The Problem of Hell

Nothing would happen, if there were freedom of religion. It's a fact that most popular beliefs of a region will dominate any new commer. I.E. the US is still predominatenly chirstian, dispite the overwhelming of different religious sects! ;)
SnakeLord: Christians have followed this example ever since - caring not for knowledge, (because it's vile), but for make-believe and fantasy.

It's tragic.

M*W: Excellent point! This was what I was trying to say in my thread about christians not doing any "extra-biblical reading." Of course, christians didn't even understand what I was saying. The dumber ones professed to reading all kinds of "extra-biblical" literature, but none of it was in reference to their bible! I guess I'm going to have to rephrase my thread so even the ignorant can understand.
M*W: Excellent point! This was what I was trying to say in my thread about christians not doing any "extra-biblical reading." Of course, christians didn't even understand what I was saying. The dumber ones professed to reading all kinds of "extra-biblical" literature, but none of it was in reference to their bible! I guess I'm going to have to rephrase my thread so even the ignorant can understand.

Hey MW are you the real M*W or just a clever imposter! The real M*W that we all know and love had 5,042 posts last I knew. But the above is your first post. So....? Who are you?
IAC: M.E. nations like to shut down Christian evangelism there, because they know what would happen if they allowed it.

M*W: Exactly how much "christian evangelism" is going on in the Mideast? And, come on, what do you think would happen if they allowed "christian evangelism?" I guarantee that the government isn't worried about losing its citizens to christianity!
SA6: Hey MW are you the real M*W or just a clever imposter! The real M*W that we all know and love had 5,042 posts last I knew. But the above is your first post. So....? Who are you?

M*W: Thank you for noticing! I am none other than the real M*W, but as you know, to err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer! I was originally M*W, but when sciforums was down a while, I went over to the refugee forum. When sciforums returned, and I had to re-register, it wouldn't take M*W, so I had to start using my #2 handle, M W. I accumulated 1700+ posts on M*W, and 3,700+ posts of M W, so I asked the programmers to lump me altogether as M*W. They did just that, then today, I had to start over. I think they're still working on it, so I hope to be put back together in one piece before long. It sure feels good to be loved!
then why don't they allow public preaching and discussion of Christianity?

I suppose that depends entirely on who you mean by "they". In England not only is it a legal requirement for forced daily worship of a christian nature to occur in schools, but any old fool has the right to preach his garbage to anyone - whether they care or not. Speakers Corner has become the most prominent place for preaching but I have seen fools at many a venue - including after concerts at Wembley etc.