The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
Just the facts SkinWalker old boy. It's not about me. It's about the experts who's testimony conflicts with your incorrect assertions. Period. Nothing grandiose about me or my feelings about myself whatsoever. You are simply wrong and are AFRAID to admit it.

Actually, this thread has become all about you and the woo-woo in general. It's been hijacked some time ago, I'm afraid.

That you continue to participate is fascinating and testament to the veracity of the "deconstruction of the woo-woo" I provided as well as the pschological motivations of the proponants of pseudoscientific and crank ideas.

Fascinating, too, is the continued appeal to authority you exhibit, in spite of this being shown to be logically fallacious time and again -it simply doesn't follow, logically, that because one is considered "expert" (and I use the inverted commas with no hesitation given some of the individuals you consider to be "expert" in their "fields) in a given "field," that he/she is, therefore, beyond reproach and question regarding extraordinary claims.

To the gentle reader, stumbling on this thread from Google or elsewhere, let me point out that this is a characteristic of the woo-woo and the proponent of pseudoscientific ideas in general. Indeed, you'll find this characteristic (continued appeals to fallacious sources as well as other logical fallacies) in their arguments.

Often, they'll even consider themselves to be "philosophers" and "thinking out of the box," but the end result is much the same: they lack the critical thinking and logical reasoning to make unbiased observations or present unbiased opinions. Indeed, they consistently rebuke and refuse to accept logical argumentation and critical thought with regard to their speculations.

Many woo-woos have no problem applying the standard of reason or critical thought on ideas that aren't precious to their belief systems, but they will never admit the possibility of being wrong when it comes to their preconceived conclusions.

This is called confirmation bias: they accept any data that is supportive -even if that data cannot be verified -even if that data is mere anecdote- but they will routinely, and consistently ignore data that is contrary to, in conflict with, or critical of their core beliefs. They might as well be religious crackpots in this regard.
Sir, I know you most likely paid that kid next to you for the answers to your homework each day, but I'm all done doing yours for you. Learn how to use Google and either disprove me or learn something for a change.

This, too, is a typical and expected response from the woo-woo when his claims are criticized.

The woo-woo makes a claim.

The reasoned and logical question it.

The woo-woo responds with, "learn to use google," or "do your own research," or "what am I, your research assistant."

Sometimes all three.

The woo-woo in his natural habitat. This is a treat for us all.
I'm not into 3rd grade name calling Sir SkinWalker. You haven't had much of anything worthwhile to say since you first started participating in this thread, but to revert to childish name calling? Nothing like waving a big white flag to let everyone know just how done you are eh? UFOs are obviously beyond your scope of limited reason and communication skills. I will just ignore you from this point on as you have pretty much reverted to a typical boring troll. I do however appreciate your little troupe allowing me the opportunity to best provide ample evidence to the effect that UFOs can indeed be partly attributed to non human technology and understanding.
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Yea your guys arguments have pretty much broken down to calling people who believe UFOs are real woo-woos. You admit possible military presence, but its IMPOSSIBLE the military has developed this technology...(foolish)

You havent touched the expert testimony problem except for that long BS post which supposedly is telling us how expert testimony can't be trusted only when concerning UFOs. I say that only because expert testimony is heavily relied upon in almost every other field.

So lets stop with the name calling ok? Im pretty sure its having the opposite effect of what you intended.
What you two consider to be "name-calling" is simply referring to a spade-as-a-spade. I didn't simply pull out a pejorative reference or resort to the "moron" and "idiot" labels (which at least one of you has already used on this forum).

Instead, I carefully and academically qualified and quantified the label I've used with your regard.

This thread is no longer one that is capable of discussing "the thing about UFOs" on any intellectual or academic level. You've each stipulated that you're not interested in logic or reason (in spite of one you being a complete and utter liar (I hope you don't see this additional spade as more "name-calling (I also hope you don't mind parentheses))).

For each logical or rational argument used by the reasoned side of the thread, the irrational have refused or otherwise failed to address the criticisms and questions.

Instead, we get dodgeball-style argumentation which continues to apply fallacy after fallacy.

So, the only thing left to discuss is the woo nature of "significance-junkies" and "mystery-mongers."

Here's a good example of a UFO woo that was once discussed on this forum: Prophet Yahweh. It turns out the guy was releasing weather balloons via an accomplice!
Sir, I know you most likely paid that kid next to you for the answers to your homework each day,
The problem with ad hominems is that they only work if they have an element of truth in them. Since I a) would routinely help classmates with homework for nothing and b) was so boringly honest I once made a friend return some merchandise he had shoplifted, you will understand that this attempt to insult me found no purchase whatsoever.
..... but I'm all done doing yours for you. Learn how to use Google and either disprove me or learn something for a change.
You are the one who made the claim that the individuals on your list were said to be cranks and crackpots by their peers. It is the accepted convention on forums such as this that the one making the claim has to provide evidence for it.
If you fail to provide this evidence it will be apparent to all observers that your claims were faulty and unfounded.

I think SkinWalker has previously commented on this, but your ability to sustain an argument, deliver a logical sequence of thought, follow any of the rules of debate, display reasonable critical thinking, or all sadly lacking. I find myself wondering if this is due to lack of education, lack of intellect, or some other lack.

Now please cut the crap and provide evidence to support your contentions.
Nope, I absolutely and unequivocally WON the argument about some UFOs being non human technology.

No you didn't. That's just more prose.

NO ONE here can factually refute expert testimony. You MUST in order to deny it.

More prose. IF you had 'won the argument' you'd have proof. If you had proof, there would be no argument. Ergo, the fact that you are arguing proves you are debating an unprovable, and cannot 'win'.

Testimony means nothing, btw. People see the Virgin Mary all the time, but I'm still a skeptic there, for instance. That is why science is blind.
Well, really a few people have built flying saucers, even the military, a private company built the chriscraft.

Because of that simple fact, flying saucers do exist .

There are all kinds of flying sauces that have been built, so the truth is out there, and that can not be denied.

Well, really a few people have built flying saucers, even the military, a private company built the chriscraft.

Because of that simple fact, flying saucers do exist .

There are all kinds of flying sauces that have been built, so the truth is out there, and that can not be denied.


What has this got to do with anything Dwayne?

Nobody denies that governments test secret military aircraft.

But to conflate that with Extraterrestrials is dishonest.

Now go fling some more sauce.
Then what about flying saucers made by men? (were not just discussing aliens here, but you guys have made it that way so you can call us "woo woos")

Nobody is refuting that experimental aircraft have been created and flown.

We are refuting any link between these and aliens, however.
Just so you know Oli, no one ever expressed that there was. Get it right if you're going to "get it" at all.

Liar! You made a direct indication that there were experts on aliens - how else could they know about alien technology:

"Nope, I absolutely and unequivocally WON the argument about some UFOs being non human technology. NO ONE here can factually refute expert testimony. You MUST in order to deny it. Most assuredly. Incidentally, my post is right on topic and was a direct response to Oph. Blame him."

Poor, stupid mindless creature!:bugeye:
Liar! You made a direct indication that there were experts on aliens - how else could they know about alien technology:

"Nope, I absolutely and unequivocally WON the argument about some UFOs being non human technology. NO ONE here can factually refute expert testimony. You MUST in order to deny it. Most assuredly. Incidentally, my post is right on topic and was a direct response to Oph. Blame him."

Poor, stupid mindless creature!:bugeye:

Listen your ass holiness, the expert testimony is based on the observation of non human technology you fecking retard. GET IT RIGHT! No one has to be an expert on Aliens, or Bugs Bunny cartoons for all it matters, to make that legitimate claim. The man just had to be an expert on what was cutting edge human engineered and developed flight/space travel based technology at that time. Read-Only, I'm sorry but you are pathetic. Can't you get your irrational ass under control? Quit drinking at 10:00am and you might stand a chance. I know that sounds mean, but dude, you got a SERIOUS problem.