The Soviet Union and North Korea Prove that Atheism is Bad

Shows the type of person I was, and that's irrelevant for current discussions.
Don't you mean, "I don't agree with this very moment in time?"

In case you haven't noticed, I no longer wish persecution against homosexuals nor against Jews, whom I now hope for an alliance with. That being said, I still think homosexuality is wrong, but I don't think we should kill them or anything.
Shows the type of person I was, and that's irrelevant for current discussions.

Actually, it shows the type of person who gets banned, like what happened to you. And then it shows that one eventually learns something about getting banned, that one can't always publicly post what one believes or wishes to do.

To have demonstrated disagreement on your part of anything contrary is yet to be observed.
Actually, it shows the type of person who gets banned, like what happened to you. And then it shows that one eventually learns something about getting banned, that one can't always publicly post what one believes or wishes to do.

To have demonstrated disagreement on your part of anything contrary is yet to be observed.
This is incorrect. If I wished, I could continue anti-Jewish and anti-homosexual discussion, in so long as it is in a civil manner. There's nothing against the rules there.

The point is, I don't want to. Jews are Semites, and all Semites are Brothers.

That's because you don't want to get banned again.
See above
North Korea is theistic, with a State religion (Juche) and a named deity.

One interesting aspect of that is that it appears to have been invented by the tyranny there, for political reasons. They started out officially atheistic, it seems - but seem to have turned to God in hard times, as many do.

The Soviet Union was built from some of the most strongly theistic peoples on earth, and as soon as it collapsed they reformed their religious institutions, with results easily seen.
SAM said:
Like I said, I know a lot of religious people who don't attend church. I, for example, am a religious person you will not find in a religious gathering. I think athiests should quit making false assumptions about us theists.
And many atheists who do belong to and attend church, at least occasionally. Speaking of making assumptions.

I take the Swede's word for their claimed high rate of atheism, since there is no contrary evidence.

The Dane's, Finn's, Scot's, French's, etc, as well. Nice places to live, compared with - say - the more strongly theistic and religious former Yugoslavia.
I think athiests should quit making false assumptions about us theists.

M*W: Atheists don't make false assumptions about theists. We read, observe, discuss, debate, and question everything. The opinions I have formed about you are based on your inability to tell the truth. You are a theist and a Muslim, but I do believe your are the exception and not the rule. In fact, you are the worst Muslim I have ever known. You would do your people and your religion a good thing if you just kept your mouth shut and faded away into oblivion.
Did I mention the whole fairy-winged hippopotamus thing? See, you don't exist. You should just accept that you don't and stop fighting it.
are you sure it's you you are pinching and being pinched by? perhaps those perceptions are being placed into your head.
proof that atheism is bad somtimes:

atheism leads people to believe in evolution, which leads them to believe that they are animals, which leads them to believe that there is no right or wrong. atheism also leads people to materialism and they generally reject everything that is "supernatural". they believe that everything is ruled by "natural laws", which leads them to believe that there is no free will or afterlife.

all these things combined lead you to become bad and sad. it's good to be rational but we shouldn't pretend like we know everything.
proof that atheism is bad somtimes:

atheism leads people to believe in evolution
The evidence is what leads people into accepting evolution

which leads them to believe that they are animals
as opposed to what? We're rocks really? Or vegetables?

which leads them to believe that there is no right or wrong
Except that atheists do not believe that there is no right or wrong.
Do you read any of the threads on this site?

and they generally reject everything that is "supernatural"
Any figures?
Just because you don't believe in god doesn't stop you being a woo woo.

they believe that everything is ruled by "natural laws"
Again, woo woo atheists do exist, and they're deluded.
Natural laws exist and there's nothing that has been demonstrated to exist that doesn't follow these laws.

which leads them to believe that there is no free will
Oops, atheists grouped together again?
Read some of the threads.
That's not necessarily true.

or afterlife.
I suspect some do, most don't.
Again, an afterlife has not been shown to actually exist.

all these things combined lead you to become bad and sad
And that is sheer idiocy.
Bad and sad?:rolleyes:

it's good to be rational but we shouldn't pretend like we know everything.
It's also better not to drift off into fairy land any evidence of "atheists pretending they know everything".
as opposed to what? We're rocks really? Or vegetables?

according to christianity, we are humans and we are special and different from animals.

Except that atheists do not believe that there is no right or wrong.

they often believe that there is no absolute right or wrong. they say that they are relative, and that in "reality" (as opposed to our mind) there is no real right or wrong.

they think that for there to be right and wrong, there has to be a god who decides what is right and wrong.

Just because you don't believe in god doesn't stop you being a woo woo.

if you don't believe in god, you also usually don't believe in souls for example, because they're very similar to god.

Natural laws exist and there's nothing that has been demonstrated to exist that doesn't follow these laws.

religious people say that everything is governed by god, instead of natural laws. those two are just different words for the same unknown/unexplained thing. any evidence of "atheists pretending they know everything".
according to christianity, we are humans and we are special and different from animals.
According to the bible you mean.
And it's been proven to be incorrect on so many other things.
However there is evidence that we are NOT different from animals in any real sense.

they often believe that there is no absolute right or wrong. they say that they are relative, and that in "reality" (as opposed to our mind) there is no real right or wrong.
Yep, but "relative" is not the same as "no right and wrong".
And (again) there is no evidence that right and wrong exist as anything other cancepts formed humans.
That it "comes from god" is supposition.

they think that for there to be right and wrong, there has to be a god who decides what is right and wrong.
You mean someone who probably doesn't exist?
And which god do we believe?
Old Testament god was all for killing everyone that disagreed, New Testament he's slightly different.
But they're both part of the bible, so you'd have decide for yourself anyway...

if you don't believe in god, you also usually don't believe in souls for example, because they're very similar to god.
Usually maybe, but lots believe in NDEs, UFOs, ghosts and spirit-like things.
Souls have not been shown to exist.

religious people say that everything is governed by god, instead of natural laws. those two are just different words for the same unknown/unexplained thing.
Not quite, since natural laws can be explored, tested and have been proven to exist, whereas none of those apply to god.

Superb, one quote of me stating a fact on something I've had years of checking out.
I've been there, done that and got the t-shirt, which is why I said that.
How do you take that as "atheists pretending to know everything"?
Or are you just making assumptions based on your own prejudices?