The Post Whatever Thread

u can clearly see what looks like a pre ignition det, probably around 1000 pounder size which occurs almost under the floor level
was something hidden in there ?
who would store fireworks or munitions beside such a pile !
im no expert, just what it looks like

finding how it was created/the accident occurred, wont put food on the table of the starving people or build new houses for them.

im sure the experts could find out with modern chemistry if they were allowed on the site sooner enough to test(assuming its safe to access)

the whole port is wiped out so they cant get ships of food in
which makes massive additional costs to the AID effort
there currency is almost worthless
they do have a good human resource of medium technology capable workers
but if the govt cant regulate things effectively then no big companys will want to risk their business.
[the optimist]
one can only hope it may be the catalyst to a turning point int he countrys history toward a more cohesive technological & infrastructure step upward
assuming other countrys can get aid into the country and the leadership remains progressively economically focused
opportunity to have a high tech new port
new build factories
new gateway to consumers etc...
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Well, after much self reflection, I've decided to vote. I had posted a thread about a month back, that I had intended not to vote, but I believe every election is important, and so is the right to vote. It's one of those precious rights that I shouldn't take for granted.

If you care, lemme know. :wink:
Well, after much self reflection, I've decided to vote. I had posted a thread about a month back, that I had intended not to vote, but I believe every election is important, and so is the right to vote. It's one of those precious rights that I shouldn't take for granted.

If you care, lemme know. :wink:
Makes perfect sense wegs...and while I'm residing on the opposite side of the world, I'm sure going on your previous reasonable posts, that you will vote to help rid the world of this catastrophic nut. ;)
Makes perfect sense wegs...and while I'm residing on the opposite side of the world, I'm sure going on your previous reasonable posts, that you will vote to help rid the world of this catastrophic nut. ;)
Thank you for your kind words. He’s a narcissist which maybe a “nut” would be better. Hmm. Narcissists are very insecure people and constantly feel the need to over-compensate. Sadly enough, many corporate CEO’s are narcissists, so stay where you are. We are a mess over here. lol
Well, after much self reflection, I've decided to vote. I had posted a thread about a month back, that I had intended not to vote, but I believe every election is important, and so is the right to vote. It's one of those precious rights that I shouldn't take for granted.

If you care, lemme know. :wink:

will you be voting for egos, policys or proven track record of character ?
are some combination ?
i could give you a break down in a personal message of the difference in how people vote if you like , but i wont post publicly about it.

most us voters that do not already dedicate their vote to a party, vote on ego
and i will go a long way out of my way to not talk American politics
will you be voting for egos, policys or proven track record of character ?
are some combination ?
i could give you a break down in a personal message of the difference in how people vote if you like , but i wont post publicly about it.

most us voters that do not already dedicate their vote to a party, vote on ego
and i will go a long way out of my way to not talk American politics
Most likely, I’ll vote for the lesser of the evils. It seems that this is the way Americans vote these days - against a candidate as opposed to for one. Sad.

As for pm’s...I have mine deactivated right now.
'most of Eaurope'? They had to leave out Sweden, rather than Florida?

It's August and I haven't seen a single meteor shower! Must get out more at night. There sure as hell nothing on tv!
In 2020, the peak mornings for the Perseid meteor shower – August 11, 12 and 13 – will feature meteors under moonlight...

….The Perseids tend to be bright, and a good percentage of them should be able to overcome the moonlight. Who knows? You still might see up to 40 to 50 meteors per hour at the shower’s peak, even in the light of a bright moon. Will you see over 100 per hour, as in some years? Not likely.
I would love to see that many per hour. From here


This must be the most appropriate name for a god considering what it is a god of...

Wade the Saxon god of the sea. ( Sometimes called Wada ).
Yea, I’m tough to please. :rolleye:
as opposed to tough & pleasey ... ?

aoc is the solution to the problem
but most of the problems dont want to be fixed[men] & more than happy to expect they can afford a gold plated helicopter to simply air lift them off the buss as it is driven off the cliff by their policys and ideologies
then claim its all gods will and the fate of man etc etc(its all being run by men that's a simple obvious fact)
then blame all the dead on those who disagreed with them saying it was their fault

the merry go round

now the entire public service has been ransacked of independents and intellectuals and scientists ...
its a wild horse with rabies advertising for a jockey for a ride off the cliff
to an audience of waiting laughing hyenas

question that seems obvious
the opposition doesn't like gay people ?
neither candidate likes teh gay folk
which is a clarion call to their nature toward diversity & acceptance
which is part of the irony of the moral will of the people
who claim diversity difference and individuality is supposedly a core value(this is sociology in case your wondering)
yet they cling to power pyramid old dusty authority stereo types with a xenophobic lust for conformity(communism).

the mark of a great leader is that they can share the stage with anyone and its not an ego battle.
they are humble people & seek to put the will of the peoples best interest ahead of their own.
but that doesn't build big stinking piles of cash & power without a socialist orientated peoples intellectual awareness
the voters are effectively schizophrenic

it is rather by rod or by staff rather hook or crook
and they are quite obsessed with getting a good spanking even when they dont want it
(law & order ideologies of power & authority to rule with an iron fist even if they kill & torture the innocent, they wish to see people being made to suffer to feel validated)
that's why the prison system is so massive
because it is like a massive cod piece to their tiny penis syndrome[the need to be a sadistic tyrant to validate to others & to their own twisted ego that they have power when inside they are filled with fear doubt and lack of ability]
Fake it till you Break it then run away and blame someone else
the worship of the huge nasty terrible beast of private cold nasty rape orientated prisons
where people get taught what its like to be under state control.
the mother is poisoning the baby on stage to an audience who are cheering
that is the double negative irony
the mother is a man dressed as a woman

america(rich) people problems ...
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thats not really what i wanted
i wanted all the money
the spoilt child is an adult

a simple yes or no will not do
because they have taken away your right to choose and wish you to play along to their game of pretending you have a right to choose
when in reality they are the bully dictating what you will have
by telling you what will be acceptable

coercive 3rd person manipulation of the bully generations children as adults
negative feed back loop of self-sustaining negative gain
fueled toxic relationship dynamics & the ever decreasing gains of the compromise
a master class in advanced behavioral psychology

who wants to buy a ticket ?