The Post Whatever Thread

Had cause to use a public toilet cubicle the other day. Some grafitti was scrawled near the bottom of the door, "Beware of Limbo Dancers"
That actually reminds me of a person story. Long ago, when I was between college and grad school, I briefly worked in retail at a large "department" store.

It had large public bathrooms. I was using the bathroom, sitting in a stall like that, when I hear a weird noise coming from the stall next to me and then a hand came under the side of the stall toward me.

I pinned the wrist backyard hard and heard a loud yelp coming from the next stall.

I finished my "business' and left the bathroom. I don't know if the person had already left or was still in the stall.

I reported it to store security just as something for them to be aware of but that was the last I heard of that "limbo dancer". Maybe he "retired"? :)