The Post Whatever Thread

the washing machine ...
did someone forget to connect the outbound hose pipe(bilge) in the washing machine ?
or was it incorrectly configured with too many bends in it so it could not flow fast enough ?
or was it not turned on ?
If there's nothing how can you operate upon it? Just as if there's one, then there is ONLY ONE. You cannot operate upon it.

Washing machine rainbowsingularity?

It arrives, brand-new. When it's good to go you put dirty clothes in it. When they're washed you remove the clothes. then you dry the clothes. This process is repeated. When the clothes are drying, they are (slowly) getting dirty again. So, with regards to a washing machine I would state that your clothes are ALWAYS dirty. If your clothes are in the machine, you are still wearing some, which must be dirty. Should ALL your clothes be in the machine, they needed washing so they must have been dirty. That is my conclusion...
Lebanon massive whare house dock explosion

looks quite large
possibly moab size
they say 70 dead
but im guessing it is more likely to be at least a few hundred, i doubt they evacuated people back very far

with covid shut downs these tye of things are more likely to happen when factories open up again without the required ongoing safety and compliance and maintenance
there is probably no end of factories where the safety protocols are simply thoughts in peoples minds
never recorded or trained into others because the company wont pay for it.
i saw someone today
i have seen them before
several times
they are very nice... (i think[one of the beautiful people])
it makes me feel special and lucky

beirut Lebanon
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wound up like a tin soldier with a bee up its ass
so busy thinking about a button to press or not press they totally miss the buttons someone else is pressing in them
at the chance to feel like they have got a win, they fail to see they have actually created a lose
they just have not paid the price for the ticket to the ride they have lost yet.
that is the nature of such things
the games they play make things more difficult when they cant remember all the different lies they tell

i am watching them slowly toxify in their own poison(aging very mild possible dementia or just loss of basic memory [short & long term processing]with aging)
i do desperately wish to demand they change their diet so as to interrupt their terribly low nutrient diet.
but they are stead fast against changing anything
i could design a special range of vitamins minerals and foods to massively boost their energy and mental capacity
but they simply wont do it because they only eat what they know and wont challenge themselves to eat anything different.
i am no stranger to watching a family member dying in front of me over a few months
riddled with cancer

it is extremely hard to remain detached and not get deliberately dragged in by them as they thrash about psychologically.

i have been trying to decide if their memory is going or they just outright lie
i have detected a definite patter which appears to be some semi subconscious routine process that may be companion to a dementia like loss of mental ability to control direction toward the purpose and subjects of conversation

such is life

while some may appear to go out of their way to make things harder for others, that doesn't validate a reason for you to make things harder on others than they have made it for themselves

some people will go to the grave playing their mind games even if it kills them

their projection of attempted mental domination is quite disruptive to my ability to have some time to plan my day and life in general.
but that is the nature of the pervasive influence of relationships
you only have to care a little to be open to be hurt a lot
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