The Roots of All Sin

What do you mean by that? I'm talking to you. You are just acting like a immature kid. Oh well... what I could expect from you...:bugeye:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
What do you mean by that? I'm talking to you. You are just acting like a immature kid. Oh well... what I could expect from you...:bugeye:
What response would you expect to
It is pointless to discuss anything with you...
Christianity... An Addiction???
an essay, by me
(not really, but i wanted it to look cool. anyway.)

Well, addiction... that is a tricky subject to debate. First of all there are two kinds: psycological and mental. The first is a need your body has, and the second a need that the mind has... almost like a habit or a comfort tool. It doesnt hurt you body if you are mentally addicted, but it can hurt your sanity or when it is removed or cause a form of depression, easy agitation, or whatever.

An example of physical addiction::
A man has been an alcoholic for years. It's a huge part of his life that affects his life. He cant hold back from getting drunk. If he doesnt get drunk, he gets really angry all the time, beats up his kids, whatever. If he is really bad, they put him into detox and he goes through severe withdrawal. Tremors, sweats, fevers, and death can occur.

A dude smokes a lot of pot. He likes his herb. He thinks about it a lot. If he goes without smoking, he may become a little easily agitated. He may say (and does), "smoking at certain points during the day makes me the day so much better..."

Ok, you see the difference. Now, all I wanna argue is that a dependcy on christianity (like most christains have) is a form of mental addiction. And it really is... "Praying at the start of each day makes my day go so much smoother... spending time with the lord... blah blah..." is essentially the same as "I need crack rock, man!! i need it!!"

ok, maybe that's an over exageration, but you get what i mean. It will be argued that it's totally different. Ones chemical and the others spiritual. But in essence, it's not so different: they both are used as a crutch to get through the day. Furthermore, it's been proven that praying and singing and all in church does release certain hormones into the bloodstream... so i say that's actually a sign of a possible chemical addiction to worship.

Now i know people are gonna be able to argue against this a lot, but oh well. It has a lot of strong points...

Religion = Opiate.

Peace. :m: :bugeye:

you know the leaves from a Bible make good rolling paper for joints. I tend to like the KJV with what jesus said in red... it makes for a cooler looking joint.

Peace. :m: :bugeye:
God has sin. He wants people to worship him. Isn't that "need" is a sin according to your "sin" requirement? Don't tell me "want" is not "need." If you don't "need," why would you "want?"
God is Love. If you worship Love, you will Love others and the result is peace. Peace is accomplished through Love. That's why He wants us to worship Him, He wants us to live in harmony and peace with one another.
People "lack" of harmony;
People "need" peace;
But wait, according your standard, "need/lack" are the roots of all sin!!!!
... *sigh

When we have a need or a lack is because we are separed from God. If you have peace and live in harmony there is no need or lack. So if you are with God there is no need or lack, they simply don't exist at all. You are separed from God. That's why you see need and lack of peace and harmony. But with God, there is no need nor lack.
Even god needs to create something to glorify him. And you are saying with god and you don't need/lack anything?

What's the point to exist if there is no lack/need?

Do you know how borning it is if you got nothing to do becuase you had own/done/seen everything already?

So tell me, if you are with god, what else can you do? Why you need to do it anyway if you have no lack/need for it?

Endorphine? Adrenaline? That's ridiculous! How can someone get addicted to such stupid chemicals!?!?

Have you ever heard of a runner's high? Obviously you're not a runner. I've been a runner/triathlete for about 12 years now and I can tell you those "stupid chemicals" are addictive and real. Some scientists say that the endorphins associated with running and other vigorous exercise are as potient as cocaine.

Check out the link for more info..


Even god needs to create something to glorify him. And you are saying with god and you don't need/lack anything?
Who said God needs to create something to glorify Him?

What's the point to exist if there is no lack/need?
Live in peace, joy and abundance...

Do you know how borning it is if you got nothing to do becuase you had own/done/seen everything already?
Do you set any limitations on what can be done in this universe (and in others)?

So tell me, if you are with god, what else can you do? Why you need to do it anyway if you have no lack/need for it?
Maybe create a planet and lead its people to freedom from themselves... Isn't that what God is doing now? We will become like Him, so we could create planets and universes and there will be no limitation to our imagination when we know everything. It is certainly not boring...:eek:

Have you ever heard of a runner's high? Obviously you're not a runner. I've been a runner/triathlete for about 12 years now and I can tell you those "stupid chemicals" are addictive and real. Some scientists say that the endorphins associated with running and other vigorous exercise are as potient as cocaine.

Check out the link for more info..
From the link:
"Studies like the above certainly suggest that psychological factors are at least one source of the pleasant feelings people experience during and after exercise. They do not seem, however, to be able to rule out the possibility of involvement of other factors."
Apparently, it the main factor is psychological and not physiological.

"Clinical practitioners and counseling professionals will also find significant value in these studies, when they apply the findings to treating patients with exercise addiction or athletes in need of higher motivation."
I had never heard of such thing before. I'm obviously ignorant on the subject. Maybe that's just because I relied on my own experience with exercises. I had never had such thing at all...

Besides, this apparently only happens if you do exercise in excess. God advises us to do everything in moderation, so if we can really become addicted to exercise, it would be just if we disobey God and do it in excess.

"Studies like the above certainly suggest that psychological factors are at least one source of the pleasant feelings people experience during and after exercise. They do not seem, however, to be able to rule out the possibility of involvement of other factors." Apparently, it the main factor is psychological and not physiological.

I suppose I'm willing to admit the main factor may be psychological instead of physiological, but there is a physiological factor involved.

Besides, this apparently only happens if you do exercise in excess. God advises us to do everything in moderation, so if we can really become addicted to exercise, it would be just if we disobey God and do it in excess.

Well I guess you have to determine what it means to exercise in excess. How many hours a week constitute in excess? Right now my biggest weeks include 20+ hours of exercise a week (about 3 every day on average). Is this too much? You might think so but since I'm training for an ironman I need to train this many hours in order to complete the race.

Everything may be alright in moderation including moderation. Sometimes it's nessary to extend yourself a little bit.


I suppose I'm willing to admit the main factor may be psychological instead of physiological, but there is a physiological factor involved.
Well I guess you have to determine what it means to exercise in excess. How many hours a week constitute in excess? Right now my biggest weeks include 20+ hours of exercise a week (about 3 every day on average). Is this too much? You might think so but since I'm training for an ironman I need to train this many hours in order to complete the race.

Everything may be alright in moderation including moderation. Sometimes it's nessary to extend yourself a little bit.
As long as there is self-control and it is not unhealthy, I guess everything is fine...;)

But if you exceed to much you might hurt yourself or get addicted to it. So everything really comes down to self-control....
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Who said God needs to create something to glorify Him?
You see, without man, how could your god demostrate his love? He needs man. He needs interaction.

Live in peace, joy and abundance...
But you already had them once you are with god. Why do you need more? I know, you need to experience them again and again. Can you see, you still have need even after you met your god.

Do you set any limitations on what can be done in this universe (and in others)?
The point is not how many things you can do once you are with your god. The point is why you are doing them if you have no "need/lack" of them.

Maybe create a planet and lead its people to freedom from themselves... Isn't that what God is doing now? We will become like Him, so we could create planets and universes and there will be no limitation to our imagination when we know everything. It is certainly not boring...
So tell me, are those your need? Or are those your god's need? Do you lack any of them once you are with your god? What's your motivation to do anything if you don't need to and don't lack of?