The Soviet Union and North Korea Prove that Atheism is Bad

are you sure it's you you are pinching and being pinched by? perhaps those perceptions are being placed into your head.
M*W: Well, let's see. I am grasping a chunk of my skin and pressing it together until it hurts. There are no perceptions in my head until I do the pinching. Then, the pinching reports to my brain that it hurts. There are no voices. The pinching usually ends up in a bruise that I have caused. I'm pretty sure that I am in control of this experiment.
proof that atheism is bad somtimes:

atheism leads people to believe in evolution, which leads them to believe that they are animals, which leads them to believe that there is no right or wrong. atheism also leads people to materialism and they generally reject everything that is "supernatural". they believe that everything is ruled by "natural laws", which leads them to believe that there is no free will or afterlife.

all these things combined lead you to become bad and sad. it's good to be rational but we shouldn't pretend like we know everything.
M*W: Atheism doesn't lead to your theory. In fact, atheism doesn't lead to your stupidity. When, Yorda, are you going to deal with reality?
I say it again, Atheism is crunchy and good with milk. Theism is best on pancakes. Never pour Theism on Atheism, although adding a bit of Atheism to your Theism could lead to a taste explosion!

MW-Can you be sure those are your fingers? Or are they just your perception of your fingers? OW! and That's my skin! Quit pinchin!
Mr. Ham, none of us exist, we're all a perception of your mind, the sooner you realize this the sooner you can enjoy your life. You have no way to prove that I exist, or that anyone else exists, what I am is what your mind creates me to be.
Mr. Ham, none of us exist, we're all a perception of your mind, the sooner you realize this the sooner you can enjoy your life. You have no way to prove that I exist, or that anyone else exists, what I am is what your mind creates me to be.

And by this logic I conclude that God exists
There's my fuzzywuzzy wittle hamsta! Yesheis! Dahamstasez God MUST exist. That's silly. I hope God exists, but he don't call on the phone anymore...
BetrayerOfHope-I perceive you as a pretty peacock. Absolutely beautiful. What does the peacock say? Shmegledorf, of course.
proof that atheism is bad somtimes:

atheism leads people to believe in evolution, which leads them to believe that they are animals, which leads them to believe that there is no right or wrong. atheism also leads people to materialism and they generally reject everything that is "supernatural". they believe that everything is ruled by "natural laws", which leads them to believe that there is no free will or afterlife.

all these things combined lead you to become bad and sad. it's good to be rational but we shouldn't pretend like we know everything.

attention seeking behavior.
according to christianity, ... we are special...

It is that doctrine and mindset which has caused the destruction of many a species, some now extinct. It has further caused bloodshed on massive scales as other religions proclaim the same thing.

Damn the Abrahamic religions to hell. I can't think of a more fitting place.
It is that doctrine and mindset which has caused the destruction of many a species, some now extinct. It has further caused bloodshed on massive scales as other religions proclaim the same thing.

Damn the Abrahamic religions to hell. I can't think of a more fitting place.

dont blame religion. its mankind stupidity.
dont blame religion. its mankind stupidity.

It's mankind's ignorance that brought religion into the world. Religion has done it's very best to keep mankind in the state of ignorance, successfully, I might add.

Yes, religion is to blame for a great deal of wrong in the world, in the past and the present.