooper's expertise. He was MUCH more knowledgeable than your laughable assertions attempt to manipulate reality to indicate. More garbage from you.
Um, no. He was trained in the use and operation of space craft after a stint as a pilot.
Which in no way makes him "expert" in cutting edge technology.

I can show you dozens of videos that clearly display it in action.
No you can't. You can show a number of videos with a very fuzzy subject.
TR-3b does not exist. Neither does Aurora or most of the other types claimed by, among others, Boylan.
EndLightEnd: You of all people should understand the NEED to refute idiots that claim they "know it all" when it comes to reality in general.

You clearly didn't read what I posted;

"Oh, the Irony!

UFOs are reported when the observer sees something that does not fit alongside their expected world view! UFOs are a product of the observer's experience, therefore!"

So it's UFO observers who think they understand reality so well that what they observe cannot possibly have a mundane explanation!

UFOlogists decide what is outside our reality.

Skeptics just look at the evidence.
Um, no. He was trained in the use and operation of space craft after a stint as a pilot.
Which in no way makes him "expert" in cutting edge technology.

No you can't. You can show a number of videos with a very fuzzy subject.
TR-3b does not exist. Neither does Aurora or most of the other types claimed by, among others, Boylan.

Your assertions are laughable and completely without foundation . If you can't accept that, it's your slight, or defficiency, not anyone elses.

You will come on this forum, without one single shred of evidence, and claim that this or that does not exist, but evidence that clearly points to a greater probability and likelihood of the TR-3B's existence, you deny that and dismiss it as being very fuzzy or unacceptable. That's a joke Sir, and that joke is on you.

This is NOT "fuzzy" nor is it poor quality nor is it a hoax as evidenced by great photographic scientific scrutiny.

Nor is this:

Then we have your nonexistent Aurora as refernced:


and here:,9171,975600,00.html

or here:

Time to wake up. Time to get real and get with it. Of course there will be GREAT amounts of disinformation and secrecy. The military is not going run an ad campaign on national television. It's just very hard to pull that type of secrecy off nowadays because of the advent of the video camera and long range photography.
This is NOT "fuzzy" nor is it poor quality nor is it a hoax as evidenced by great photographic scientific scrutiny.

That is clearly a fake. The object moves out of view occasionally, but why? It's smooth movement, not camera shake, and the camera is clearly on a tripod, so why does the guy over zoom and lose his target?

Why is there no commentary? Where are we? What time is it? Who is present? Why is this the only video? Why does the craft rotate exactly like a 3D model does?

There's no supporting info at YouTube either, I know you want to believe, but come on, why was this guy filming the sky? What lead him to be where he was? Why is this so heavily edited?
That is clearly a fake. The object moves out of view occasionally, but why? It's smooth movement, not camera shake, and the camera is clearly on a tripod, so why does the guy over zoom and lose his target?

Why is there no commentary? Where are we? What time is it? Who is present? Why is this the only video? Why does the craft rotate exactly like a 3D model does?

There's no supporting info at YouTube either, I know you want to believe, but come one, why was this guy filming the sky? What lead him to be where he was? Why is this so heavily edited?

Those are silly curiosities at best. You could ask the same questions, raising the same exact uncertainties no matter what you were looking at.

Why is it not perfect? Why is the person filming not a professional photographer?, why is the video black and white? Why is the camera pointed at the sky???

If you don't have a clear understanding of photographic scrutiny, why even bother?

Doubt is meaningless and is certainly no evidence of REAL skepticism.
This is a stunningly detailed (although narrow in scope and relatively short in length) perspective on the history of the possible (more than likely) development of the Aurora aircraft.

It cracks me up that people are doubtful as to this aircraft's possible development and use. To call it out and out right Science Fiction is ridiculous, and indeed, somewhat an insult to good Science Fiction. The B-2, F-117, F-22 & F-35 are all AMAZING accomplishments that were "black" with respect to development and common public acknowledgment for between 20 & 30 years prior to their common use. The flying wing aircraft (B-2) was developed as early as the 60s! Both of these stunning pieces of technology have mind blowing technical performance and instrumentation capabilities.

60s years ago, in the mainstream scientific community, they were just as denied and scoffed at as the more than possible Aurora and certainly the speculative and mysterious TR-3B is now. It's just more of the stubborn ego hard at work wrestling with itself in an effort to justify an imaginary threat to it's own survival.
This is NOT "fuzzy" nor is it poor quality nor is it a hoax as evidenced by great photographic scientific scrutiny.

Since there's no reason to believe you wouldn't lead off with what you consider the most convincing or compelling video, I see no reason to waste time looking at the rest. This one barely had entertainment value and I thought it was very creative. The creator of the video deserves some credit for his work and I think that amateur cinematographers are under-appreciated. So hats off to him.

The video was extremely "fuzzy" of poor quality, so I'm not sure why you would say otherwise. Clearly, however, this was the amateur cinematographer's goal since it gives the whole "Blair Witch Project"/shaky cam/amateur focus impression.

It's clearly a hoax, but, by all means, leave us a citation to this, "great photographic scientific scrutiny" you claim exists in the quote above.