The Post Whatever Thread

How were you ripped off? :frown:

Uber have a lovely app
it makes it look like you know whats going on.
it gives people a feeling of security
but in reality
the prices are almost the same and the location of the pick up seems to be constantly wrong.

the digital precision aspect is false
the cost saving as being competitive is also false

however, the lower price was what they used to maintain the market and acquire massive amounts of personal data on people that now all carry their app on their most private personal details device,... their cell phone.

who will hack uber apps 1st ?
its begging to be done
what happens when everyone downloads the next compulsory uber update so they can be safe and secure and get home in a dark horrible world of loneliness & awkward time frames set like broken glass on wet & windy curb sides ... ?

say bye bye to all your cell phone contacts ? after it I'M's al your contacts with a funny picture from your last night wedding photos ?

damn !

all the uber users were endorsing Uber not paying drivers holiday pay or sick pay for a few years.
directly voting AGAINST maternity leave with their money
and being proud of it

all at the expense of established taxi drivers with kids & mortgages ...

soon everyone will feel super duper pooper safe with driver-less uber taxis
and they will be happy to pay 50% more than what taxis with real drivers earning half descent wages would cost.
junkys want their crack... uber-crack ... say no to speed regulations stop letting the world tell you to go slower that costs you money and happiness.

How were you ripped off? :frown:
stage 3 rip off system
they dont turn up to pick you up
they take money off your cell phone directly out of your bank calling it a no-show-fee, just small enough that takes hours of phone arguments and money to claim back....
then they blame it on google maps
while they pirate some other curb side fair for better money and leave you waiting for no one to arrive
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Uber have a lovely app
it makes it look like you know whats going on.
it gives people a feeling of security
but in reality
the prices are almost the same and the location of the pick up seems to be constantly wrong.

the digital precision aspect is false
the cost saving as being competitive is also false

however, the lower price was what they used to maintain the market and acquire massive amounts of personal data on people that now all carry their app on their most private personal details device,... their cell phone.

who will hack uber apps 1st ?
its begging to be done
what happens when everyone downloads the next compulsory uber update so they can be safe and secure and get home in a dark horrible world of loneliness & awkward time frames set like broken glass on wet & windy curb sides ... ?

say bye bye to all your cell phone contacts ? after it I'M's al your contacts with a funny picture from your last night wedding photos ?

damn !

all the uber users were endorsing Uber not paying drivers holiday pay or sick pay for a few years.
directly voting AGAINST maternity leave with their money
and being proud of it

all at the expense of established taxi drivers with kids & mortgages ...

soon everyone will feel super duper pooper safe with driver-less uber taxis
and they will be happy to pay 50% more than what taxis with real drivers earning half descent wages would cost.
junkys want their crack... uber-crack ... say no to speed regulations stop letting the world tell you to go slower that costs you money and happiness.

stage 3 rip off system
they dont turn up to pick you up
they take money off your cell phone directly out of your bank calling it a no-show-fee, just small enough that takes hours of phone arguments and money to claim back....
then they blame it on google maps
while they pirate some other curb side fair for better money and leave you waiting for no one to arrive
How do you know all of this?
It's so quiet here on SF a ghost town.

How do you know all of this?

when someone buys uber shares, what asset is backing the value of the company ?
= nothing !
how does the person buying the shares make money ?
they make money buy the next person buying the same no-asset ticket for more money

what is this called ?
ponsie scheme or pyramid scheme

why is such a massive pyramid/ponsie sheme allowed to operate openly on the usa stock market ?

because most of those people are corrupt ethically and morally and will do what ever they can to make money.

but then why is small scale ponsie schemes made illegal when they allow a multi billion dollar ponsie scheme to rule like a queen boss on the stock market ?

2 things
1 because large money
2 because it validates classicism and the manifestation of corporatism being a superior class above laws and above the average person

is it bad ?
morally ?
or economically ?
morally it is just another way to make money, people trafficking where people get paid to promote capitalism while giving people a fresh start in life.
but many consider people traffickers are really bad people.
... and many people believe god will save them from climate change

so who is worse ?
people traffickers or uber share stock brokers selling ponsie shares to people to invest their pension funds into ?

excellent question.

this is called capitalism
it has no interest in morals.
when someone buys uber shares, what asset is backing the value of the company ?
= nothing !
how does the person buying the shares make money ?
they make money buy the next person buying the same no-asset ticket for more money

what is this called ?
ponsie scheme or pyramid scheme

why is such a massive pyramid/ponsie sheme allowed to operate openly on the usa stock market ?

because most of those people are corrupt ethically and morally and will do what ever they can to make money.

but then why is small scale ponsie schemes made illegal when they allow a multi billion dollar ponsie scheme to rule like a queen boss on the stock market ?

2 things
1 because large money
2 because it validates classicism and the manifestation of corporatism being a superior class above laws and above the average person

is it bad ?
morally ?
or economically ?
morally it is just another way to make money, people trafficking where people get paid to promote capitalism while giving people a fresh start in life.
but many consider people traffickers are really bad people.
... and many people believe god will save them from climate change

so who is worse ?
people traffickers or uber share stock brokers selling ponsie shares to people to invest their pension funds into ?

excellent question.

this is called capitalism
it has no interest in morals.

You must be the heart and soul of the party! <3
If travelling the speed of light slows time, why does electricity even arrive? Surely electricity should reverse time, or light should be at the beginning of time. The Sun?
So do I :) but you really will need great coding skills for a one man job. I'm sure a thread or whatever would give you loads of ideas, I have quite a few.

I have been thinking about creating a game in Game Maker, Godot, Unity, or Unreal. I have also been thinking about creating a game with Java, OpenGL, Direct3D, SFML, SDL, or LIBGDX. There are so many options.
If travelling the speed of light slows time, why does electricity even arrive? Surely electricity should reverse time, or light should be at the beginning of time. The Sun?

these are types of ways the brain thinks (& a few other ways)
you are thinking in a linear sequential manner to expect the physics of the universe to comply with your thought process.
it doesn't work like that.

If travelling the speed of light slows time

this is problematic
the thing travelling at the speed of light experiences a slowing of relative time to another object from the same time frame
the speed of that given object does not directly slow time for all other things.

that as an aspect of the concept i have never seen discussed. probably because it is far too complex for non physicists and non mathematician types thinkers to ponder.

Schrodingers' cat...
is the electricity already there ?

the sun isn't already there because we know the start and rough end time frame

however, if your defining a relative term of time-space as a frame of existence in between the existence time period of that sun, then you have an open equation to work with
(i suspect i have already lost you here)

argumentative concept to show you the difficulty of the testing
maybe dark energy interacts at higher speeds resulting in a direct force of known time of radio carbon decay
so in fact the clocks were just being exerted on by dark energy and time was not effected.
... running further down that line
maybe dark energy allows the ability to travel in-between time
so dark energy exists in its own time reference and time its self only exists as a force against light matter.
like missing time
we know its missing but we cant pick it up and put it in a hand bag
or poke it with a stick
i am wondering if by the time the world wakes up to african swine flu
if it will impact global meat prices and end up turning village agrarian societys backwards by malnourished children lacking the intellectual capability to step up to meet the future requirement for climate change life.
the down flow of in potential worst case scenario of spiking red meat prices in first world countrys resulting in many low income children being protein deficient in critical brain growth stages also concerns me.

i think most governments dont care.
thats life though
thats why they go for such jobs to be the number 1
because they dont care about helping people, they help themselves and this is the only drive that allows them to become the leader.
so the process drives those who truly lack empathy

there are some exceptions for sure, and some very good ones

it wont effect most people.
people will moan and complain and some politicians may say its quite a bad thing but wont do anything.
meanwhile a quiet struggle goes on with western 1st world cultures low income children being brain damaged.
when it could have been easily avoidable.

meat(this means fish also) is critical for human child brain development

currently the amount of protein from plant materials to compensate for the protein in meat is soo much that there is a potential risk to colon cancer and bowl disease by excess intestinal ware & tare from excess fiber while a lack of hydration and lack of protein.

i would like to see the end of red meat to combat climate change and ideally a scientific move to synthesized protein from plants that is in high yield form that can simply be like mashed potato.
cheap and effective easily digested.
lasts a long time, long shelf life affordable by all.

that was todays what-ev-ah
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