The Post Whatever Thread

If I could control time, could I freeze myself, travel the entire world until I find what I'm looking for, and then unfreeze time when I arrive? Is this teleportation? :)
If two people exist could we reverse time for one of them, control them, watch the other pass through the moment, and then reverse time for the original person so it was as if we were never there, and both parties remain with everything?


You were there before them, and it should be perfectly possible to erase something you've done, so everyone knows, but yet still, the person is the only one who knows... :)

The only way someone can know what happened is if they did it their self. You can still know who did what because they will be the person during that moment. :)

*rubs legs* fitness!
If I ever discover time-travel, I would go into the past and commit suicide before I discover it, so my killer instinct is suppressed. Being from the future, I know I have already discovered it, which is unchangeable (you cannot alter the past), so when I die myself that caused the suicide will overtake my dead self (that stopped time) and my resurrection will be complete.

-------->overtaking my dead self(disappears)
---------|my dead self
<--------I reverse time

I ALSO rise, because the future self has already discovered time-travel, which is FOREVER, and when THAT self also stops time, the dead self that committed suicide will overtake him, and time will have been reversed once again.
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...when you die, anyone you have invited round will disappear because you're not there to give them a lift...:)...the same is true if they kill you (although that is impossible)...but I do suggest you visit them again because otherwise they will be stuck there FOREVER, which is kind of the trick...:)
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It'll hurt me more than it hurts you. :redface: please let me know you've made it...somehow, anyhow.

Incidentally you cannt commit suicide unless you can remember, "nothing." :)
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If I could control time, could I freeze myself, travel the entire world until I find what I'm looking for, and then unfreeze time when I arrive? Is this teleportation? :)
No its much simpler.

Problem is that 2 entangled chambers in New York and 2 entangled chambers in Paris might produce a endless entanglement loop and as soon as you stepped in one chamber you might in both New York and Paris at the same time, in two places in two different dimensions..:rolleyes:
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If reversing time moves life forwards, then moving time forwards should reverse time, or help people to remember. Would travelling into the future, reversing time, then reversing time once again, so you're where you were before (in the future), help people to remember?


Would taking the former step by step, adding 1 to what you're dividing, adding 1 to what you're dividing by, and subtracting 1 from the total, (not forgetting the equals after each step), allow you to summon ANYTHING (n) from nothing?

Why not try dividing a gram of ecstacy by zero:

(((A gram of ecstacy+1)÷(0+1))-1)=(((a gram of ecstacy+1)÷1)-1)=((a gram of ecstacy+1)-1)=a gram of ecstacy.

Or if you're feeling really brave...


Please think of me (0) if you try dividing 3 by zero (I will BE you (hear thoughts much?))...


Enjoy. :)
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Please let me know that you're okay, when you make it. You'll have to traverse again and introduce yourself somehow.

By the way, I was wondering, if write something in pencil and erase it, would the written word still exist in that moment, and if someone placed a blank piece of paper over the erased word, and took a rubbing, would the indent of the word appear, and would this mean the word was there all along.

from thefrogger (I know, the line should begin with a capital letter.) :) x
When you die, anyone you have invited will return to from where they came (disappear) because you wont be able to give them a ride, but I suggest you visit them again else they will be trapped there FOREVER, which is kind of the point. :)
Traversing time during your life means you travel through your parents, grand-parents, and every other person who existed before (including God.) As you progress across the Earth you will have the memories of your life (because you were passing through) but because you exist BEFORE all of society, you will see a different world. When you end your life...

--------| will inherit the world the traverser saw. A different life! As you then progress across the Earth you will see the world as it was when you were present, but your memory of it is quite different. It doesn't mean you have forgotten, because some things simply didn't happen. :)
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Studying the un-con-sci-ous mind, I find the polar opposites are pro's and con's, meaning for and against. Un-con-sci-ous is the same as pre-sci-ous, pre- simply meaning to be-fore (pre-.)

Should pre-ci-ous be applied to s-ci-ence we may remove -ci- from science (since it is before that) to find sence. So, we may say that science is based upon the senses (in es-sence.)

There are five fundamental senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, although I maintain there are more, such as a sense of balance, or humour.

The five common senses interact, for example, touch produces sound. Should a driver touch his horn it is because they are trying to move forwards. They are telling you to move on. A car sailing past IS moving forwards.
Originally Jesus's Mother said she would knock someone out, and she did. She predicted the future, and it was true. However, I can remember being unconscious. It wasn't true for long. :)
Sooo, I’m playing the piano again (thanks CV19?) and bought the app MusicNotes - any musicians here familiar? It’s awesome but you still need to purchase music, per song. It just gives you a pretty cool discount.
Sooo, I’m playing the piano again (thanks CV19?) and bought the app MusicNotes - any musicians here familiar? It’s awesome but you still need to purchase music, per song. It just gives you a pretty cool discount.
Sounds brilliant. I've been meaning to play the piano fo 20 years.
Sounds brilliant. I've been meaning to play the piano fo 20 years.
I used to play competitively in high school/college, and never really played for my own enjoyment. But, I've decided recently to pick it back up, it's amazing how easy it is to get lost in a piece for two hours.

There are a lot of great beginner tutorials on YouTube - if you don't have a piano, you could purchase a keyboard? Never too late. :smile:
I used to play competitively in high school/college, and never really played for my own enjoyment. But, I've decided recently to pick it back up, it's amazing how easy it is to get lost in a piece for two hours.

There are a lot of great beginner tutorials on YouTube - if you don't have a piano, you could purchase a keyboard? Never too late. :smile:
I've always had an electric piano just couldn't get enthusatic enough to learn, I folled some people on youtube and that but 2 days learning is my record. I'm not a natural musician I don't know what having a ear for music means, maybe I have got a ear for music but just don't understand what a ear for music is. I don't think I'm a natural. I can do a haunting bit music from the movie Jaws, and I can always remember how to play it.