The Roots of All Sin


You see, without man, how could your god demostrate his love? He needs man. He needs interaction.
But He doesn't need us in order to exist.

But you already had them once you are with god. Why do you need more? I know, you need to experience them again and again. Can you see, you still have need even after you met your god.
No. hen you are with God, you don't need those things anymore because you already have them It is those who don't have God that have a need for those things.

The point is not how many things you can do once you are with your god. The point is why you are doing them if you have no "need/lack" of them.
For no reason. Why should there be a reason for everything?

So tell me, are those your need? Or are those your god's need? Do you lack any of them once you are with your god? What's your motivation to do anything if you don't need to and don't lack of?
No need nor lack. I don't need need and lack to motivate me to do things. i tie up my shoes just because I want them. I could leave them untied, or I could tie them anyways. Just because I don't have a need to tie my shoes, that doesn't mean I won't do it. Need and lack are not the only motivations for actions.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
For no reason. Why should there be a reason for everything?

No need nor lack. I don't need need and lack to motivate me to do things. i tie up my shoes just because I want them. I could leave them untied, or I could tie them anyways. Just because I don't have a need to tie my shoes, that doesn't mean I won't do it. Need and lack are not the only motivations for actions.
Well, actions not based on need and lack are a bit mindless, don't you think? If you don't agree, that means there is a reason behind your action, but didn't you just say "for no reason"? If you agree, then you must admint that once you are with god, you only do mindless things. How sad!!!
You don't need to have a need or a lack to do something. Need and lack are not the only motivations to act. There are other reasons to do things. Like... I'm talking with you now just to discuss that. I don't need to talk with you and I have no lack of talking with you. The reaosn why I'm talking with you has nothing to do with lack and/or need, so your theory is simply wrong.
You don't need to have a need or a lack to do something. Need and lack are not the only motivations to act. There are other reasons to do things. Like... I'm talking with you now just to discuss that. I don't need to talk with you and I have no lack of talking with you. The reaosn why I'm talking with you has nothing to do with lack and/or need, so your theory is simply wrong

Obviously uve never heard of how emotion motivates , and need of something is an emotional impulse .

U do NEED to discuss whatever u are discussing here , because u have some emotion/feeling within you that whants u to discuss this , explain this or that etc . If u didnt NEED to do so , u wouldnt do so . Obviously u have a small understanding of what need is .

Now , when I go and eat , do i not do so because i am hungry (need for food) , when i drink , do i not do so because i have a need for drink (thirst) etc etc etc

No, I don't need to discuss and there is no emotional attachement to my discussion. In fact, I'm quitting this discussion since it is pretty hard for me to reply messages now. But I post just because I WANT, and not because I NEED. Have you ever heard the word "want"? Why would we have a word "want" if there is only "need"?
No, I don't need to discuss and there is no emotional attachement to my discussion. In fact, I'm quitting this discussion since it is pretty hard for me to reply messages now. But I post just because I WANT, and not because I NEED. Have you ever heard the word "want"? Why would we have a word "want" if there is only "need"?

Yes ....aha , u want...:eek:

U just NEED to know u want man
this goes way back to the original post, but:

From need and lack are every sin that has to do with an addiction. For example, drinking, smoking, and so on. They come when you don't focus on God's presence within yourself, which creates a sense of lack and emptiness.

i've never once focused on a presence in myself and have never once felt a sense of lack and or emptiness in myself. i think this feeling is one cultured by ones own self-belief, therefore this sense of lack and or emptiness is something to fall back on when that particular person has pushed the boundaries of their belief, haven't liked what they have found, and are explaining away there problems due to some defficiency that has been caused by neglect i.e. the person doesn't have there mommy anymore so they run to "god". plus, i have never once smoked but enjoy the occassional drink ;)
Anxiety is a mental condition,not a sin,you cant control it.

Damn what are these dipshits going on about anyway?
theres seven sins and thats it:


Since when do you want/need to be angry,its an automated response very often cos someone made you like it.

Envy,true wanting what others have cos you need it.

Alot of other stuff is automated.
I hate all that self righteous shit where people start giving others a hard time and explaining roots of sin and other such garbage. As in the case of the seven sins i guarantee all of us are guilty of 5 or 6 of them many times throughout our lives. Some of the mighty speakers of god go so far as to bash smoking- NOT because they give a flying shit about anyones lungs which is the tragic part. It really demeans the value of human life. I very often hear, "Well god tells us to help others and jesus tells us to love others yada yada." I can't help but wonder how these assholes would be without the almighty god. Some of us are nice , help and love others simply because we want to, not because we are told to. Everything you do, everything you say is ONLY because you must, not because you want to. You are so quick to judge others then turn round and tell people not to judge, you are so quick to try and put down the rest of humanity as being blind when it is you who follows without question.

God came to me in a dream last night. He told me i must type some things for everyone to read. This is how the meeting with god went:

[me]You want me to write on your behalf?
[god]I have chosen you to spread my word
[me]Well, with all due respect but what makes you think people will just believe everything i write without any evidence or proof whatsoever?
[god]It's what mankind does best.
[me]Oh, yeah...
[god]tell them this; I the Lord God have given mankind a brain and have spent my time creating a brain to be used. I am sick of people taking everything i give them for granted. I want to be questioned- so i can answer, i want people to look for me- so i can show them the way. There are way too many fools who go around preaching but haven't the slightest clue what it's all about. It was once said 'the wisdom of man will be brought to naught'. Most people blindly follow human created belief systems that incorporate their own morals, ideas and faiths, they do not follow me. They assume they have all the answers concerning me and yet i will tell you now not one person has the right to say they know me, they understand me, they know what i want. I am God, and they are fools. They assume they have the answers, and as such are 'the wise'. They will end up with the deepest of regrets for their foolishness. They think i, God, has concern over smoking, concern over man using his freedom. They waffle unrelated garbage claiming Cain was the son of the devil and other such nonsense it's a joke. I will tell them now there is no devil, there is no satan. They actually think I, God Almighty, cannot deal with evil, cannot banish evil from MY own creation? Fools! If i create evil it is a slave to me, and me alone and yet they talk as if satan is giving me a fight. Fools! When the time comes I will bless the man who has excercised his mind, not the man who follows blindly any faith he is bought up to believe.

God told me many people would not believe what he has said but they will find out in the long run. If you go against this, you go against god. His words, not mine. Do as you will.
Your god may have spoke to you, or not .... God means object of worship, anything can be "a" god.
But you should test it by the word, if it doesn't agree with every word in the bible then it wasn't the "God of Heaven" that spoke to you.
Your story is not in agreement with the bible, and we are to have our senses exercised in this day in the disernment of Good and evil, being that the Saints shall judge the angels....
I detect a familiar "sound" in the spirit in these words, they have some wisdom, and some truth...a good lie wouldn't be believeable if it didn't have some truth in it.
It just doesn't pass the Word test snakelord....but I did listen, and this I judged for myself. Believe what you will, "judge ye the spirits for yourself, whether they be of God or no".
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You are entitled to believe whatever you like Visitor, just as long as you accept the consequences. As an explanation to the 'words' i will recount something told to me often by theists which should explain it's difference to older writings.

"God works for the time, place and circumstance".

As an example: God stated that every man must be circumcised. Christians don't bother. God said anyone who wasn't circumcised was going against his specific rules and going against him.

So is pretty much everyone other than the jews going against god in this respect or not? The only answer i have ever got off a religious guy is that the rule 'no longer applies'. But just to be certain i spoke to god earlier and this is what he had to say:

<God> Do not concern yourself with Visitor for he will learn when the time comes. He seems to think i am incapable of talking how i want to talk, he even speaks more often and more highly of satan. He assumes with all his lowly human mentality that the devil has power over me. I am God, and he thinks he can question my authority? He can follow whatever path he wants, he will learn the truth in due course. I will visit him later and remind him that I am God. I do not have to speak in thous and thees, i do not have to speak a certain way- for to do so would cause nothing but confusion. When i speak to a chinese man, i speak in chinese- when i speak to a dutch man i speak in dutch. When Visitor finds me, and gives up his self righteousness and his own pride he will stop talking about satan and will know who i am.

As for false gods, or 'your' gods Visitor, i can tell you there is only one god. Talking like you are is not going to do you any good.
Ok, I'm going to break this appear to be serious here, and this is kind of an accusation against me or the Words I claim to represent from God, it is a showdown then.

Snakelord says:
As an example: God stated that every man must be circumcised. Christians don't bother. God said anyone who wasn't circumcised was going against his specific rules and going against him.
So is pretty much everyone other than the jews going against god in this respect or not? The only answer i have ever got off a religious guy is that the rule 'no longer applies'.


Sure it still applys...The Word of God is forever, He doesn't change His mind about His Word, but.....He does "UNFOLD" it's meaning to us, and Jeus said in this day the holy Spirit judges man by the heart.
This was a type of the circumsision of the heart of man, from the things of the world, to worship only God.
The lamb offering every year was only a type of the real Lamb to come and be offered for our sins, Jesus Christ.
It was done away with when the real come into light the shadows disappear.
When that which is full is come that which is in paet shall be done away with...this is true for our understanding of God also, our Revelatiopn of Him.
It is much clearer now the son of man is come and been revealed to His people, we become one with Him and He is the Word.
All these old testemant types and shadows were parables spoken as law for carnal man to realize he cannot approach the rightousness of God in his sin.
The law is not "done away with" today... but it is magnified to the realm of heaven, the soul, the heart of man....
If you lust for a woman in your heart, jesus said, you have commited adultry already...see
In a a way it's much more..than it was.

But just to be certain i spoke to god earlier and this is what he had to say:
Do not concern yourself with Visitor for he will learn when the time comes. He seems to think i am incapable of talking how i want to talk, he even speaks more often and more highly of satan. He assumes with all his lowly human mentality that the devil has power over me.


Where do you say I have say such things, ....?
You have mis-understood so let me be clear....
Satan has no power over God. He has been allowed by God as a tool in His hand to do many things in this day....I have said this is "Satan's Eden" and it is true, this is not how the world will be under the kingdom of God to come being set up now in the hearts of men.
The world today is of man's own doing through rebelion against God.

I am God, and he thinks he can question my authority?


I don't have to question God's authority, It has been revealed today we don't have to guess my friend. God reveals Himself to whom God will, and those who overcome the darkness of this day are seated in heavenly places with Christ.
We speak that we do know. It is written.

He can follow whatever path he wants, he will learn the truth in due course. I will visit him later and remind him that I am God. I do not have to speak in thous and thees, i do not have to speak a certain way-


The king James is accuate and to accept some "modern translation" risks accepting some mans could they know what it means, because the Seals were not even opened and the rev elation of the Word revealed until this day.

When Visitor finds me, and gives up his self righteousness and his own pride he will stop talking about satan and will know who i am.


I don't talk about Satan any more than is nessesary to properly place the Word of God and the scriptures.
I bet he wants me to stop talking about him........his schemes have been revealed to the sons of God today, and when they receive the full revelation of the Word, and learns to discern the two spirits in the framework of the church, they will...the manifested sons of God... (the bride of christ), become an invincible army of Rev. 19 because it is today.
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Sure it still applys...The Word of God is forever, He doesn't change His mind about His Word, but.....He does "UNFOLD" it's meaning to us, and Jeus said in this day the holy Spirit judges man by the heart.
This was a type of the circumsision of the heart of man, from the things of the world, to worship only God.

All these old testemant types and shadows were parables spoken as law for carnal man to realize he cannot approach the rightousness of God in his sin.

Lol it's amazing how quickly you lot jump up and say 'it's a parable' whenever it suits you. However let's look at the evidence:

Gen 17:9 -14 clearly shows God is talking about real circumcision, not your parable of 'circumcision of the heart'. God goes on to say his covenant is an everlasting one. In Exodus god is going to kill Moses but Zipporah circumcises him so god leaves him alone.

'But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her sons foreskin...' Still think that's a parable relating to circumcision of the heart?

God has made a covenant that states every male must be circumcised when they are 8 days old. By changing this into parable you are going against the specific rule of god. Jan says the rule no longer applies because God works to time, place and circumstance. The pair of you are going round changing whatever you want, adding to or taking away from, turning into parable or metaphor, the word of god. You believe and follow whatever suits you best, not what god said.

Where do you say I have say such things, ....
I have said this is "Satan's Eden" and it is true

True to who? Does god concur with you? Not what he told me. God told me there is no such thing, it's the mind of humans slipping away from god that create a physical 'being' from their own personal issues. There is no evil with any form. There is no fiery pit of hell, there is no devil. In every single post of yours, (you can go check), you continually mention satan, demons, devil etc etc.. One must ask why you do so... Is there some 'parable' hidden in there you're trying to tell the world but can't quite find the courage? The 'satans eden', the demons, the devil is in your head and nowhere else. God tells me the terms used in the bible relating to the devil are in fact parables in reference to conciousness. When people have 'skeletons in their closet', that's what it refers to.

I don't have to question God's authority, It has been revealed today we don't have to guess my friend. God reveals Himself to whom God will, and those who overcome the darkness of this day are seated in heavenly places with Christ.
We speak that we do know. It is written.

Firstly, you ain't my friend. Secondly if you understood and knew what was written you wouldn't go to extraordinary lengths to add your own bits to it. You continually do so, so one must wonder if you've read any of it or if you understand any of it. And God tells me this is wrong: "I don't have to question God's authority" He tells me it should say this: "I can't question God's authority"

The king James is accuate and to accept some "modern translation" risks accepting some mans could they know what it means, because the Seals were not even opened and the rev elation of the Word revealed until this day.

Firstly to all intents and purposes the King James is some 'modern translation' yet you accept it above all else, then do some personal 'fine-tuning' of your own to turn it into saying something you want it to. By that you are in fact accepting your own interpretation. God will tell you the truth when he knows you're ready.

I don't talk about Satan any more than is nessesary to properly place the Word of God and the scriptures.

Every single post you make. A man fixated with demons will eventually succumb to them. Scaremongering is a pointless and naive way to think you can change the hearts of others or open their minds to the truth. Perhaps if you sat down and said "God loves you all" it would work better than "You're all the children of satan and will go to hell, so Branham said." I ask which of these is the truth? God loves us all or the devil is taking us? If it's the latter then the former is not true, if it's the former, the latter is not true. God does not show favouritism, God does not let his children go to hell. It would be wise to understand that.
God has made a covenant that states every male must be circumcised when they are 8 days old. By changing this into parable you are going against the specific rule of god. Jan says the rule no longer applies because God works to time, place and circumstance. The pair of you are going round changing whatever you want, adding to or taking away from, turning into parable or metaphor, the word of god. You believe and follow whatever suits you best, not what god said.


Paul brought this out along with all the other questions of the "works".
To the Gentile under the New Testament with the Holy Ghost being given...the shadows and types give way to the "True"..
The Jews were required to do under the sacrifice of the Blood of Rams and Goats....this could not turn the heart of a believer back to God.

But the blood of Jesus "speaks" better things.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
But the blood of Jesus "speaks" better things.
"A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. You think
when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fucking cross?
It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant."
-Bill Hicks
So when your wrong....EvilPoet, you just go on and don't admit it.
Then you quote some lunatic comedian (it was kind of funny), but it's absolutly wrong...
The cross is an embem of suffering and shame.
He suffered for us what should have been ours to bear.
And He bore the shame of our sins upon Him.
This is great glory, He got for Himself.
All the sons of God, are asked to crucify themselves daily, bringing the own lives into subjection of the Spirit of God.
"They that are led of the Spirit of God are the sons of God".
"Jesus was the firstborn of many brethren".

We all hope to have tales to tell of battlescars and victories some day over yonder thanks to the glorious victory of our commander and chief...The Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.
Sin is the voilation of the Law of Love in some way.

>>>>TruthSeeker said>>>>The Roots of All Sin
Just a little teaching for Christians... Little but very useful.
There are only two things that causes us to sin:

· need/lack
· self-centredness

All sins comes from those two.

From need and lack are every sin that has to do with an addiction. For example, drinking, smoking, and so on. They come when you don't focus on God's presence within yourself, which creates a sense of lack and emptiness.

From self-centredness comes pride, worries, hate, selfishness, assumptions, ignorance, arrogance, etc. Again, a lack of focus on His presence within us.

The key to not sin is to focus on God and on helping others, rather then focusing on yourself:

******Inkaboutit reply******You are partly right and partly misleading.

Today born again Christians are basiclly under the Law of Love in our relationship to God, others, and self. Love God as your only deity, God, creator, and love others as you love yourselves. Sin for a Christian is somehow a violation of this law of love in some way. The first step for all people is to become a Christian. With out faith you can't please God.

Ro 13:9 - For the commandments against adultery and murder and stealing and coveting – and any other commandment – are all summed up in this one commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Jas 2:12 - So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free.
Micah 6:8 The Lord has told you, human, what is good; he has told you what he wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others, and live humbly, obeying your God.

1Co 10:23 – All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

About self centeredness, most things a person does is because there is a benefit to self in some way. But that does not make it a sin. But this is part of law of love, in that we should try to love others as we love ourselves. If I am hungry and go get something to eat, that may not be a sin just because I feed myself food. But if I steal food from someone else to feed myself, then that would be sin. If I have to go to the toilet and I do, that may be self centered, but is not a sin. Many, many other examples of this.

About need or lack, we have many needs and lacks that does not cause a sin. I may need money, so I go out and work for money and use the money to meet my needs or lacks, that is not a sin at all. But if I go and steal the money from another, then that is a sin. But cases there was a need/lack and one resulted in no sin and the other was a sin.

God created all things and said it was very good. Gen 1:31. But part of that design were many needs/lack and many self centered thing needed to to be. But in themselves they are not sin.

Ge 1:31 - Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. ...(Note: God designed our human nature, every detail of our natural sexuality, and said it was all very good. The only bad part of us is what we added, the "sin principal" part.)

So your statement, "There are only two things that causes us to sin: need/lack , self-centredness. All sins comes from those two." Is very misleading and a wrong concluding type statement to say. Need or self centeredness are not the standards to determine if something is a sin.
Since Christians are under one basic law of love, to God, others, and self, then the violation of that law would be a sin.
The government is not under that law of love. God set up Gov't ideals in the OT. For example personally we should not take vengence, but the gov't should be fair and carry out justice for wrong doings.

One Savior--Jesus Christ, One God--our creator God, One Command-- go and tell everyone, One law to follow-- the law of love (the whole law is fulfilled in one law-- the law of love), One heaven-Jesus went to prepare a place for us, One hell-- for non-believers, One heaven- for believer, One work to do--to trust in Christ.