The Thing about UFOs...

Origin of UFOs

  • Extraterrestrials

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Man-made

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
Dude, above, I explained that the lozenged shaped 'UFO' was an image artefact from the Iris from Sony Camcorders, but you ignored that.

I also pointed out that the site that hosted the video EndlightEnd linked to, also had video of the Ray Santilli 'Alien Autopsy' video, which he has admitted was a fake.

Now, unless you yourself start debunking some of the fakes, you just look like someone who is desperate to believe, and who lacks critical thinking.

Show us some quality evidence, not just a link that contains a bunch of fakes.

Also, what do you mean by 'UFO', don't hide behind the term. Do you mean Extra Terrestrial Craft, or possible secret aircraft. I don't doubt for a minute the latter are being tested and occasionally witnessed by people. I have huge doubts that the former are seen however. Seeing the latter does not increase the likelyhood of the former, so we do need to separate the phenomena into natural/man made/extra terrestrial sources.

If we (as in the general public) perceive an object as flying, ANY other definition is moot. That's the problem here. It's people like you that feebly attempt to discredit the legitimate phenomenon, based on your opinion rather than any substantial facts, that make the UFO controversy so obvious. You abound in nonobjective clique mentality. You completely IGNORE the tremendous body of more than legitimate evidential testimony as presented by extremely credible scientists/pilots/astronauts, etc. and submit your own OPINIONS as if it were actual "fact of the matter" reality. That's BULLSHIT, "dude". Give credit where credit is due. Gordon Cooper was no crack pot hack seeking attention as some are implying here. That's out and outright slander.

Why would you attempt in such a childish manner to muddy the factual waters with a deliberate attempt to associate Gordon Cooper's testimony with that retarded Alien Autopsy film? Just because a site that has MANY numerous contributers to it's data base, has a copy of that obvious fraud on it, what the heck does that prove? Absolutely NOTHING with respect to Cooper's testimony which you are about as qualified to refute as The Town Clown.

Read Coloring Books: I have given you several very real clues as to my age in the last three posts that I made on this forum. I know that you are quick to make overtly emotionally colored judgments, but I would have thought that even you would have picked up on these. But alas I am certain you're convinced that I am 16 years old and that this is all just more conspiratorial effort on my behalf to cover up my age. You "true believers", you're all the same.:rolleyes:
Read Coloring Books: I have given you several very real clues as to my age in the last three posts that I made on this forum. I know that you are quick to make overtly emotionally colored judgments, but I would have thought that even you would have picked up on these. But alas I am certain you're convinced that I am 16 years old and that this is all just more conspiratorial effort on my behalf to cover up my age. You "true believers", you're all the same.:rolleyes:

I honestly do not care what either you or the calendar says your age is. The fact that you act and have the mentality of a 16-year-old is what's clear and what matters on that particular slice of things.

And can show me where I have EVER denied that any or many of the sightings could have well been testing of secret aircraft????????????:mad: Either put up or shut up!! I've no doubt at all as to that being what some of the more believable sightings have been.

And note this carefully: my second paragraph ties back in with my first one above. Only a young child, such as yourself, would make the stupid leap that you did in ASSUMING that I also discounted such aircraft.:bugeye:

Are you catching on yet, kid????? Like I said, don't drop out of school because you've still got a LOT to learn.
And can show me where I have EVER denied that any or many of the sightings could have well been testing of secret aircraft????????????:mad:

So your vote was for man-made then heh? Well that is the FIRST clue you have given yet about your stance on the issue.

You must be a gullible fool! You believe in UFOs!:p
I stated during the 1800's or didn't you read what I said? There was ample opportunity for any UFO to be reported during the 1800's but none ever were, why not, when newspapers, photography and magazines were available to everyone around the world to show off the UFO's but alas none ever were.

I read what you said, but if UFOs have been a part of history since the beginning of civilization, does it really matter if no one saw them in the 1800's?
People have been seeing them for THOUSANDS of years. Seems like a moot point.

Probably back then (as it is now) people were just scared to come forward because of persecution.
So your vote was for man-made then heh? Well that is the FIRST clue you have given yet about your stance on the issue.

You must be a gullible fool! You believe in UFOs!:p

First clue about my stance??? Haven't been paying attention, have you?

And now you're being just plain childishly silly. I've said OFTEN ENOUGH that even you couldn't have missed it - people are constantly seeing things in the sky that they can't identify. And I even stated I saw two myself.

Silly, silly child.

Why don't you just back away from the computer and go watch TV a while? But be careful and don't watch anything educational - you might accidentally learn something and, if you did, you'd discover just how ignorant you've been.
And now you're being just plain childishly silly. I've said OFTEN ENOUGH that even you couldn't have missed it - people are constantly seeing things in the sky that they can't identify. And I even stated I saw two myself.

No shit sherlock. My point was that was the first time you acknowledged it could be top secret aircraft. Try to prove me wrong.

Before you just attributed it to "gullible fools".

Silly silly old man.
I didnt realize top secret aircraft were "a combination of man-made and natural phenomenon", thats a new one to me!

Which also happens to be "the ONLY choice [he'd] accept". So nice try Oli. Im sure Read appreciates you sticking up for him but he can do it himself.
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I didnt realize top secret aircraft were "a combination of man-made objects and natural phenomenon", thats a new one to me!
A combination of choices: man made AND natural phenomena are what, in Read's opnion, constitute the real answer.
Not a man-made-natural object.

Which also happens to be "the ONLY choice [he'd] accept". So nice try Oli.
Now THAT is just downright silly.
Your opinion poll requires us to select ONE choice from four - that's the way YOU set it up.
And now you're complaining that someone's being, what, short-sighted?, for suggesting that it could be more than just one single explanation?
Exactly what constitutes a man-made natural phenomena? (isnt that an oxymoron?)

This is new to me, hence I did not include it in the poll.

But this is my point, he has been so VAGUE, this is the first time he has OPENLY ADMITTED it MAY BE top secret aircraft. Prove me wrong.
You still don't get it.
It's EITHER man made OR it's a natural phenomenon (depending on the particular occurence), but you only allow ONE selection, so you should have put the combined choice on the poll.
I.e: the explanation for THIS one is that it's actually a misinterprteted natural phenomenon, whereas THIS one is a genuine man made UFO.
You really think it was vague?
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No shit sherlock. My point was that was the first time you acknowledged it could be top secret aircraft. Try to prove me wrong.

Ha! That's easy enough. You really DON'T pay attention, do you?

My very first post in this thread, go and read it if you want:

"“ Originally Posted by EndLightEnd
What other options are there then? Youve not presented any. ”

I'll give you one - and the reason I haven't voted in your silly poll is because it's not there and it's the ONLY choice I'd accept: a combination of man-made and natural phenomenon.
Of course UFOs are real - there are lots of things seen that aren't identified. But to carry it to YOUR illogical conclusion with no evidence whatsoever is pretty brainless."

Seriously - are you really so dense and brain-dead that you fail to understand that "man-made" would automatically include tests of secret military aircraft??? The Skunkworks and similar installations in other countries have been doing that for DECADES!

Before you just attributed it to "gullible fools".

Silly silly old man.

Stupid, stupid, stupid young punk kid!!!
Exactly what constitutes a man-made natural phenomena? (isnt that an oxymoron?)

This is new to me, hence I did not include it in the poll.

But this is my point, he has been so VAGUE, this is the first time he has OPENLY ADMITTED it MAY BE top secret aircraft. Prove me wrong.

Stupid to the core!!!! Doesn't even understand plain English, either.:bugeye:

I've proven you wrong on your first statement (that I never mentioned it before) and the very clear usage of English proves that you also can't even read properly.

NOW - let's have a public apology, please! And see if you are capable of making it sound convincing...
I would swear some of you guys are married to each other the way you bicker, lol..

So it's 21 to 5 in favour that there is definitely something out of the ordinary going on.
Good to see.
I said you never mentioned top secret aircraft; That was my claim. Do I detect a hint of senility?

Here it is again so you can READ IT REALLY CAREFULLY...

My point was that was the first time you acknowledged it could be top secret aircraft. Try to prove me wrong.

You are straying from the initial challenge which was find a post where you acknowledged it could be top secret aircraft. Can you do that? Or are you incapable of reading? (man-made does NOT IMPLY top-secret aircraft, what about weather balloons huh? so dont call me an idiot because of your lack of clarity)

Ill answer for you, you have never explicitly said ANYTHING; until recently.
So how can you prove me wrong if you didnt understand the initial challenge? No wonder you have to resort to name calling.

Seriously - are you really so dense and brain-dead that you fail to understand that "man-made" would automatically include tests of secret military aircraft???

Then what the hell do you mean a COMBINATION of man-made and natural phenomena? Quit being vague. Lets get to specifics shall we?
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I said you never mentioned top secret aircraft; That was my claim. Do I detect a hint of senility?

Here it is again so you can READ IT REALLY CAREFULLY...

You are straying from the initial challenge which was find a post where you acknowledged it could be top secret aircraft. Can you do that? Or are you incapable of reading? (man-made does NOT IMPLY top-secret aircraft, what about weather balloons huh? so dont call me an idiot because of your lack of clarity)

Ill answer for you, you have never explicitly said ANYTHING; until recently.
So how can you prove me wrong if you didnt understand the initial challenge? No wonder you have to resort to name calling.

Then what the hell do you mean a COMBINATION of man-made and natural phenomena? Quit being vague. Lets get to specifics shall we?

Obviously you cannot understand plain English. Now I'm wondering if you are even over 10 years old.:confused:

What a dummy! Seems others understand it with no problem at all. So I have to wonder - just exactly who's fault is it that YOU don't???????? Eh??????

Again - you cannot understand what "combination" means? Some of this and some of that? Man, that IS stupid beyond all belief!!! You've absolutely got to be the DUMBEST kid I have ever come across (and that's saying a LOT).

No wonder you believe ETs are flying things around.:bugeye: Sheesh!!!!!
Again - you cannot understand what "combination" means? Some of this and some of that? Man, that IS stupid beyond all belief!!! You've absolutely got to be the DUMBEST kid I have ever come across (and that's saying a LOT).

You really are dense, of course I know what a combination of something is.
What I want to know is according to you what combination of man-made and natural phenomena causes UFOs?

Once again youve managed to throw some more baseless insults into the mix, and avoided the question yet again! Im beginning to think you are avoiding these on purpose! But why would someone who is so comfortable with their stance on the subject blatantly avoid an honest question? Especially a question asking for clarification on a point YOU made. I just want to know what you mean by a COMBINATION of man-made and natural phenomena. Specifics are not your forte I guess.

And you still have not provided any proof that ANYWHERE you have EVER mentioned top secret aircraft. But we both know thats not coming.
You really are dense, of course I know what a combination of something is.
What I want to know is according to you what combination of man-made and natural phenomena causes UFOs?

Once again youve managed to throw some more baseless insults into the mix, and avoided the question yet again! Im beginning to think you are avoiding these on purpose! But why would someone who is so comfortable with their stance on the subject blatantly avoid an honest question? Especially a question asking for clarification on a point YOU made. I just want to know what you mean by a COMBINATION of man-made and natural phenomena. Specifics are not your forte I guess.

And you still have not provided any proof that ANYWHERE you have EVER mentioned top secret aircraft. But we both know thats not coming.

Is there absolutely NO end to your stupidity???? I gave you the answer to what a "combination" is - some of this and some of that!

If your mother said to you, "Hey, kid - come to this window and look at the combination of redbirds and bluebirds on our lawn" would you not be smart enough to expect to see SOME bluebirds and SOME redbirds together? (Well, considering it's you, I suppose you wouldn't - you'd probably expect to see nothing but sparrows.):rolleyes:

OK, that's it. You don't even have the intelligence of a rock. Tell us the truth: did you once have an accident that caused your brain to be deprived of oxygen for over three minutes? I sure hope so - you need some believable excuse for being so dumb!!
Is there absolutely NO end to your stupidity???? I gave you the answer to what a "combination" is - some of this and some of that!

I specifically asked for specifics.

So in your opinion, SPECIFICALLY WHAT COMBINATION OF NATURAL PHENOMENA AND MAN-MADE OBJECTS ACCOUNT FOR UFOs? (sorry for the caps but you seem unable to read. maybe the large type will help your eyes)

No doubt you will avoid the question yet AGAIN and INSULT me needlessly in the process, and if you do, its time for the ignore list. Ive had enough of this.
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I specifically asked for specifics.

So in your opinion, SPECIFICALLY WHAT COMBINATION OF NATURAL PHENOMENA AND MAN-MADE OBJECTS ACCOUNT FOR UFOs? (sorry for the caps but you seem unable to read. maybe the large type will help your eyes)

No doubt you will avoid the question yet AGAIN, and if you do, its time for the ignore list. Ive had enough of this.

See, you're not even smart enough to understand plain English OR a perfectly good analogy. I gave you VERY good specifics and you cannot even comprehend them.

Fine - put me on ignore, there are plenty of other intelligent people here who will continue to rip you to shreds just as I did. (Assuming they aren't already ignoring you.)