The Soviet Union and North Korea Prove that Atheism is Bad

Ignorance can be "cured" with education.
Stupidity can refer to a lack of intelligence - not easily fixed.
One can be intelligent but ignorant of some particular thing.
Ignorance can be "cured" with education.
Stupidity can refer to a lack of intelligence - not easily fixed.
One can be intelligent but ignorant of some particular thing.

both have various definitions.

ill let Q decide which definition of ignorance he chose.
my point is that mankind is ignorant with and with out religion.

the soviets did nothing that im aware of in the name of religion and were just as nasty a bunch as any.
my point is that mankind is ignorant with and with out religion.

Ignorant about what? Science provides us with excellent explanations of how things work, which turns into knowledge and understanding, and alleviates our ignorance.

Religion wants nothing to do with knowledge and understanding. It wants us to remain completely ignorant so we can devote our lives to worshiping gods. You should know that.
q relax....

which definition of ignorance do you choose?

i know the definition of the word stupidity that i chose. stupid = lack of intelligence. im am not wrong in using that definition. it is correct.

there is no arguement. all you have to do is say i chose to use the definition "destitute of knowledge or education" that is fine. what ever definition of ignorant that you have chosen ill except.
most wars have been fought for economic reasons. i am willing to postulate that the first "war" between humans was fought over hunting grounds, "economic" reasons. much science is put down for economic reasons, global warming for instance. many holy wars fought under the pretense of being holy were in reality economically driven. so really the bane of human kind is money not religion. which is rather ironic because many religions teach that the love of money is the root of all evil.
Ignorant about what? Science provides us with excellent explanations of how things work, which turns into knowledge and understanding, and alleviates our ignorance.

Religion wants nothing to do with knowledge and understanding. It wants us to remain completely ignorant so we can devote our lives to worshiping gods. You should know that.

it depends on the religion.....

Christianity says the two most important things to do are believe in the one true god, and love thy neighbor as thyself. that's all. the rest of life is a free for all. just do those two things.

what does Buddhism say... well its more a philosophy than a religion but basically it says be aware of your actions and develop wisdom and understanding and lead a moral life (humanist definition of moral).

hindus say..... well about the same thing as the christians and buddhists. just not the one true god stuff of christianity.

jews say the same as the christians

greek religion spawned scientific advancements as did the early egyptian religious beliefs.
q relax....

which definition of ignorance do you choose?

i know the definition of the word stupidity that i chose. stupid = lack of intelligence. im am not wrong in using that definition. it is correct.

Intelligence is comprehension or understanding, so it fits for stupidity.

there is no arguement. all you have to do is say i chose to use the definition "destitute of knowledge or education" that is fine. what ever definition of ignorant that you have chosen ill except.

Ignorance is not having knowledge or understanding. Simple really.
it depends on the religion.....

Christianity says the two most important things to do are believe in the one true god, and love thy neighbor as thyself. that's all. the rest of life is a free for all. just do those two things.

The first is not a requirement for the second, as the second is common sense, hence the first can be ignored.

what does Buddhism say... well its more a philosophy than a religion but basically it says be aware of your actions and develop wisdom and understanding and lead a moral life (humanist definition of moral).

hindus say..... well about the same thing as the christians and buddhists. just not the one true god stuff of christianity.

jews say the same as the christians

greek religion spawned scientific advancements as did the early egyptian religious beliefs.

That's all very nice, but the whole god crap is irrelevant. The whole shebang can be deep-sixed in favor of some simple common sense. Turn the churches and temples in shelters for the homeless, that way it wouldn't be so bad having to pay taxes to tax-free organizations.
greek religion spawned scientific advancements as did the early egyptian religious beliefs.

A coincidence. If you needed to build a pyramid for your king to spend the afterlife in, you needed to find a way to do it. I'm not denying that religion played a part in scientific advancements. As a matter of fact, there's obviously something to this whole religion thing, as it has appeared in every civilization in the history of mankind, but I think it merely speaks to our desire to find answers. See, religion is never the reason we make advancements, it is often the reason we don't.

And you must remember, there were places in this world, and times in this world, where it was very dangerous to say you did not believe in a god, so there is a strong possibility that many of the great achievements of mankind were not thanks to supposed "divine inspiration".
I think religion did more socially and morally than scientifically.

Social structure and philosophy are what religion is for, and science is separate of that, but they aren't mutually exclusive.

Religion has its role to play, and science has its role to play.
The first is not a requirement for the second, as the second is common sense, hence the first can be ignored.

i made my points not to argue requirements but to point out that religion is not about worshiping all day, at least many are not

That's all very nice, but the whole god crap is irrelevant. The whole shebang can be deep-sixed in favor of some simple common sense. Turn the churches and temples in shelters for the homeless, that way it wouldn't be so bad having to pay taxes to tax-free organizations.

not irrelevant you've shown nothing to support your views that religion is the cause of wars and bad science. human kind does not suffer from all religion. religion is not mankind's demise.