The Post Whatever Thread

Jesus bug:

So focused on work, today. Not much time for sci forum-ing :frown:
I ... you ... it ...

It always sets in the West. Everywhere.

I know that. On the west coast in California, Hawaii, Mexico, Chile, and so on the sun sets on the Pacific Ocean's side, not on mainland America's side. The picture could be anywhere in the world on the west coast.
At the summer solstice, the Sun rises as far to the northeast as it ever does, and sets as far to the northwest.

Learning new things.....
"Feet" ARE an adequate unit of measurement, because while different people have different sized feet, when building something "the foot" will not change size significantly to alter the structure: "a foot" remains a constant.
If someone told me my Father would have sex with me every-time I pressed a button, and I continued to press the button, the only conclusion I can draw is that I MUST LIKE IT!