The Post Whatever Thread

Nancy Pelosi ❤️

Did you mean "Nancy?" :)
yes, copy n paste error

waiting for youknowwho to blame her for the wall st dash for gold currently knocking 3% off the bullshit stocks with no asset security
expecting uber to take a solid hit and apple
they are both way over priced and leveraged up by investment traders
if anyone has more than 10% in either they will be feeling it soon.

likely to be a wee shrinkage of banks too as they tighten up some of their peripheral brands to knock back cost in the next 3 quarters.

if i was rich enough to own a mortgage i would wait till almost christmas to see the blood drain from the bankers faces before re-fixing for 2 years.

governments will be likely to roll out stimulus around late January to pre approvals & if that doesnt nose dive their currency then its all gravy... thinned down with quite a lot of water...
insta are playing games
ive had an account for a few years
suddenly they banned me from posting comments to peoples pages.
i coudl like them but when i tried to post a comment it popped up a default content monitor alert blocker message saying "some actions have been blocked for protection of users etc etc ad nauseam
i have never posted a rude word (not even a word like bitch that i can recall]) and never posted any political content. only follow 1 controversial celebrity who is mainstream not fringe...
my profile is more pedestrian(plain ordinary & boring) than a gucci style book

i suspect it is some dick head corporate middle management x sales manager... trying to force identification against the insta user base so they can monetise the user list and force removal of un-monestisable users where there is no personal profile of name & personal content that they cant on sell to companies like Cambridge analytica

all i had to do was report something was "A-miss" so they could then conveniently request i start communication with them from various email accounts and verify my real name and put a proper name on my profile & "verify" my account against something like a name & postal address or such like"

they can go get _ucked

i deleted my account and i dont think i will create another one.
_uck them !

cant stand Fascist bullshit behaviour. more so from large companys that dictate social behaviour norms and directly impact culture & society.
if insta was owned by china or based in hong kong(or a muslim country) then fine, i would understand what i was getting into bed with.
but fascism under the banner of extreme corpratisation leveraging a premise sold as free access to a customer demand base market morality...
uh-ah !
no thanks
_uck YoU !

monetisation warz
you tube
etc etc... there is some big wheels turning and some middle management idiots probably have their jobs hanging by a thread because of their terrible management across many big streams...
this is probably the sharp end of the spear for them to try and leverage their monetization of their own content to artificially prop up their sales figures to get a Christmas bonus

account deleted
rant finished
_uck them !

Facebook owns instagram
Google owns Youtube

monetization warz = competiting for advertisers among popular content providers like youtuber stars and celebrity accounts and advertisements to accounts.

Cambridge analytica event broke day light on to the monetization of user lists being sold to neferious companys.
youtube started blocking interactive processes from users which made profesional online people lose advertisers on their business
this moved millions of dollars around and was aired to many millions of users who al do online shopping.

it was a complete clustertruck
now those middle management people in various companys are probably trying to hide those losses of the past 3 quarters in their results for the 3rd quarter to bury it under the 4th quarter to maintain their bonuses and keep their budgets knowing there is an economic down turn coming in online shopping.

pretending to be looking out for their members using the warning when they are directly trying to wipe out high traffic un monetised user profiles to get a higher return profit on the same user list to sell

rant finished
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That was some rant Rainbow. Couldn't be bothered reading it all. :p

if something bad happened to her it must be her own fault...

ive heard that line before
thanks for the critique
i shall list that in "highly less than optimal" of the 'oh so normal' notice board news items

...'never say no to a rich person because thats the same as saying no to free money' ... ?
uh-huh ... ok... well .. thats some peoples opinion.
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Perhaps people who have difficulty identifying with others, are so because they've only ever identified with their self.
But what would life for the individual be like before the condition developed? Wouldn't it be good to return to a state of innocence?
I went to a bookstore today, and it always amazes I want to take every book home with me. So many subjects that I know nothing about. So many authors, some I know of, some I don't. Books about poetry, war, religion, atheism, insects, politics, nature, beauty, poverty, terrible stories, good stories...I wish I could take them all home. And lose myself in their details.