The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
Oh boo hoo. He's better off without your opinion anyway.

Says you? The greatest known LIAR!! on the forums????

And that's not just my opinion but that of SEVERAL others as well. Actually, it's not just opinion - you've proven it to be a fact, Mr. "collage" boy.
I don't believe I've EVER told you to "go read a book." See? It's just that kind of thrashing around that you do that makes it practically impossible to reason with you or teach you anything. You're just like a little kid that keeps asking "why" without even having understood the previous answer.

I NEVER said you told me to go "read a book". I just stated thats what your normal response is to most people, am I wrong? Quit twisting my words.

And I would hardly call what I said "thrashing" in comparison to how Ive seen you rip into other people on this forum, now I can add myself to the list.

I keep asking "why" because you have yet to provide a single answer. You have made NO conjectures of your own, you have contributed NOTHING productive to this discussion. You have only told other people they are wrong, without going into ANY detail as to why, other than "they are gullible fools."

No - I'm not one of your teachers nor parents. In fact, I (and others here!!) have given you MANY explanations of various things already and you just aren't bright enough to grasp them.

And Im glad your neither.

But you lie, you have not provided ONE explanation, even after multiple attempts. You are afraid to commit to the subject beyond, "its a natural phenomena, but I dont know what".

So at least say you dont know whats causing the phenomena instead of denying it outright. But your ego is a little to big for that I would think...
UFO's have been seen by astronomers, pilots (military, private, airline, etc), police, etc. People of all professions. They have been seen by millions of people as they flew over Japan, New Zealand and other countries. .

With all the quality consumer electronics in Japan I would expect some quality footage to be available to back up your claim.

Please link to it therefore.
With all the quality consumer electronics in Japan I would expect some quality footage to be available to back up your claim.

Please link to it therefore.

There are some good videos there, showing UFOs moving behind buildings and such (

But I have a feeling none of this will be good enough for you.

Apparently what is needed for people to believe this is either a functional UFO or a dead alien.
Ok if you have any common sense then you realize that UFOs are real and are everywhere. Thousands of sightings every year now from the common laymen to highly experienced pilots to astronauts.


You are really wasting your time. If we had proof of their identities, then it would not be "Unidentified".

For whatever reason, U.S. government/military has the ability to keep the identity a secret. But what about rest of the world. Not much coming out of them.

What if UFOs are using Earth space as a transit point. In that case, unless we intercept them, we would not know anything.

Based on the eye accounts of the Roswell incident, I think, some UFOs are from our future...just a hunch....

As to Earth technologies, I can design UFO propulsion easily, as any electrical engineer worth their degree. The catch is the high energy but light weight power plant. Perhaps a nuclear battery might be used. I need a 50 MW PP that weighs say 4000 to 6000 Lbs. Until then...we can dream...

There are some good videos there, showing UFOs moving behind buildings and such (

But I have a feeling none of this will be good enough for you.

Fakes, and the usual out of focus, blurry dots of light. Good to see the old 'Sony Iris' UFO footage, .... dude, that lozenge shaped 'ufo', the Istanbul one, that is am image artefact from a point source of light, casting a lozenge shaped image onto the CCD of a Sony camcorder. It's that shape because the Iris inside the camera mechanics is a simple lozenge shape, not a multi element one.

Also, the first video, the camera is clearly stationary, ... why was that area being filmed, from a fixed pov? I am slightly suspicious that the fixed pov makes editing the 'ufo' in easier.

If you stand by fakes, and image artefacts, it makes you look sad and gullible.

So, like I said, quality UFO videos, from reputable sources, if you can.

Oh, I just poked around that site some more. They even have bits of the 'alien autopsy' film. You do know that was a fake perpetrated by Ray Santilli, right?
Guys, PLEASE, do not honor these MR./MRS. Wizard wannabes with intelligent responses. The Read-Only guy has proven one thing. He is irrational, overly emotional and most likely, a drunkard quite down on his luck. Don't waste your time allowing these bozos to badger you. The world was FULL of the same ilk that went around claiming that science had long since proved that the world was flat and that everybody that felt different was a liar. Blah, blah blah, fuckin' blah. Or better put, bleat, bleat, bleat we think like a sheepish dancer with two left feet.

It's funny though that so far NOT ONE of these goofs have provided substantial reason to doubt the mountains of REAL evidence that support UFOs. Not one. Just weak kneed debate. Lame.
Don't waste your time allowing these bozos to badger you. The world was FULL of the same ilk that went around claiming that science had long since proved that the world was flat and that everybody that felt different was a liar.
Hi there electrafixtion. How are you. Quite new hear I see so welcome.
I'm interested in the claim you have made here. As I understand it, you are saying that at one time scientists, or what passed for scientists back then, believe the world was flat. I'm not well versed in 'Flat Earthism' or whatever you want to call it, but I didn't think that was the case. Could you give me a link or some other way of confirming that idea.
Thanks in advance.
Guys, PLEASE, do not honor these MR./MRS. Wizard wannabes with intelligent responses. The Read-Only guy has proven one thing. He is irrational, overly emotional and most likely, a drunkard quite down on his luck. Don't waste your time allowing these bozos to badger you. The world was FULL of the same ilk that went around claiming that science had long since proved that the world was flat and that everybody that felt different was a liar. Blah, blah blah, fuckin' blah. Or better put, bleat, bleat, bleat we think like a sheepish dancer with two left feet.

It's funny though that so far NOT ONE of these goofs have provided substantial reason to doubt the mountains of REAL evidence that support UFOs. Not one. Just weak kneed debate. Lame.

Quite the contrary - I'm none of those things.

You, on the other hand are obviously just a little dumb jerk of a kid. I'd be willing to bet you're not a single day older than 21 and most probably not even that.

Care to prove me wrong on that point?

I didn't think so.
It's funny though that so far NOT ONE of these goofs have provided substantial reason to doubt the mountains of REAL evidence that support UFOs. Not one. Just weak kneed debate. Lame.

Dude, above, I explained that the lozenged shaped 'UFO' was an image artefact from the Iris from Sony Camcorders, but you ignored that.

I also pointed out that the site that hosted the video EndlightEnd linked to, also had video of the Ray Santilli 'Alien Autopsy' video, which he has admitted was a fake.

Now, unless you yourself start debunking some of the fakes, you just look like someone who is desperate to believe, and who lacks critical thinking.

Show us some quality evidence, not just a link that contains a bunch of fakes.

Also, what do you mean by 'UFO', don't hide behind the term. Do you mean Extra Terrestrial Craft, or possible secret aircraft. I don't doubt for a minute the latter are being tested and occasionally witnessed by people. I have huge doubts that the former are seen however. Seeing the latter does not increase the likelyhood of the former, so we do need to separate the phenomena into natural/man made/extra terrestrial sources.
It's funny though that so far NOT ONE of these goofs have provided substantial reason to doubt the mountains of REAL evidence that support UFOs. Not one. Just weak kneed debate. Lame.

You know what those of on the anti-alien side of this thing this ie REALLY funny? It's how easily you true-believer accept flimsy stuff as "evidence."

You are identical to bunch of little kids watching a magician on stage - and you sit there going, "Ohhhhh...Eeeeeee... Wow!" and take it all as real.

All you have to do to convince us otherwise is show where a panel (just three or four members would be plently) of respected scientists share your views.

But you cannot do that. Why is it that you can't??
Why is it that you can't??

Because there is no evidence. Weve established that... Stop beating a dead horse.

Im glad phlog acknowledged that black-budget projects could be responsible for UFO sightings. Read on the other hand is still in out right denial.

And for the record, I think that alien autopsy video is bullshit also.
People who claim they have seen UFO's are just "stirring the pot" to get attention and get their 15 minutes of fame for nothing. Funny that there were never "sightings" of UFO's during the 1800's anywhere in the world. I wonder why not back then but only recently? All a bunch of stories and lies just to excite people and sell books and other related material. :( :rolleyes:
People who claim they have seen UFO's are just "stirring the pot" to get attention and get their 15 minutes of fame for nothing. Funny that there were never "sightings" of UFO's during the 1800's anywhere in the world. I wonder why not back then but only recently? All a bunch of stories and lies just to excite people and sell books and other related material. :( :rolleyes:

In ancient history UFOs are depicted in many cultures around the world...

Im pretty sure they werent selling books back then.
And for the record, I think that alien autopsy video is bullshit also.

Only think?

I knew it was bullshit as soon as I read about it. It rang alarm bells for many journalists, and if you read the right sources, Santilli was quickly exposed, as he'd previously tried to sell newspapers other sensational stories.

This was no different, and he has since admitted the fraud. Now, if you don't acknowledge this as a fraud, it make what else you do acknowledge look questionable too. You have to clean house, and only proffer good evidence, not just offer up a hundredweight of BS.
Ok, I acknowledge that particular video as fraud.

And its not really the videos that sell me on the UFO thing, its the thousands of sightings from around the world every year. Not everyone has a camera on them at all times.

Im not sure if they are ET in nature, but I do know they are at least man made.
Read on the other hand is still in out right denial.

Not true, he said;

Read-Only said:
You know what those of on the anti-alien side of this thing ...

Anti-alien. Not anti black budget. I doubt Read subscribes to some hypothesis that the SR71 and F-117 were not developed secretly.

I think Read, as I do, thinks that people who use the term 'UFO' do so dishonestly, and really mean extra terrestrial craft. We need to separate the phenomena.
And its not really the videos that sell me on the UFO thing, its the thousands of sightings from around the world every year. Not everyone has a camera on them at all times.

And what of the miracles attributed to, and the sightings of the Virgin Mary?

Loch Ness monster?

People 'see' a lot of stuff. Human perception isn't perfect, in fact, eye witness testimony quite unreliable.

That's why we need recorded events. With the prevalence of higher quality personal recording equipment, and it becoming ubiquitous, in cellphones, PDA's etc, I expect to see these phenomena recorded for examination, and in increasingly better quality.

But that isn't happening.

Also, like I said, a large volume of crap doesn't add up to anything. We need good, reliable sources of data, that actually demonstrate flight. We NEVER see that. Instead we get blurry dots of light, camera shake, lost focus, no foreground or background objects for reference of size, heading etc.
In ancient history UFOs are depicted in many cultures around the world...

Im pretty sure they werent selling books back then.

I stated during the 1800's or didn't you read what I said? There was ample opportunity for any UFO to be reported during the 1800's but none ever were, why not, when newspapers, photography and magazines were available to everyone around the world to show off the UFO's but alas none ever were.
We need to separate the phenomena.

Well I did in my poll didnt I?

I separated the two because I acknowledge it could be either both or just one of the two.

But it MUST be either US, or ETs. For me there is no other explanation. If there is a better explanation I am all ears.