The Post Whatever Thread


I think that’s only if you’re starting a new thread, but I could be wrong. This is the “post whatever” thread so think one can post whatever as long as it doesn’t violate forum rules (ie: hate speech, porn, etc)
The problem is we have no idea what's behind those links. They could be porn or malware.
The problem is we have no idea what's behind those links. They could be porn or malware.
Wouldn’t that be the same case if he put one line or two in the post preceding the link? Just curious what you mean.
Wouldn’t that be the same case if he put one line or two in the post preceding the link? Just curious what you mean.
There's got to be some minimum expected engagement though.
Even if it's not malware, why would anybody follow a link that's posted without any engagement?

SciFo can't force people to engage in conversation (except via infractions), but they can certainly encourage them.

Anyway, dems da rulez. Just because this thread is titled 'Post Whatever', doesn't mean it gets a free pass.
Sooo, I’m not much of a drinker but tonight I’m having some vodka with sugar free cranberry juice and I’m raising my glass to you guys. I’ve learned a lot this year on SF - some of you are pretty damn smart :smile:

And interesting.

Here’s to 2020 approaching! May we continue to seek answers and never get tired of asking questions.
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“…net of age, race, sex, education, family income, religion, current and past marital status and number of children, more intelligent Americans are more likely to prefer instrumental music such as big band, classical and easy listening than less-intelligent Americans.”

part of the issue with testing is the society in which you are collecting the raw data from.
having the different demographics of gender,, age, education, family income
(some multi millionaires whom own millions in property have very low incomes)
in the usa the very idea of beating the system to be a smart capitalist is to keep your income as low as possible to evade tax
this is why not-for-profit companys are so prevalent while charity is very low.

is being as clever as hitler rated as being high IQ ?
get the point ?
probably not... moving on

what is always needed in such tests is a environmental base set for the area of raw data.
this must be established separately

do i agree with the theme of the subject ?
in what way ?
higher IQ people like a wider range of music types
simply by increasing the contrasting types of music to choose from, you can clearly and easily divide out the higher IQ people without any need to ask questions around money.
American lust is all about money and race issues

those are completely unnecessary
your environmental base study shows you what type of community and ethnic diversity your pooling from.

part of 1 type of cultural disease in the usa and most other countrys in smaller or larger amounts ...
is the belief that wealth is a sign of high IQ.
while bulking out the survey with apologetic ethnic(or sexual orientation) diversity around genetic heritage(parental culture/ethnicity) to virtue signal non discrimination is repugnant manipulation of test subjects.

case and point....
i recently applied for a job that looked great.
however, i had something flag-waiving in the background(like a cheer leader in the back ground trying to tell me something i could not quite hear from a distance)
something didn't seem right.
it was like i was reading what i wanted to read while the meaning was meaning something else.
it took about a week afterward for me to remember what a specialist HR consultant had told me many years ago about how structure defines the nature of the companys intent.

the company had used a diversity questionnaire as a racial profiling tool in their employment process.
it had registered in my subconscious but took a few days before i had recalled the conversation from 7 or 8 years back.
i realized that the company was in fact very racist
and hiring people based on their ethnicity to make themselves look good/fake while promoting themselves to be a model of inclusiveness(fake)
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I wanted to apologize if I had ever said I felt indifferently about the Jewish people and Judaism because I do care about them.
Happy new year, SF!

Does this mean that we have only been recording time for 2020 years? :?
Happy new year, SF!

Does this mean that we have only been recording time for 2020 years? :?

It was quite a source of consternation of the Egyptians, the Mayans, the Celts and the Chinese - sitting around for thousands of years waiting for Jesus of Nazareth to invent the calendar.
I’m confused. Why don’t we include “”BC?”
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I believe the Romans started a calendar of sorts roughly around 750 BC. Why do our calendars only reflect AD?
I believe the Romans started a calendar of sorts roughly around 750 BC. Why do our calendars only reflect AD?
Every civilization has a calendar. Every civilization had a calendar before some dude was born in a stable.

Many are still used. It is currently the Jewish year 5779. It is currently the Chinese year 4718.

The Julian calendar was implemented in 45BC and was still in use by some countries into the early 20th century.

Western civilization adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1582, standardizing it to the birth of Christ.

Fun fact: there is no year zero in the Western calendar. The year 1AD follows the year 1BC.
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Every civilization has a calendar. Every civilization had a calendar before some dude was born in a stable.

Many are still used. It is currently the Jewish year 5779. It is currently the Chinese year 4718.

The Julian calendar was implemented in 45BC and was still in use by some countries into the early 20th century.

Western civilization adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1582, standardizing it to the birth of Christ.

Fun fact: there is no year zero in the Western calendar. The year 1AD follows the year 1BC.

Thanks for clarifying this - how interesting! I didn’t know this. :smile: