The Post Whatever Thread

All's program should have included the following: if...

a, b, c, d and e= 1 to 10

... It may have well have stated (10/1)=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10=10

So then, he should try



Why not substitute a, b, c, d and e for 10 (10/1)?



If you can solve these riddles 24, you are a better person than I, because I used a calculator and a computer. But you should try every combination.
mansplain 101
"i think its too much to ask to expect someone to have morals"
"i don't think that's fair"
"why are they always demanding me to care about them & do what they want"
"i have my own rights!"

"they shouldn't expect me to have morals all the time, that's just ridiculous"
mansplain 101.1

you don't even need to do anything
except for what i say


soo ... you mean i don't have to do 'anything' ?
you don't actually have to do ANYthing.

... ... . . . except for what i tell you to do . . .

soo .. do "nothing" ?
. . . yes ! as long as your doing what i tell you to do
you don't have to do anything

. . . . . . should i start doing nothing now ?
or ... can i choose any time to do nothing ?
struggling to cope
projected panic(attempting to make someone panic or expecting someone to panic)

ambient lucid dividing lines between different boxes of past & present
different worlds

life in the inbetweens
rest easily between worlds
for these are the places no one dare go
this is our home
we live there
mind your step if you dont know your manners

never prompt never hinder
or your world will turn to cinder

tumbling ball of sticks & branches of thoughts and worlds ideas, sanity & realms
spins in a chaotic ball threatening to break and mangle anything that touches it
step in at your own risk

(a poem about synesthesia & conceptualism)

(the modern world is very complex & confusing, find space to breath and take a moment, be gentle to yourself, try not to put more burden on others who have not requested it)
is that the solar wind going past of the ?
feels like the em field is in yoyo mode


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i like this picture quite a lot

real emotion
letting go of control
bravery to allow the picture to be published
embracing new experiences
genuine feelings
intent for exploration of the human condition
different realities intertwine like a kaleidoscope of vomit on a freshly baked birthday cake

it is quite disturbing

c'est la vie

that is par for the coarse in many ways
most people exert their will on others to achieve personal gains
the compromise of realities to co-existance etc etc
however for most people there comes a point where it becomes to much to cope with

it feels like your mind is squirming
as if the muscles under your skin & under the bone are moving by themselves
squirming like worms
be mindful of the values that you set by the way you treat others
force changes on others at your peril

some times a new reality must be created for not only yourself, but for others around you
your family
your friends
the ones you love
these changes are hard
they consume your soul
gnawing like on bone
or gradual pollution of your happiness & will
like a dead weight around you conscious will to maintain joy in you heart
there are many roads to the bottom
not all seem like they are down hill
some appear to be even

some things are toxic
toxic relationships
toxic personal habits
toxic pleasures
toxic ways to find contentedness
like amphetamines
eventually you die of immune collapse or starvation or your heart just stops working

such is the reality of happiness inside this model of toxic behaviorism
you may choose to be the cure
but it may cost you what you have cured
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Hi there.

Well it's a cartoon, and if it prevents you from touching something, it could prevent you from burning yourself on something hot.
As I said. It depends on the type of violence depicted.

Watching another hurt themselves and the observer "cringing" even though it is the other who suffers, the pain is an "empathic" response.

To derive pleasure from watching violence experienced by another is a "psychopathic" response.
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I have recently been interested in learning more about creating games on the computer using Java, LWJGL, WebGL, SFML, SDL, OpenGL, Vulkan, DirectX, Game Maker Engine, Godot Engine, Unity Engine, and Unreal Engine. I just need to find one to focus on at the moment.