The Post Whatever Thread

if you lose the trust & confidence of tomorrows mothers
everything is lost
listen & listen honesty
They know they MUST change to survive
They know THEY must change for society to Survive
YOU must change with them
learn from the mistakes of the past
be the bridge not the wall
The Freak-o-Meter is going into shiznit mode
The Cray-Cray-o-meter is red-lining in idle
The Light & the Dark

The Faint & the Stark
have collided & thrown the bridle
Phylogenetic Tiger Lillies
Crouching like a Toad
Smoking Caterpllar
talking to a Cat in Striped Pajamas
sitting in a Tree
Melting in a Rainbow
tempered contentedly
Phylogenetic Smoking Toads
Lillie pads & Alices s' Road
Psychedelic phage cyclomatic
prion state symptomatic
on a less surreal note (& a bit heavy)
i notice the usa has licensed the cull of some sea lions to save fish spawning numbers
NOTE shark fin soup fishing
probably has globally impacted eco systems
the over population of sea lions might be the first human acknowledge species shift of a break down in the eco system balance

what is a natural predator of sea lions ?
large sharks & killer whales/Orca
NOTE humane Society say it is primarily caused by humans blocking water ways re diverting the salmon
NOTE humans also were the dominant predator of Sea Lions until they decided not to be
NOTE is over fishing of coastal fish a contributing factor?
pollution would be
anthropogenic human technology era and habitation line has now retreated from waters edge
A fisherman holds a freshly cut dorsal fin from a scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini). Every year, humans kill an estimated 100 million sharks. Removing sharks in large numbers can have ripple effects that throw entire ecosystems out of balance. (© Jeff Rotman/

PUBLISHED March 1, 2013

salmon have been running in those western coastal rivers for hundreds of thousands of years

cant afford to do nothing !

p.s disclaimer
author of this post likes to eat salmon
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messing with apple
someone mixed up the apples in the green grocer apple bin
my rose is in fact a brae burn

its kinda like having chicken when your expecting steak
its not bad
but its a tiny bit of a disappointment
even though there is nothing wrong with it

a privilege i enjoy & appreciate

brae burns are liked more because they are softer
but rose has much more content & cleaner flavor
brae burn flavor is almost excessively fragrant so you think your eating a drug store perfume doughnut

new season rose 5 star quality/large is an impressive beast of an apple
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RainbowSingularity would you put what you posted in the Thread ....The Language of Physics , where I can respond to your response , here or another thread , or of your own making .


in the mean time

steel torn apart by mother nature
coral reefs wiped out
national tourism and fishing industry wiped out

such a massive looking steel ship simply torn in 2 like a children's toy

the fuel spill booms look quite pathetic compared with the over all size of the situation

how do you get a salvage crew to such a ship within in 48 hours ?
surely that should be the regulatory bottom line standard ?
it is not a spare change dollar store business

covering their own asses and hoarding their own expense accounts i expect
= lack of financial pressure to make them self regulate as a proper response cost
  • part of the human animal problem
= when you get a collection of independent wealth entity's together and it forms a collective
they are extremely resistant to make laws that force money to be taken from themselves
they are big on talk morals and the ideological premise of democratic liberty
but they are always extremely slow & lacking on advanced planning, funding and preparedness
it does not matter too much if it is a socialist entity or a mixed market entity of a Laissez-faire liberal autocratic conglomerate
the human animal is always the same

psychological anthropological sociology
the age of enlightenment ?
lol !
carrot & stick mentality era running up against the brick wall of informed accountability
... whiny dinosaurs gambling on speed skating rabbits

i like DW they are an exceptional news company
their content & product is 5 star

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will do

in the mean time
steel torn apart by mother nature
coral reefs wiped out

such a massive looking steel ship simply torn in 2 like a children's toy

the fuel spill booms look quite pathetic compared with the over all size of the situation

how do you get a salvage crew to such a ship within in 48 hours ?
surely that should be the regulatory bottom line standard ?
it is not a spare change dollar store business


Agreed , what happened should have been a scenario anticiapated and therefore prepared for properly .
some dreams are soo weird
conscious & subconscious running nonsensical thoughts ideas and images together like a scrapbook
then the brain attempting to make them seem logical
positively pornographic
so your playing the sex as a weapon game huh ...
attack 1st strategy ...
you think your original ! ha !
remember this
it is your choice to continue to attempt to undermine your own sanity
YOU are self accountable from this point forward
no take backs

you don't understand ! they are trying to give you the opportunity to .. give them your money ... for free !

for free ?! wow ! what an offer ! thanks for translating "idiot" into "fuck you very much"

.. i love free stuff !
let me empty my wallet & pockets and drop my pants first, i want to be totally ready to give as good as i get

... now ... whats on offer ?
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