The Post Whatever Thread

First they came for your Childrens Education
why cant we watch JoJo Rabbit ? we paid for the tickets ourselves

It has not been approved by the Creationist Party Leader

Then they gave all the children Free train tickets


then they joined our library and took out all the books for some type of special occasion
some were banned but they said that was to help us learn

now we are all free compulsory members of the Republican Party and really enjoy voting for anti fascist democracy when ever we are told.
At the Moment there is only 1 name on the voting paper because we have not yet learnt who we should be voting for.
next time we get to choose for ourselves if we want to vote for the same person twice.

... the children who went on the free train ride have not yet come back from their special camp...
they said soon some of the really special people will be able to go and join them.
we are really looking forward to it.

Children were especially vulnerable to Nazi murder or death in the era of the Holocaust. It is estimated that 1.5 million children, nearly all Jewish, were murdered during the Holocaust, either directly or as a direct consequence of Nazi actions.

It is estimated that a minimum of 34,140 women from occupied states were forced to work as prostitutes during the Third Reich.[136] In occupied Europe, the local women were often forced into prostitution. On 3 May 1941 the Foreign Ministry of the Polish government-in-exile issued a document describing the mass Nazi raids made in Polish cities with the goal of capturing young women, who later were forced to work in brothels used by German soldiers and officers. Women often tried to escape from such facilities, with at least one mass escape known to have been attempted by women in Norway.


children's concentration camp
As the war went on, conditions in camp became even more brutal and harsh, and penalties such as standing on broken glass were introduced. In 1943 a transport of 543 children from the regions of Smolensk and Vitebsk arrived. Some of the children were treated as normal prisoners, even when they were as young as two years old. As the children were ill from Typhoid fever, the Germans placed them in separate, primitive-condition barracks that were separated by barbed wire. In 1944 the conditions in the camp reached their most brutal phase. Children were regularly called "children of bandits", were beaten and kicked by camp personnel, and were forced to dig trenches. Most of the children had fallen ill, and many died from exhaustion, maltreatment, hunger or disease. Infants were cared for by the older children. There are also witness statements about the deliberate murder of children by camp personnel. One witness described in detail how he had seen three children approximately 7 years old being drowned by Germans near the camp. According to him, Germans first threw the children into a water canal and then threw bricks at them, looking satisfied.


The German authorities also incarcerated a number of children in concentration camps and transit camps. SS physicians and medical researchers used a number of children, including twins, in concentration camps for medical experiments that often resulted in the deaths of the children. Concentration camp authorities deployed adolescents, particularly Jewish adolescents, at forced labor in the concentration camps, where many died because of their inhuman living conditions. The German authorities held other children under appalling conditions in transit camps, such as the case of Anne Frank and her sister in Bergen-Belsen, and non-Jewish orphaned children whose parents the German military and police units had killed in so-called anti-partisan operations. Some of these orphans were held temporarily in the Majdanek concentration camp and other detention camps.[7]

In their "search to retrieve 'Aryan blood'," or the perfect race, SS race experts ordered hundreds of children in occupied Poland and the occupied Soviet Union to be kidnapped and transferred to the Reich to be adopted by racially suitable German families. Although the basis for these decisions was "race-scientific," often blond hair, blue eyes, or fair skin was sufficient to merit the "opportunity" to be "Germanized." On the other hand, female Poles and Soviet civilians who had been deported to Germany for forced labor and who had had sexual relations with a German man—often under duress—resulting in pregnancy were forced to have abortions or to bear their children under conditions that would ensure the infant's death, if the "race experts" determined that the child would have insufficient German blood.[8]

Mengele got to Auschwitz during a transitional period. The camp had long been the site of forced labor and POW internment, but the winter of 1942-43 had seen the camp ramp up its killing machine, centered on the Birkenau sub-camp, where Mengele was assigned as a medical officer.

Accounts given later by both survivors and guards describe Josef Mengele as an enthusiastic member of the staff who volunteered for extra duty, managed operations that were technically above his pay grade, and seemed to be almost everywhere at once.

Josef Mengele was absolutely in his element in Auschwitz; his uniform was always pressed and neat, and he always seemed to have a faint smile on his face.

Every doctor in his part of the camp was required to take a turn as the selection officer – dividing incoming shipments between those who were to work and those who were to be immediately gassed – and many found the work depressing. Josef Mengele adored it and he was always willing to take other doctors’ shifts on the arrival ramp.

The experiments he devised were ghoulish beyond belief. Motivated and energized by the seemingly bottomless pool of condemned human beings placed at his disposal, Mengele continued the work he had started at Frankfurt by studying the influence of heredity on various physical traits.

Identical twins are useful for this kind of genetics research because they, of course, have identical genes. Any differences between them, therefore, must be the result of environmental factors. This makes sets of twins perfect for isolating genetic factors by comparing and contrasting their bodies and behavior.
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There's something quite liberating about not answering online bullies...just completely ignoring them. I used to use the ignore feature, but there's no need, really. Just read, and don't reply. Not sure why I never thought of it, before. :rolleye: lol
Global-warfare: have everyone in China jump in the air at the same time and it will cause a tidal-wave that will engulf the United States. :)
Ah, I like it. Not sure how easy it is to implement rpg elements into UNITY, but if you require a second opinion on your ongoing game let me know. Start a thread even :) might get some good ideas.

That is a great suggestion. If I feel comfortable with the idea I will consider sharing with you guys my game making experiences in a dedicated thread. I am still quite a beginner when it comes to Unity and C# but I believe it is possible to create a great 2D or 3D RPG with Unity.
Too late. :oops:
i thought you might relate to that human quality

global power broker bureaucrats have become "you-tube influencers"
insider trading bribers are legal lobbyists advisers
having a job is now posting a blog
of yourself
on the internet
and asking advertising companys
to give you click
porn cash
modern people have hundreds more choices
than the previous generation
while the previous generation blame everyone else's for their personal divorces.
from social morality & dignity and care
make-money-work-shops-churches preaching alcaholism & hookers
to fresh faced sexy youth
you dont get a private booth
at $250.00 per hour,
mass audience power
minimum spend $20,000.00 for 1.25 hours we give you the best possible prices for the next 45 minutes
heavy discounts
for societal dismounts
learn to burn the candle
that everyone is clinging to over the edge of the cliff