The Roots of All Sin

Sin is the voilation of the Law of Love in some way.

>>>>TruthSeeker said>>>>The Roots of All Sin
Just a little teaching for Christians... Little but very useful.
There are only two things that causes us to sin:

· need/lack
· self-centredness

All sins comes from those two.

From need and lack are every sin that has to do with an addiction. For example, drinking, smoking, and so on. They come when you don't focus on God's presence within yourself, which creates a sense of lack and emptiness.

From self-centredness comes pride, worries, hate, selfishness, assumptions, ignorance, arrogance, etc. Again, a lack of focus on His presence within us.

The key to not sin is to focus on God and on helping others, rather then focusing on yourself:

******Inkaboutit reply******You are partly right and partly misleading.

Today born again Christians are basically under the Law of Love in our relationship to God, others, and self. Love God as your only deity, God, creator, and love others as you love yourselves. Sin for a Christian is somehow a violation of this law of love in some way. The first step for all people is to become a Christian. With out faith you can't please God.

Ro 13:9 - For the commandments against adultery and murder and stealing and coveting – and any other commandment – are all summed up in this one commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Jas 2:12 - So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free.
Micah 6:8 The Lord has told you, human, what is good; he has told you what he wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others, and live humbly, obeying your God.

1Co 10:23 – All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

About self centeredness, most things a person does is because there is a benefit to self in some way. But that does not make it a sin. But this is part of law of love, in that we should try to love others as we love ourselves. If I am hungry and go get something to eat, that may not be a sin just because I feed myself food. But if I steal food from someone else to feed myself, then that would be sin. If I have to go to the toilet and I do, that may be self centered, but is not a sin. Many, many other examples of this.

About need or lack, we have many needs and lacks that does not cause a sin. I may need money, so I go out and work for money and use the money to meet my needs or lacks, that is not a sin at all. But if I go and steal the money from another, then that is a sin. Both cases there was a need/lack and one resulted in no sin and the other was a sin.

God created all things and said it was very good. Gen 1:31. But part of that design were many needs/lack and many self centered things needed to be part of the design. But in themselves they are not sin.

Ge 1:31 - Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. ...(Note: God designed our human nature, every detail of our natural sexuality, and said it was all very good. The only bad part of us is what we added, the "sin principal" part.)

So your statement, "There are only two things that causes us to sin: need/lack , self-centredness. All sins comes from those two." Is very misleading and a wrong concluding type statement to say. Need or self centeredness are not the standards to determine if something is a sin.
Since Christians are under one basic law of love, to God, others, and self, then the violation of that law would be a sin.
The government is not under that law of love. God set up Gov't ideals in the OT. For example personally we should not take vengence, but the gov't should be fair and carry out justice for wrong doings.

One Savior--Jesus Christ, One God--our creator God, One Command-- go and tell everyone, One law to follow-- the law of love (the whole law is fulfilled in one law-- the law of love), One heaven-Jesus went to prepare a place for us, One hell-- for non-believers, One heaven- for believer, One work to do--to trust in Christ.
the Law of Love

Originally posted by inkaboutit
One law to follow-- the law of love
"Law of Love: the person who causes an imbalance
in the cosmic order is the only one who can restore
balance." -Laura Esquivel, the Law of Love