The Soviet Union and North Korea Prove that Atheism is Bad

A coincidence. If you needed to build a pyramid for your king to spend the afterlife in, you needed to find a way to do it. I'm not denying that religion played a part in scientific advancements. As a matter of fact, there's obviously something to this whole religion thing, as it has appeared in every civilization in the history of mankind, but I think it merely speaks to our desire to find answers. See, religion is never the reason we make advancements, it is often the reason we don't.

not true. consider that the religions of the world were essentially the governments at one time. basically all "big" money spent was controlled by religion. so what it really comes down to is who was funding the research. again as i demonstrated earlier economic but, controlled by the church. so in reality much of everything that was created/discovered up until.... guessing here 200 years ago? was done for divine purposes. with out the churches and religions of our history who knows if any of that stuff would have occurred. all we can do is guess because we cannot change the past. also consider that the church based organizations interest in improving human life has led to some of the most ambitious funding in medicine and continues to be so. also add that some of the greatest thinkers in history were monks. see they had the money to able to do nothing but think all day. in fact the very person that discovered the process that Darwin theorized with natural selection was the monk Gregor Mendel the father of genetics. so to suggest that religion quells science is nothing but bunk.
please dont get me wrong im not trying to covert people here. just trying to reduce the vicious misconceptions.

making some of these statements is nothing short of the hate spouted by the "master race"
not true. consider that the religions of the world were essentially the governments at one time. basically all "big" money spent was controlled by religion. so what it really comes down to is who was funding the research. again as i demonstrated earlier economic but, controlled by the church. so in reality much of everything that was created/discovered up until.... guessing here 200 years ago? was done for divine purposes. with out the churches and religions of our history who knows if any of that stuff would have occurred. all we can do is guess because we cannot change the past. also consider that the church based organizations interest in improving human life has led to some of the most ambitious funding in medicine and continues to be so. also add that some of the greatest thinkers in history were monks. see they had the money to able to do nothing but think all day. in fact the very person that discovered the process that Darwin theorized with natural selection was the monk Gregor Mendel the father of genetics. so to suggest that religion quells science is nothing but bunk.

I'll try to point-by-point you here without multi-quoting. I find it tiring.

1) Just because religions controlled governments does not mean that all (or even any) of the advancements in that society were done for divine purposes. That would be crediting priests and politicians for the ideas of scientists and thinkers. It's just not the case. These people came to the leaders for the funding, not the other way around. No priest went to a scientist and said "Hey...go discover plastic for me. And when you're done with that, I had this neat idea about the genome...". Doesn't work that way, pal.

2) Without churches and religions, imagine how much further along we would be. Remember, there was a time when you could be killed for denying God, and if you proposed an idea that was considered anti-theistic, you were condemned. Religious institutions are ALWAYS behind the curve on scientific matters, so when they are the ones calling the shots, science suffers.

3) Faith-based organizations may help, but they have no interest in improving human life. They are bandaids, nothing more. Feeding the poor does not give the poor the means to feed themselves.

4) Just because monks happened to be some of the greatest philosophizers and thinkers does not mean they did ANYTHING because of their faith. The whole point here is that things like morality and scientific advancement occur outside of religion, and it's the truth. Sure, a Christian may discover the cure for cancer, but it was not faith that led him to that cure. And in truth, we even see how religion negatively affects science to this day, in this country. We are behind the rest of the western world in stem-cell research, and why? Because an Evangelical Christian decided it wasn't "moral" to fund the research.

It's not bunk. It's happened a million times, and so long as religion is around, it will happen a million times more.

And religion also negatively affects education. Ever heard of the Alabama Insert? Abstinence-only education? Exactly. Religion is, more often than not, the force holding advancement and education back. When a religious institution or figure is a part of this advancement, it is the exception rather than the rule.
making some of these statements is nothing short of the hate spouted by the "master race"

Spare me. I'm not condemning particular religions, or saying they have no place in society. I'm simply telling you the truth about their place in this world, and how the impact the rest of us. Comparing the very real concerns about the bane of religious influence in society to the Third Reich? Give me a fucking break.