The Post Whatever Thread

The PNW is almost perfect, if any the winters were a little brighter and less cloudy.
One of the vloggers I follow made a video on foraging for ''wild asparagus,'' that can be found in the moist lowlands of Eastern Washington. It just seems like another world to me. (in a good way)
One of the vloggers I follow made a video on foraging for ''wild asparagus,'' that can be found in the moist lowlands of Eastern Washington. It just seems like another world to me. (in a good way)

Two things immediately stuck out to me when I moved from North Carolina to the West (Eastern Washington, Western Washington, and Arizona).

I grew up in a small city in N.C. (30k people) and there were rural areas around it but you could never drive very far in the rural areas until you came upon another small city. In Washington, there is very little between Spokane and Seattle (which is about a 5 hour drive).

When I moved to Phoenix and drove around just north of the city, it was the most "different" landscape that I had seen in the U.S. Very dry, hot most of the year, nights cool off quickly and you see the same scenery that they used to have in the "cowboy" movies with the desert, cactus, and mesas.

On the other hand when you drive from East Coast to West Coast there is no one moment when you think "wow, this is different". It is different but the change is gradual and after you leave Illinois everything is flat and change is gradual. Even if you pass through Colorado (with its mountains) if you are on I-90 the change is gradual.

On the coasts your first impression is "lots of people", in between you notice "wide-open landscapes".
Some collect stamps - some collect grammar books (grammars). Every foreign language grammar has to be written in English.

Air America (1990)

Mel Gibson: Gene Ryack
Robert Downey Jr.: Billy Covington

Billy Covington : What the f*** are you doing here, man? Do you believe in this war?

Gene Ryack : I used to believe in all these wars.


Gene Ryack : See, I had this theory once. I believed in the politics of Saturday night.

Billy Covington : And...?

Gene Ryack : I rated all governments and countries by how good or bad their Saturday nights were... and... I KNEW that Moscow and Peking had to be a stone DRAG at that time of the week. So I was flying for a cause. I was fighting to defend... chicken BBQs and wienie roasts, and Ray Charles songs and drinkin' Southern Comfort 'til you passed out behind the bar.

Billy Covington : Politics of Saturday Night. I can relate to that theory.

Gene Ryack : Yeah, it's not bad, is it? Just not particularly true, that's all. I hear they party pretty hard in Moscow.

Billy Covington : No need to give up a good theory just because it isn't true.

= = =

Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie - Robbery

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Jeeves and Wooster, in a nutshell...

Evil Under the Sun (1982) is the best Poirot film ever. Mediterranean sun, Cole Porter's music and of course Peter Ustinov as Hercule Poirot.

= = =

Anything Goes - Cole Porter (with lyrics)

Compared to Montana, Seattle is mild.
"Mildness" is an arbitrary number that has little to do with how you feel. - 10 here, with no wind and no precipitation, is more pleasant than +10 here with wind and/or precipitation.
There are days that having wings would be so nice. Actual feathery wings, where I could fly to somewhere faraway just for a day or two, with no itinerary, no meetings. I don’t suspect birds have meetings, do they?

If only. . .
There are days that having wings would be so nice. Actual feathery wings, where I could fly to somewhere faraway just for a day or two, with no itinerary, no meetings. I don’t suspect birds have meetings, do they?

If only. . .
I'm guessing you have a car though...:)

Anybody able to work out how or what process caused the weird hand on Trumps face?
