THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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Okay, so my screen name is the same name as a weapon, but Im no suicide bomber, the Islam they portray on the news it not true Islam, I'm trying to represent the truth. So this challenge goes to all the atheist, secularist, masons, Jews, Jesus worshippers or whoever. I swear on my self and my family that Islam is the truth and if it the false religion and Allah is not the true Deity (worthy of being worshipped) then may trials, tribulation and punishment befall me in the upcomming day as a sign for my misguidance.

Written word is as good as verbal word. So you disbelievers in Islam, swear on what you believe in if it is indeed true in a similar way I just did in this forum and if you dont allow your arrogance to blind you hopefully you will announce to us in this forum when strange or misfortunate events begin to overwhelm you.
Trials and tribulations are suffered by everyone, the rain falls on both the wicked and the just.

I don't believe in anything. There are only some things I suspect very strongly. Belief cannot be true. In Taoism it is said that the truth which can be told is not the eternal truth.
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Everybody thinks their path is the one true path.

The truth is, you were raised to believe in Islam, so it is the only truth you know. Perhaps you should poke your head out in the world and explore a little before swearing on your family about such things.
IslamsaLoadOBullocks said:
Okay, so my screen name is the same name as a weapon, but Im no suicide bomber, the Islam they portray on the news it not true Islam, I'm trying to represent the truth. So this challenge goes to all the atheist, secularist, masons, Jews, Jesus worshippers or whoever. I swear on my self and my family that Islam is the truth and if it the false religion and Allah is not the true Deity (worthy of being worshipped) then may trials, tribulation and punishment befall me in the upcomming day as a sign for my misguidance.

Written word is as good as verbal word. So you disbelievers in Islam, swear on what you believe in if it is indeed true in a similar way I just did in this forum and if you dont allow your arrogance to blind you hopefully you will announce to us in this forum when strange or misfortunate events begin to overwhelm you.

I swear on my life, my cat, my pet hamster, monty python and the holy grail, and a stack of random magazines that islam is a primitive arab belief system that engenders in its adherants bigotry, illiteracy, misogony, violence...just a sec be right back......OH My goodness you'll never believe it that was the folks from the state lottery I JUST WON A MILLION DOLLARS!!!.... lets see where was I? Oh yeah and narcissism.... Damn just a sec sorry.....You'll never believe it Nicole Kidman just came over and toldme she has always loved me from afar and now she wants to love me from anear. Oh lucky day!! Mohammed was an egotistical power hungry pedophilic warlord and allah is a spiteful vindictive self absorbed prick!! In closing I just want to ad that AAAGGGGGRRRHHno no I didn't mean uguughg.......

muhammad said:
im sorry coz i may not be able to answer everyone here coz of my bad language

it cant be written by humans or even ghosts

it has incredible things and not normal words like human words
Bullshit. Language and speech are human inventions and human concepts, there's no way it could be anything else. Just because you don't understand them doesn't mean that other, more intelligent people, do not.

And you still have not provided proof as to WHY these things could be true. All you are doing is repeating the same bullcrap.
Islamsmylife said:
So you disbelievers in Islam, swear on what you believe in if it is indeed true in a similar way I just did in this forum and if you dont allow your arrogance to blind you hopefully you will announce to us in this forum when strange or misfortunate events begin to overwhelm you.

Woe is me! For what he says is true.

I swore by Sock's Holy Hamster [peanuts be upon him] that if Allah was not real that he should heap curses on me. (Don't know how that works exactly, but anyway.)

And he belaboured the very thread that I was reading with a petulant git posing an inane challenge.

For Allah is all-Knowing, Ironically humourous.

From the depths of eternal fire

Thank goodness the one Hewlett Packard pentium 60 mhz computer was finally available, they only have the one and what a queue. I would love to continue contributing to this thread but as you can guess I am now in the bowels of hell and this one bastard keeps poking me with a branding iron (bastard!!) Don't know how I will ever escape.....hey wait a minute I think I see muhammed wish me luck.......
Sock puppet path said:
From the depths of eternal fire

Thank goodness the one Hewlett Packard pentium 60 mhz computer was finally available, they only have the one and what a queue. I would love to continue contributing to this thread but as you can guess I am now in the bowels of hell and this one bastard keeps poking me with a branding iron (bastard!!) Don't know how I will ever escape.....hey wait a minute I think I see muhammed wish me luck.......

Yeah, but you did teh BuTt Sexxorzz with Kidman.
So, count your blessings and keep your head up.
We're proud of you.
Islamsmylife said:
Written word is as good as verbal word. So you disbelievers in Islam, swear on what you believe in if it is indeed true in a similar way I just did in this forum and if you dont allow your arrogance to blind you hopefully you will announce to us in this forum when strange or misfortunate events begin to overwhelm you.

Inane post, for we all at sciforums know for a fact that Witnessjudgejury is the only deity that counts. And as long as the lithium supply doesn't run dry, we are all more or less safe.
For all you hardcore Islamozealots this website is for you. Your comrade in belief realized they were fooled.

**Our Mission
We believe that Islamic society has been held back by an unwillingness to subject its beliefs, laws and practices to critical examination, by a lack of respect for the rights of the individual, and by an unwillingness to tolerate alternative viewpoints or to engage in constructive dialogue.

The Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society (ISIS) has been formed to promote the ideas of rationalism, secularism, democracy and human rights within Islamic society.

ISIS promotes freedom of expression, freedom of thought and belief, freedom of intellectual and scientific inquiry, freedom of conscience and religion – including the freedom to change one’s religion or belief - and freedom from religion: the freedom not to believe in any deity.**

Basically a fake 'Islam' which bows completely and submits to their western secular masters. How touching? There are so-called 'Muslims' prepared to sell themselves for your ideals.

Islam is the truth. Every Muslim, who truly has read and listened to Quran will be a testament to the truth. Those hypocrites among us have nothing for you, they are just little slaves who cry for their masters in the West.

Allah (swt), the Almighty God and Master of Creation, has brought the truth before the eyes of humanity. All who desist will be lost, but those who still don't know, may learn. Allah (swt) is Most Mericful.

In the example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s), who was blessed and raised among all creation by Allah (swt) himself as his most beloved and final prophet to seal the messages of the previous prophets, has brought his life and the words of Allah (swt) in the Quran to you. Such a blessing has never been issued to a people before.

The Muslims are the successors of the prophets since no prophet will come after Rasoolullah (s). And anyone who insults the religion of Islam and the Muslims will be at war with Allah (swt) himself.

So now is your chance to mend your hateful ways and embrace truth and virtue by freeing yourselves of the false gods of this world and material pursuits and submitting in divine obedience to your One and only Master, Allah (swt) by surrendering yourself to Allah (swt) and embracing Islam.
DiamondHearts said:
Basically a fake 'Islam' which bows completely and submits to their western secular masters. How touching? There are so-called 'Muslims' prepared to sell themselves for your ideals.

Because real muslims, you know, don't put up with uppity women, apostates and homosexuals. When the funk come up, the scimitar go down - aight?

And anyone who insults the religion of Islam and the Muslims will be at war with Allah (swt) himself.

Since another poster [pbuh] has already raised the spectre of Monty Python, let me just say this: ah fart in your general direction!

So now is your chance to mend your hateful ways and embrace truth and virtue by freeing yourselves of the false gods of this world and material pursuits and submitting in divine obedience to your One and only Master, Allah by surrendering yourself to Allah and embracing Islam.'s what? That or death?

I have a better idea: have you heard the Good News? :D

GeoffP said:
When the funk comes up, the scimitar goes down - a'ight?
You know, I like that phrase, no matter the ideology. It just sounds badass. :D
DiamondHearts said:
And anyone who insults the religion of Islam and the Muslims will be at war with Allah (swt) himself.
do you realize how many innocent people have been slaughtered and sacrificed to a god?
that includes your precious and fucked in the head allah
DiamondHearts said:
anyone who insults the religion of Islam and the Muslims will be at war with Allah (swt) himself.

So you agree anyone who says anything that can be construed as insulting by any muslim is then fair game for the sword. Guess what DH fuck your backwards, violent, bullshit religion and fuck that non-existent, blood thirsty, insecure prick allah.

So now is your chance to mend your hateful ways and embrace truth and virtue by freeing yourselves of the false gods of this world and material pursuits and submitting in divine obedience to your One and only Master, Allah (swt) by surrendering yourself to Allah (swt) and embracing Islam.

Yeah that's funny if we change our hateful ways then we can join in on the hate fest against jews, the west, hindus, buddhists, non-believers, apostates, shias etc. etc. Yeah sounds great where do I get my complimentary lobotomy :D
fadeaway humper said:
Inane post, for we all at sciforums know for a fact that Witnessjudgejury is the only deity that counts. And as long as the lithium supply doesn't run dry, we are all more or less safe.

It was your turn to order it this month wasn't it? :eek:
Basically a fake 'Islam' which bows completely and submits to their western secular masters. How touching? There are so-called 'Muslims' prepared to sell themselves for your ideals.

It isn't fake Islam (DA), it's Former Islamic people who have turned secular. There are literally thousands of them, they are leaving this religion in droves, while yea, there dumb idiots who don't know jack about Islam that are joining as well, however wait till this dumbass westerners get to learn what truly Islam is, they will drop the shit, faster than my dog can eat a T-Bone. :bugeye:

The Silent Muslim Majority IS the Problem

Islamics leaving one idiotic idealogy, for another. From Islam to Christianity.

Heck buddy they are even writing books about it. Here are some titles:

Leaving Islam


The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam

The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims

That should be enough for you to cover some light reading.

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