The Post Whatever Thread

I’ve started to grow my own vegetable garden and also a sunflower plant. Not much rain lately so I’m spraying them with a water mist twice per day, but they’re getting lots of sun. :smile:
Are you spraying early morning before the sun is high? I'm no greenfingers, but I did hear you can damage the plant watering or spraying on sunny day.
The main cause of leaf burn is from spraying water, fertilisers or chemicals onto plant foliage in hot sunny weather.

What happens, is the water on the leaf in the sun acts like a magnifying glass - it intensifies the sunlight onto the leaf, causing it to overheat & then burn. It's very similar to using a magnifying glass to burn paper.
Got together with friends for a virtual happy hour today lol I feel a little drunk :oops:
I’ve started to grow my own vegetable garden and also a sunflower plant. Not much rain lately so I’m spraying them with a water mist twice per day, but they’re getting lots of sun. :smile:
Great hobby, great pets.

I've had 15 or so small pots in my small cheapy greenhouse for, must be 3 weeks, still germinating half of them were... I went to water them and this honey got in the greenhouse, it was hot and I didn't want it to stress so I went to pull it out and clipped one of my shelves, before I know it all the pots destroyed, 3 weeks work up the spout. I tried to save two. So next day when I go to water them, they're dead and I see the honey bee staring me straight in the eyes dead bang in the middle of the greenhouse. The bee has gone missing.
I'm starting a slime-mold garden and begin a "universal civil engineering" firm/Travel Agency

I am going to make maps of all the constellations and have the slime mold engineer the most efficient intergalactic travel routes.
i have a about 2.5 hours to decide if i am going to resign
if i dont, i allow the company to exploit me by taking a 30% cut from my income
if i do, i make them suffer some loss and possible loss of contracts which is what they have been exploiting me for.

what to do
what to do

hhmmm ...

70% chance i wont resign
Be Honourable to yourself .

sage advice

4 people playing me for their own financial benefit when they dont pay my wages
so they just looking after #1
1(a fifth person) i like & will have to financially damage & cause personal life problems for)to hit the others hard to teach them a lesson so it comes out of their bank account
because they taking from mine

but there is a longer game
i may be able to reduce their attack on my income to be only 5% and have me walking away looking like a saint in a few weeks time
but that has soo many variables i cant compute the outcome probability so its like rolling a many sided dice hoping for a single result

there is a chance my actions could reflect poorly on one of my professional associates
which i would not want(that is the only thing really stopping me at the moment along side my potential to be in a better position to exploit their theft of my income a little further down the track).

i hate games
i avoid interacting with them at great cost often
much to my loss probably
but we all have our faults

its grating on my mind knowing they will be almost laughing at me in a couple of weeks time if i dont act very soon.
but i may have a legal angle which will make them look like the ass holes they are being in a few weeks also
and i will look like the saint
which is most important :D
i dont like conflict
sage advice

4 people playing me for their own financial benefit when they dont pay my wages
so they just looking after #1
1(a fifth person) i like & will have to financially damage & cause personal life problems for)to hit the others hard to teach them a lesson so it comes out of their bank account
because they taking from mine

but there is a longer game
i may be able to reduce their attack on my income to be only 5% and have me walking away looking like a saint in a few weeks time
but that has soo many variables i cant compute the outcome probability so its like rolling a many sided dice hoping for a single result

there is a chance my actions could reflect poorly on one of my professional associates
which i would not want(that is the only thing really stopping me at the moment along side my potential to be in a better position to exploit their theft of my income a little further down the track).

i hate games
i avoid interacting with them at great cost often
much to my loss probably
but we all have our faults

its grating on my mind knowing they will be almost laughing at me in a couple of weeks time if i dont act very soon.
but i may have a legal angle which will make them look like the ass holes they are being in a few weeks also
and i will look like the saint
which is most important :D
i dont like conflict

Games take up too much time .
Games take up too much time .

ur not wrong

but some greedy selfish people have that perspective on reality 24/7
so every thing they do is a game
they are always looking to stick a knife in here
take something there
always on the take as someone once described it
somewhat cynercistic in nature
im anti conflict and quite aware of it so i avoid games even when i know people are directly attempting to engage me in them

however in this particular instance
2 things happened
1 someone lied to me and then stole some of my hours when they were taking more of the profit than they were letting on
then then expect me to tae a loss and claim its because income has dropped
when they were hoarding and hiding the increased profit for several months

and then they have broken a legal agreement to minimum income thresh hold

they have then rubbed it in my face by making a back handed comment to play with me like a toy for amusement

there is only so far one can go until one must correct the imbalance

out right suing might not work out in my long term favour even if i win and get back what has been taken
i wont get any profit on top

they think i dont get it
they think i dont understand the games they are playing or the way they are openly mocking me for their own entertainment

i dont actually care about it that much except for the loss of income
i dont have ego problems so dont need to go about committing and spreading violence to feel self esteem
unlike most people
its a fault as much as its a benefit in a mad world
ur not wrong

but some greedy selfish people have that perspective on reality 24/7
so every thing they do is a game
they are always looking to stick a knife in here
take something there
always on the take as someone once described it
somewhat cynercistic in nature
im anti conflict and quite aware of it so i avoid games even when i know people are directly attempting to engage me in them

however in this particular instance
2 things happened
1 someone lied to me and then stole some of my hours when they were taking more of the profit than they were letting on
then then expect me to tae a loss and claim its because income has dropped
when they were hoarding and hiding the increased profit for several months

and then they have broken a legal agreement to minimum income thresh hold

they have then rubbed it in my face by making a back handed comment to play with me like a toy for amusement

there is only so far one can go until one must correct the imbalance

out right suing might not work out in my long term favour even if i win and get back what has been taken
i wont get any profit on top

they think i dont get it
they think i dont understand the games they are playing or the way they are openly mocking me for their own entertainment

I dont actually care about it that much except for the loss of income
i dont have ego problems so dont need to go about committing and spreading violence to feel self esteem
unlike most people
its a fault as much as its a benefit in a mad world

Misunderstanding of any body , Matters .
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its just a life style choice ...

a small yet significant epiphany

in the competition between people
people seek certain skills

thinking on your feet ...
is a funny thing because most people expect most modern people to be able to "think on their feet"
other words can mean the same type of thing
thinking on the go
multi tasking(old out dated patriarchal based out moded expression which is miss interpreted by most & mostly used t mean a socially based interactive function of female stereo typed activities)

anywho ...
part of what i do requires very occasional extremely complex network thinking on my feet
& i casually engage with technical networking functions where people spend their entire day thinking on their feet continually adapting different systems in their head to meet other things happening
i watch how it mentally drains them.

so it occurred to me that on average
most people do not have any tool to be able to engage with someone to see if they can "think on their feet"
most of the testing perimeters are all old linear archaic stuff
or require adoption of pre existing systems to copy modes to then formulate
which is specifically not impromptu

adaptive dynamic thought processes(as an ability which can be simply turned on or off)

a highly desirable skill by most wanting to make money
but not really quantified or capable by most of being defined or measured

most of the people i professionally interact with are expected to have this ability(im not about to say what i do or who i work for but by all means ask a stupid question if your ego demands it)

fyi my job is pretty good
but the money is complete shit so im looking for another job because a busies idea fell through and now im loosing money every week(earning less than my basic costs)

in the changing landscape of the global professional world
female social skills have become the new gold standard of interactive network process
with male ADD like skill level ability

you have to be the porn star & the floor sweeper and the person that can fix the fuse box

not much to ask for ?
not really, unless your an old world person who has personal development issues that prevent you from adapting
then you(old world type who cant evolve & adapt) become the anarchist

p.s for the record
i love George & Amal
and Matt is one of my all time fav actors(never seen one of matts films that i didn't like, & im fairly sure ive seen all except 1 or 2
seen almost al of Georges
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ur not wrong

but some greedy selfish people have that perspective on reality 24/7
so every thing they do is a game
they are always looking to stick a knife in here
take something there
always on the take as someone once described it
somewhat cynercistic in nature
im anti conflict and quite aware of it so i avoid games even when i know people are directly attempting to engage me in them

however in this particular instance
2 things happened
1 someone lied to me and then stole some of my hours when they were taking more of the profit than they were letting on
then then expect me to tae a loss and claim its because income has dropped
when they were hoarding and hiding the increased profit for several months

and then they have broken a legal agreement to minimum income thresh hold

they have then rubbed it in my face by making a back handed comment to play with me like a toy for amusement

there is only so far one can go until one must correct the imbalance

out right suing might not work out in my long term favour even if i win and get back what has been taken
i wont get any profit on top

they think i dont get it
they think i dont understand the games they are playing or the way they are openly mocking me for their own entertainment

i dont actually care about it that much except for the loss of income
i dont have ego problems so dont need to go about committing and spreading violence to feel self esteem
unlike most people
its a fault as much as its a benefit in a mad world

i made them an offer
in sales mode
called to speak with one of my consultants for advice
got verbally spewed up on
threw all their negative emotions on me

and also found out they had not done as i had requested

probably will cancel that subscription today

upon further consideration
i have been using a ladys hand bag as a wooden mallet on a electricians electrical meter screw driver expecting it to be an oscilloscope
while working like a chisel

while a chance for them to make money and gain market position has gone begging because i was tricked by the lies i was told
... email lies, deliberately layered email & text lies
deferring to a third person to act as a go between who has no power
while assigning them power & getting them to collude
(technically speaking)
i have to change my game plan
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