THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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Wounded Iraqi Muslim said:
you will never need anything once you get blessing of Khudae Parvardigar.

Is that the tent maker or the mud hut maker?

You will all be kafirs once we convert you! Surrender now and win an all expenses paid trip to Disneyworld and a chance to win a mobile home.
Offer subject to local rules and restriction not valid in Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leon, and Mongolia. Some restrictions may apply
DiamondHearts said:
What a sorry excuse for a human being.

Well, this Wounded fellow was spreading an islamic triumphalist message. That irks a lot of people. It would be like me telling you this:

Your grandchildren will be apostates.

GeoffP said:
Well, this Wounded fellow was spreading an islamic triumphalist message. That irks a lot of people. It would be like me telling you this:

Your grandchildren will be apostates.


Spot on Geoff (oh yeah and go eagles!!)
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I'm Muslim and I believe that Islam will be dominant through the spirituality of its message which has attracted millions to Islam already in the West and around the world. Islam is a dynamic force in the world and its importance will continue to grow as time goes by.

Among Muslims, we are weak now but soon Muslims will have strong leaders who will bring great changes to the world and organize a global united front for the establishment of Islam in Muslim countries and a war against occupation of Muslim lands. The popularity of living by Islam in Muslim countries is increasing every year and soon will move into major politics in Muslim governments, destroying the Western secular-based elitist culture of the Muslim ruling classes who rule now with support from the West.

sockpuppet, geoff, snakelord, spidergoat. You cannot attempt to win an argument by incorporating racism and false stereotypes. The same racist insults from our common Islamophobists.

As humanity progresses, given that we don't hinaliate eachother for religious differences, humanity will drop all forms of mysticism, including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and any variant of fantasy that exist in the world today.

Your religion is doomed, and so is every other religion in the world is doomed by the advances of technology, and people realizing that religion is nothing more than ancient superstition.

Former Islamics are working toward a goal, to educate hardcore Islamozealots like yourself, and get them to truly see that Islam is not compatible with a democratic form of government.

Is Islam Compatible With Democracy and Human Rights?

Be enlightend for real, educate yourmindinstead.

I didn't see there was an argument to be won. The guy with the osama avatar didn't present a debate or attempt to start a proper discussion on interesting issues. He bursted in to quite a few threads just to say muslims will own us all. I resent that, and find that if someone is going to act in such manner, I'll give it straight back to them. I find you can only really talk to a person in a language and at a level that they can understand - and this wounded guy that no longer has an account clearly demonstrated his. 10 posts all saying "kadookoko we'll make you all muslims", or some such shite can be responded to in no other way.

As for me being a sorry human being.. perhaps, but then you stay there, I'll stay here and we're both happy.
DiamondHearts said:
I'm Muslim and I believe that Islam will be dominant through the spirituality of its message which has attracted millions to Islam already in the West and around the world. Islam is a dynamic force in the world and its importance will continue to grow as time goes by.

Islam is about as dynamic a force as the horse and carriage, just somewhat more outdated.

Among Muslims, we are weak now but soon Muslims will have strong leaders who will bring great changes to the world and organize a global united front for the establishment of Islam in Muslim countries and a war against occupation of Muslim lands.

It doesn't matter if the muslim world gets a strong leader since regardless it is wallowing in poverty, illiteracy and ignorance. Your own islamic paradise of a country is burdened with almost a 50% illiteracy rate higher than your neighbor india.

Based on unescos current projection by 2015 the muslim majority countries will fall even further behind as illiteracy will be almost wiped out in south america and reduced further in sub-saharan africa. indonesiais and Turkey (which must raise literacy rates to even be considered for EU membership)the only projected bright spot in the muslim world.


More books are translated into spanish for the domestic spanish market each year than are translated into arabic in the entire arab world. This does not show a population that is hungry or searching for knowledge it show the opposite. Germany alone has a larger GNP than all muslim countries combined even with all that oil.

The popularity of living by Islam in Muslim countries is increasing every year and soon will move into major politics in Muslim governments,
That must be why we have some 30 million refugees from the muslim world in europe alone :rolleyes:

destroying the Western secular-based elitist culture of the Muslim ruling classes who rule now with support from the West.

Islam is autocratic by nature is it any surprise that almost all muslim countries are ruled by autocrats? Do you really think it is coincidence? Nothing will change as long as the muslim world continues to scapegoat the west or the jews instead of taking that long hard look in the mirror, but hey it's easier to point fingers isn't it.

sockpuppet, geoff, snakelord, spidergoat. You cannot attempt to win an argument by incorporating racism and false stereotypes. The same racist insults from our common Islamophobists.

Nothing false and nothing to win just want to answer your baloney. Islam is NOT a race so there is no racism here.

I don't often bother answering you because I don't really see much of a need to waste my time. The behavior of muslims worldwide and the fruits of islam we see evidenced by muslims and muslim lands speak for themselves. Feel free to continue living in denial, hopefully one day you will open your eyes and examine the things you now don't dare examine.
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DiamondHearts said:
sockpuppet, geoff, snakelord, spidergoat. You cannot attempt to win an argument by incorporating racism and false stereotypes. The same racist insults from our common Islamophobists.
I have nothing special against Muslims or Islam besides a general skepticism about organized religion. If you didn't notice, this was not a serious discussion, but an insulting match. I would welcome some rational discourse if you like.
Sock puppet path said:
Spot on Geoff (oh yeah and go eagles!!)


Terrell Owens did good work for them, and now he's booted. Duh. "Detrimental conduct", my arse.


DiamondHearts said:
I'm Muslim and I believe that Islam will be dominant through the spirituality of its message which has attracted millions to Islam already in the West and around the world. Islam is a dynamic force in the world and its importance will continue to grow as time goes by.

Believe as you will. If you are a representative muslim - and I have no reason from the comments of any muslim poster here to think you are not - then I regret to say that I must continue fighting islam, as hard as I can, whenever I can. Islam will be broken, if that is how it must be.

The popularity of living by Islam in Muslim countries is increasing every year and soon will move into major politics in Muslim governments, destroying the Western secular-based elitist culture of the Muslim ruling classes who rule now with support from the West.

And in those countries would the people be allowed to leave islam for other religions? Would women have the same rights as men? And yet, this is the world you want us all to live in.

No, thankyou.

sockpuppet, geoff, snakelord, spidergoat. You cannot attempt to win an argument by incorporating racism and false stereotypes. The same racist insults from our common Islamophobists.

You call me a racist? Show me where islam is a race.

And if you think I'm subscribing to a stereotype, then you yourself are one.


I am a Muslim and I am 110% sure that Islam is the true way of life and the best way for guidence for man. If you would like to know more about Islam you can 1. email me at 2. ask in this forum or If you want to debate I have a challenge that will prove what ever you believe to be wrong. In our Quran Allah tell us to say to the disbelievers in Islam if and when they keep debating with you: Swear on yourself, your wife and kids/ family that if your Lord or your belief is wrong for trials and punishment to come upon you and I will swear the same thing. We speak to each other over the next few months and see who's way was indeed true. This challenge has been offered to many but accepted by few.
Seems strange that a muslim would have an email address that begins with the name of a weapon.. :bugeye:

Still, I'll give you £1 million if you can convert me to your religion - but let's do it over pm. I already get enough junk email as it is.
SnakeLord said:
Seems strange that a muslim would have an email address that begins with the name of a weapon.. :bugeye:

Still, I'll give you £1 million if you can convert me to your religion - but let's do it over pm. I already get enough junk email as it is.

See ya snake, send us a postcard from mecca will ya. ;)
I am an atheist and I am 210% sure that atheism is the true way of life and the best way for guidence for man. If you would like to know more about atheism you can 1. email me at 2. ask in this forum or If you want to debate I have a challenge that will prove what ever you believe to be wrong. In our research and science they tell us to think for yourself and stop being a sheep and when they keep debating with you: Swear on yourself, your wife and kids/ family pet dog, pet cat, pet hamster, the wild emu, the neighbors kids, some random pile of magazines, a tree, flower or bush your neighbors underwear or what have you, that if your ideology or your belief is wrong for trials and punishment to come upon you and I will swear the same thing. We speak to each other over the next few months and see who's way was indeed true. This challenge has been offered to many but accepted by Fred.
Islamsmylife said:
I am a Muslim and I am 110% sure that Islam is the true way of life and the best way for guidence for man. If you would like to know more about Islam you can 1. email me at 2. ask in this forum or If you want to debate I have a challenge that will prove what ever you believe to be wrong. In our Quran Allah tell us to say to the disbelievers in Islam if and when they keep debating with you: Swear on yourself, your wife and kids/ family that if your Lord or your belief is wrong for trials and punishment to come upon you and I will swear the same thing. We speak to each other over the next few months and see who's way was indeed true. This challenge has been offered to many but accepted by few.

OK, I am not a muslim, but a secularist and I am 110% sure that secularism and certainly not islam is the "true way of life". Personal claims are meaningless. I also note your email is "Machete". What's up with that?

Sock puppet path said:
I am an atheist and I am 210% sure

Well I'm 310% sure. Beat that on a scale of 1-100%. Couldn't? Didn't think so! This only proves that I am right!

...etc etc, ad nauseam.

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