The Post Whatever Thread

i was watching some film footage on a new web site of the aljazera TV station building being bombed and it clearly look like a man standing in the top floor beside an open window when the bombs hit and the building collapsed
beside that building a brown and white striped building half way down
what looks like a person holding an RPG or large rifle, hands it over to another person standing on the other side of the window right after the TV station building had collapsed
it would be quite nice if the screaming could please stop
it is grating somewhat awfully

failure to desist abusive actions results in punitive consequences

i have a very bad sinus infection and serious dental work going on(serious root canal infection) so my head is buzzing

on strong antibiotics which is kicking my stomach around and giving my diarrhea while i try to keep the antibiotics in my system and pain killers working to prevent the 3 days of migraines i had leading up to the root canal work which me then being on the wrong antibiotics and taking the wrong pain meds triggered a migraine for 2 days

my nervous system is only just under control
i think the infection had spread to my inner ear, sinuses and jaw

currently under heavy maintenance

sudden gushing of fluro orange liquid mucus from one of my sinus out one nostril has me intrigued
hopefully that is the infection draining
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Over an hour, kinda like a campaign speech, but I don't know how it's sealed on a more international level.

Rocket Man.

you have posted this before(about 3 weeks ago?)
are you ok ?

I still don't know how to make of this.

President Donald Trump blasts 'Rocket Man' Kim Jong Un in UN General Assembly 2017 address
•Streamed live on Sep 19, 2017
Over an hour, kinda like a campaign speech, but I don't know how it's sealed on a more international level.

Rocket Man.

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totally illigit
when your home security camera's start sharing ...
how the cloud is doing you right

"honey!!! ..."
"this doesnt look like us naked & having sex on the kitchen table"
"whos home security camera is this?"
Dear eufy Security Users:

A software bug occurred during our latest server upgrade at 4:50 AM EST today. Our engineering team recognized this issue at around 5:30 AM EST, and quickly got it fixed by 6:30AM EST.
My name is Mikey

i was not referring to Pence
(though i am aware of certain political figures calling him a big baby)

the comment is the conflict of self actuation in an infantile format where the individual seeks to follow greed as a process of self validation and self actualization
Spain sends troops as 8,000 migrants enter enclave

sheesh !
poor spain

they wont be bringing an open mind a ham sandwich & a bottle of wine

the fittest of the fit(no obvious symptoms & highly mobile and aggressive and wont follow rules) filled with covid new variants no doubt
ready to decimate the local population & over run their hospitals
this is my six thousandth five hundredth post

i have met a lot of very smart & very attractive people
but none of them like stalkers
so it all seems a bit pointless

either of you see if i have missed a combo in my fractoid smiley collage ?
my maths has always been a bit lost when it comes to some types of maths
3 smileys
so one might assume all possible combinations of 3 (falsely so i realised) would equate to a single square
like 3x3
or 9x9
but as i checked & double checked
i think its correct at 3x6
but i do not understand that in my logic brain
because i thought because the number is 3
it would always be equal to its prime
3x3x3x3 etc etc etc
so would only be possible as
3 rows to the side & 3 rows down
or 9x9 or 18x18 etc

i was never very good at maths inspite of having some great teachers (not everyone is lucky enough to be in their best place while attending high school)

my simple intention was to have all 3 in all possible combinations only once
my instant thought was surely it must be a equilateral square
i appear to be wrong

i guess im looking for the math rule
like all things multiplied by 1 are the same
but i dont see how a maths rule of that can be applied to the 3x6
when i have
1 :)
and i want to create all possible combinations of 3 types
as a combination of 3
so why is it not 3x3 = 9 ?
we cant have the same combination re-occurring
so the whole function of the equation is a 1 as it must not be repeated
but it contains all 3 as 1
but must be shown as 3
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Passport problems


•Feb 25, 2015

6 years old

look at her liquid foundation
its terrible !
doing untold damage to her skin
liquid oily foundation is horrible

vaccine passports ?

it goes up ya back-office
her refresh rate sucks

who is the dick talking at 4:30 ?
what a load of propaganda spin bullshit

customs agents are not expected, & never have been
to make a mental memory of every citizens face
thats bullshit !
i cant believe the guy is probably a manager somewhere

the customs agents compares the passport photo against the online customs system photo

they have never been expected to face match every citizens face with every single passport
from their own personal memory

what a a-hole

he is lying to sell a fake value as something else

they are adding a new expensive computer & data base & server heavy dependence cost
on to government
to sell a private product
to undermine govt employee job value

F you !

it was 2009 ...

"how good is govt agents at face matching NSW uni study purchased by aussie govt"

"none of the above"
= govt agent rejects the ID check

but the survey taker demands she let the person into the country to comply with his survey

what the fuck !

what they are doing is
creating a new govt regulation
with out making the law or regulation
AND by private industry making it and forcing it on to government
to make facial ID as an absolute yes or no to entry to the country
which is a false value

such bullshit !

"face matching test for recruitment"

... "& that really does represent something that is leading in an international sense"...

for middle management salary bonuses
paid by governments
purchased from private providers

AI digital face matching passport cancellation ...

new super matcher govt department who can cancel passports & reject entry...
staffed by middle management of those in the same political party membership list ?

... and they will show they can sack some front line staff to save money while they buy the new software
spend tens of millions on new computers and severs
and then create an entirely new department for the same purpose & pay middle management to do the same job
that they just sacked people who were doing it(at 30% of the cost they will be paying middle management to be doing)

because their recruitment and management system is so bad at recruiting & training(bad management being rewarded with tax payer salary & budget expense account money & more power)

scammers !

right wing big brother political scamy fuckery

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