The Post Whatever Thread

If I done one it would be for Android and maybe iOS. Android has a free development kit. Get a dummies book even(I would, and I've coded most of my working life). Couple of good books and a PC and an Android phone/tablet, phone is more popular but maybe do one for each depending on the design or/and type of game you envisage.

EDIT: If you have an Apple I think the iOS development kit is free. I was going to write a game a while back.

Java and Android are a trending market for apps and games. Java is not a bad choice for games but C++ is better. I am thinking about preparing to develop a game in C++ and OpenGL at the moment. You can even develop a game in Java and OpenGL.
Note to self: idea for invention; a videocamera that records what someone is seeing (possibly by recording brainwaves.)
Asked for refill, the usual 50 pills. Got 500. Gawd bless the VA.

(Hydrocodone, if you're wondering.)

give blood(or get a friend/nurse paramedic take some out every 2 months)
the more new red blood cells you have the more oxygen they carry and clearer you can think and the better pain relief.
free public broardcast speech for multi millionaires comes at a price

schooled by your own customers
power of the customer
the customer is always right

free speech is a myth
no such thing as a free trade lunch
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give blood(or get a friend/nurse paramedic take some out every 2 months)
the more new red blood cells you have the more oxygen they carry and clearer you can think and the better pain relief.
I would have stop taking about eleven meds for that to happen. I'm not a fan of tachycardia, etc.