The Post Whatever Thread

reading 1 name makes me angry


Get past your anger . And read and then think , objectively upon their posts .

Who ever this 1 name is . I think it is me , by his tone in other threads in his response to my posts . I could be wrong , and if I'm right , it wouldn't surprise me .

If it is me , then lets have it out , Intelligently .
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I think it is me ,
i am not aware of this person being on this site and i do not knowingly communicate with them.
Get past your anger .
spot on
this is what i am focusing on

note also, i said name, not meaning 'handle'
p.s i am aware of your attachment(we all have attachments this is a Buddhist principal of psycho-dynamics)

your desire to actuate the process to come to some type of conceptual point is very you.
i am well aware of that.
some might call it a little bit OCD
your desire to knock out the science and simplify things is somewhat of a point of consternation with some people on the site
that doesn't annoy me
it certainly does not make me angry.

i enjoy your bent on fringe science concepts, however your dogged desire to fixate on a physical scientific law principal is somewhat confronting to many people.
doesn't bother me , however ... simplicity is as much a tool as it can be a pot hole or speed bump.

you could look at the difference between determination and lack of scope
where ever you have picked up the term "simple" from you are using it as a patch to conflate your own desire to scientifically investigate because you have attached it to your perspective where you should be taking on data rather than excluding it.
the exclusion of data is not a principal of intellectual ability
it is a block to data
modern concepts of self control now often define themselves by their ability to say no to things and assert a sense of personal choice(equally saying yes notice how celebrity media types go about telling everyone what they want and what they like).
that is not intellectual ability
that is a social intellectual disease.
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"lucky" would seem more logical than "goodly"
it is not good that it/they make me feel anger

so because it is unable to be good, it must by default be luck
since you were in the process of assumption
this incorrect assumption could be deemed as a gamble, or guess
the good luck would be lucky
the bad luck would be un lucky

a good result is still a wrong result for you
which makes you wrong
since wrong is unlikely to be "good" you have rendered "lucky" to be of greater value

deductive logic reasoning(show your workings)
"lucky" would seem more logical than "goodly"
it is not good that it/they make me feel anger

so because it is unable to be good, it must by default be luck
since you were in the process of assumption
this incorrect assumption could be deemed as a gamble, or guess
the good luck would be lucky
the bad luck would be un lucky

a good result is still a wrong result for you
which makes you wrong
since wrong is unlikely to be "good" you have rendered "lucky" to be of greater value

deductive logic reasoning(show your workings)

Being Good is not just about me , it is also equally about Humanity its self .
Being Good is


human/business/corporate values
good = not giving away all your millions of dollars to the poor

positive alignment to agreed quantitative sum

General science
"collective agreement to scientifically proven majority/methodology"(statistics or value of result to error probability)

Logic = agreement
Philosophy = one of 2 opposing sides to a concept having a binary notation
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"Hey! Hey! Hey! You fuc*in' Nazi, how are ya?"

i loled at some of this
which is a bit of a surprise for me.
because i tend not to enjoy the add water and stir pre cast stereo typed semi satire comic slap stick.
its a bit like watching Graham Norton if you swapped everyone with conservative MP's and removed the script & replaced it with the terms and conditions of an insurance policy.

I think that’s only if you’re starting a new thread, but I could be wrong. This is the “post whatever” thread so think one can post whatever as long as it doesn’t violate forum rules (ie: hate speech, porn, etc)