WOW......i believe in intelligence life outside our solar system, but my coleague thinks its impossible because there has not been a significant contact with humans. Now, judging by the absolute gullability and stupidity of the majority of human beings, why would anyone want to visit......Do you guys seriously believe that a president will just start killing people and gassing them while the world is already watching. After the Warmongering west actually said they would invade why would Assad actually do it.....DO YOU GUYS HAVE BRAINS, AFTER THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION FARCE and Cl Gadaffi using mustard Gas.....SERIOUSLY???? U actually have a Syrian telling you that nobody supports the "Revolution" and your are not satisfied because the human cancer of mass stupidity. You have never once seen this scam from another point of view other than that of the rebels (with thier machine guns) saying they are killing us. In America u will get killed just for walking near Area 51...if 100 people attempted to access Area 51 they will be killed. I......HAVE....NO....FAITH....IN.....MAN