The Roots of All Sin

If I pray for you not to be deaf anymore, you might receive it and start to understand it. If you receive it by your own free will, you will understand it. If you don't receive it, you won't understand it. If you want me to pray for you, tell me your real name, please...
Excuse me... look at yourself...
No... I have none of those.

Hehe... ok then;)

Worry in any form is a sin because it is a separation from God

That's bull-lox. Concern and worry are different amounts of the same emotion.

I would say that sin is caused by a lack of focus on God. Hence why we are all sinners.

And most theist scholars disagree with you.

Ok... then all those adults that get lung cancer, make their kids get lung cancer from second-hand, and all those adults that get liver cancer or die in car accidents, they all do it in "moderation" and they are very "mature", aren't they...

Well, if they are dying of lung cancer, obviously it wasn't in moderation. You eat food. If you ate too much you'd be fat and probably have a heart attack (eventually). It's all about moderation. Having a drink every once in awhile has been demonstrated to actually improve your health. Also, not everyone who drinks then goes out and drives... all though many theist leaders try and grow this image to prevent drinking.

P.S.- I personally like my own indignate expression when I look at this immature civilization....

You are what? 15? 16? You are very obviously not an adult. You do not have nearly enough experience to judge all of civilization from your small little worldview.

No. Atheist pretend to be theists in order to get money. That's what I said

No, you said: "They (televangelists) are no different then atheists. They only use God as an excuse to win money, that's all." Since televangelists use God to win money, and atheists are no different then televangilists, then atheists use God to win money. Unless of course atheists are different then televangelists.

There are a lot of evidences that the Bible is the True Word of God.

You have yet to provide this evidence.

You are deaf, and you don't listen. Why should I even try?

Well you said earlier "It is up to us to bring salvation, not Him. We are members of His body. We should do what He wants us to do."
Isaiah 49:6 he says: It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.
Acts 13:47 For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'
Also, being deaf doesn't really matter, because I'm pretty sure he can read.
There are a lot of evidences that the Bible is the True Word of God.
You have yet to provide this evidence.

Yeah.... i'm still waiting too. I'm starting to 'worry', (oops), starting to get anxious, (oops), and starting to assume, (oops), things.

Show me this evidence and stop my multi-sinning.
Still waiting......... I noticed you replied to several other posts, just curious as to when you'll get round to showing the evidence. Ok, perhaps there's so much of it, it takes time for you to show here.... i'll just apply more patience. Sorry.

Want evidence? Go to a Christian conference. This is what I posted to Persol and wesmorris.

"Maybe try Todd Bentley...
He is an evangelist, and he can probably do it.
You can go to one of his conferences and see him doing miracles:

If you are really searching God, you will find Him..."

"More conferences:

In those conferences, many miracles are performed. If you doubt, go in one of them. Tell them you are not a Christian and that you don't believe in miracles. They will show you. They will prophesy about you. You will see that God exists.

I recommend Todd Bentley. He is good enough...

PS: If you tell me where you live, I might try to find a conference near you..."

The same goes for you. Go for it? Want evidence? You will find.
Ok, would someone tell me why it's become popular in recent years to insist that smoking is a sin? The only biblical backing is calling our body the "temple of god." Thus, smoking, having been proved harmful to our bodies, is in turn damaging the temple of God.

ok, i got that. but in that way, so is being fat. Even letting yourself get a little fat so that it interferes with the health of your body (the temple) would be a sin. I dont see anyone blasting fat people.

I actually called out a missionary that came to my university to tell us that we were going to hell. She happened to tell us that we were going to hell for smoking and she happened to be fat. So, i tactfully told her she was going to hell too.

Peace. :m: :bugeye:

You are right. Being overweight by choice is a sin. But if it is a natural condition, it is not a sin. The key here is wheter you chose or not.
So then why claim addiction to be sin? People get addicted whether they want to or not- thus how can we have argued about excercise being sinful when you're addicted? Addiction is not a choice.
Addiction IS a choice!! You are being so immature!! You can be addicted to somoking because you chose to smoke in the first place, for example! Stop just trying to prove me wrong! You are just being pleinly immature!!:bugeye:
No i'm not. What I am trying to do is get questions answered. When the answers that are given contradict themselves it means i must ask more questions..... So.... here it is:

I chose to excercise to improve my health. After a while i became addicted to excercise....

Also my doctor told me many years ago smoking was good for a very brief time. If you never have a cigarette the body cannot build up tolerance to it's toxins. If you smoke very briefly your body becomes better at protecting you from passive smoking etc.

As you can see these things are not ultimately evil. On one side addiction came not by choice as you would claim. On the other something that is bad still has it's benefits. Look at wine.. Glass a day prevents heart attack- have too many you end up alcoholic. These things are instantly condemned by you over-the-top religious types. Personally i don't think god would get as petty as to concern himself over cigarettes.

I understand the moral attitude- but trying to condemn people because they smoke, drink, fart, masterbate, have sex or anything else is pathetic.

You said it yourself: "Being overweight by choice is a sin"...

You even said "Worry is a sin because it goes against god"...

I mean think about what you're saying for a second. Then on the other hand we gather from your posts that it's irrelevant if we sin or not because we'll get forgiven later on.

Not only do you always lower the human ability and the very existence of mankind- you show god in such a pathetically ridiculous light it's laughable.

You can't answer my questions regarding my son

You preach on the basis "i heard voices when i was 3", in fact your whole belief according to you rests on that.

You twist the bible to suit your own belief and accuse everyone else of doing the same

We can all survive nuclear bombs..

I could go on but i wont...

If you can't answer posts that's all ok- but then why respond with stuff that is questionable at best. If it's questionable people will question it. To save frustration just dont reply ;)
You cannot be addicted to exercise if you want to improve your health. Only people that wants to be really thin that has this problem. And it is not even considered addiction to exercise, but a disorder in mostly alimentation...
No you idiot. It's an addiction. Excercise produces certain chemicals in your body which you can get addicted to. It's equivalent to injecting yourself everyday. The only difference is that the result is positive.
I mean think about what you're saying for a second. Then on the other hand we gather from your posts that it's irrelevant if we sin or not because we'll get forgiven later on.
You are forgiven only if you accept the forgiveness.

You twist the bible to suit your own belief and accuse everyone else of doing the same
No I don't. I post huge chuncks of scripture to show that I'm not doing that. You and others post little bits or take words away from it and even change the words (yes, I've seen this before, not from you though).

No you idiot.
1 Peter 3:8
"8 To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit;
9 not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing. "

Bless ya :p

It's an addiction. Excercise produces certain chemicals in your body which you can get addicted to. It's equivalent to injecting yourself everyday. The only difference is that the result is positive.
Really? Which chemicals are those?
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
1 Peter 3:8
"8 To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit;
9 not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing. "
Bless ya :p
Exodus 022:018 Thou shalt not suffer an idiot to live.
Really? Which chemicals are those? [/B]
Endorphins mainly
adrenaline is one. one of the best out there. you know morticians take the adrenal glands from dead people and excrete the adrenaline for recreational drug use? yeah, runs anywhere from 800$ to 2000$ for a CC.

Better Living Through Chemicals.:m:
Endorphine? Adrenaline? That's ridiculous! How can someone get addicted to such stupid chemicals!?!?:bugeye:

I got adrenaline many times, and I really don't care if I don't feel it very often (although a complete lack of it is just plain boring, a common amount of it is just normal). I've been having a pretty boring life for 2 eyars and only now I want some adrenaline. I can't see why someone would get addicted to such...:bugeye:
i]Originally posted by TruthSeeker [/i]
Endorphine? Adrenaline? That's ridiculous! How can someone get addicted to such stupid chemicals!?!?
You really are an idiot aren't you. A large number of chemicals that people can get addicted to are naturally present in the body.

I got adrenaline many times, and I really don't care if I don't feel it very often (although a complete lack of it is just plain boring, a common amount of it is just normal). I've been having a pretty boring life for 2 eyars and only now I want some adrenaline. I can't see why someone would get addicted to such...

The amount of certain chemicals that your body produces, and the amount that an athlete's produces are exponentially different. If you do not understand what the word 'addiction' even means then don't inisit that it doesn't happen.