The Post Whatever Thread

he is 5th in line of power to the new baby
new baby = #1
new babys mom = #2 & #1
new babys moms mom = #3
new babys dad = #4
he is #5
so he has to mark his territory like a dog
to feel he has regained his own position of superiority back

baby-boomer psychology

i find that baby-boomer constant need to create a toxic emotional environment to be quite draining

everything is about power structures, who has control & who owns the things(materialism and material ownership & expressing that ownership by showing other people at any cost)

very usa
where usa is stuck currently and cant seem to get past

versus A type personality
versus or verses

all things turn in circles when alive
all life turns in circles or cycles

fatalism versus fundamentalism

fundamentals of thought

conceptual evolutionary

verbose wrote retort

normalised nomadic
Egos in pandemics

climate change fossil fuels
end of modern never ending deals

materialist industrialist

crustaceous curativeness

boom baby boom
population in doom
lets not fight the system
instead colonise the moon

oh soo A-sentimentally predictable
boom baby boom
lets colonise the moon
fossil fuels for fossil ideals
pandemic lunch box happy meals
everything turns on a wheel

lets go get a new deal
the same as the old deal
& nail it to the wheel

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creepy creepsters trying to creep

creeping in circles trying to jump out & intercept me to play their creepy power & guilt trip games

now they are attempting to build the guilt trip
so they can assert the manipulation to win the power trip
because their little creepy ambush game to assert control didn't work
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in other news
"Others close to Jolie say her family struggles have prompted her to take a more active role in changing the law's approach to custody issues."

thats a tricky area of law
creepy creepsters trying to creep

creeping in circles trying to jump out & intercept me to play their creepy power & guilt trip games

now they are attempting to build the guilt trip
so they can assert the manipulation to win the power trip
because their little creepy ambush game to assert control didn't work

i hear you
"why not give them the power trip when it means nothing to you?"
because the power trip is the main engines for the after burners
they are waiting to engage the after burners as soon as the power trip is set to normal

& it s the after burners they use to deliver the end results for their egos
their egos and games which they cant be honest about

the scales are not balanced at the base level
so adding constant increase to both sides only increases end result of scales tipping over and falling on the floor

its a dysfunctional form of functionality they have normalised for over 20 years

thats who they are
i dont mess with that
i dont try and force them to change who they are (that is essentially against my belief system)

3 years with no wall paper and no paint on plaster walls in a shower toilet
trying to decide if they want paper or paint or something else
as black mold grows into the walls
and complaining about it not being covid sanitary
not a lack of money
they could afford to pay someone to paint or wall paper it
but it turns out they decided they wanted some type of rare plaster gib stucco plaster finish
but had never moved on from that
i mentioned to them
that will absorb all the water
so it needs to be water proofed
and they said "oh" ...

now nearly 4 years left with no wall sealing in a wet room with no extractor fan & no dehumidifier...and i am patch killing toxic black mold hat is growing into the walls


they will go out
socialise at the country club
then come back & not wash their hands when they come in
or before they come in
so they bring & mix anything at he country cub through the vehicle & then through the house
then complain and protest if i ask hem if hey have washed their hands

30 years in the same house & they never added an extractor fan to the only shower
& they never add a shower to the upstairs bathroom
& black toxic mold growing on the walls of the only shower because they felt like stripping it & cant decide what to do with the walls

& complaining about that shower toilet not being covid clean
& not washing their hands
with toxic black mold
and ... toxic black mold on the laundry basket(i threw it out yesterday at my own peril)
sitting up against all the clean towels stacked in the shelf



6 bedroom house
with only 1 shower(for 30 years)
with no extractor fan(for 30 years)
with no wall paper or paint ...
with toxic black mold growing in the walls

now she is struggling to use the shower because it is soo small
i had to put the hand rail back on when she had her hip replacement done so she could get into the shower

he locvked himself in a room by accident a few days ago
because he doesnt know how the child proof lock works on the door
then they both tell me the door is broken so dont lock it
because then it wont open
and im like
well if it wont open then you need to not close it
was it locked close or jammed closed or both
they decided to argue with me by repeating the same story over and over
but its the same conversation we had 2 years ago when he locked himself i the same room by accident

and im like want me to replace the lock ?
and they are like
oh a lock smith will need to do that
and im like
i can do it in 15 minutes & save you hundreds of dollars
but a new lock and handle will cost around 200
plus lock smith you will not get change from 400$
and so i ask them
you happy to spend 200$ on a new lock ?
and they are like
and they wont answer

so i pull apart the lock, partially strip it
oil it and show them what it is
then put it back i
and leave them deciding if they want to replace it
even though it works fine
and he is lying because of his ego and pride
ad she is just going along with it to service his pride because she doesn't care about he money
but needs he lock and handle to be working several times every day

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none of which i needed to know about until they involved me in it
so i had to establish the facts

facts are pride is the top dog
& that pride is a dog
but like a dog it will destroy something to avoid loosing its perceived place
which is why soo many things are deliberately sabotaged right near the end

because underneath it, driving it, is the need to maintain not only control, but perceived self control via the ego moving through pride as pride sits in front
regardless of dancing around the pride and giving it the bone to chew on
it will still seek to claim its territory even when it doesn't need to
like a cat or dog destroying furniture.

but my question i have not fully answered yet is any malevolent intent underneath
driving a need to play the game to punish at my disadvantage
i am aware of the subconscious drivers
but i am not sure of the conscious drivers

conscious drivers are the hard edge of actions

and those playing games
i was reading a Hollywood gossip magazine today
fascinated how the writer posses everything creating a narrative
the narrative in this case was negative & to undermine the perception of the celebrity's cognitive balance and nature of their intent of heart.

even now half my mind is inside the personality of someone who was just pressing me for information
information they wanted to keep themselves in their perceived position

a lecturious tone of half pretend absolute logic
which i can read coming out of my typing style
it is part of their attempted emotional control of themself & others
but i do not need to stick a stick in the spokes of their bicycle(coping with life) and watch them go over the handle bars just to service my own maligned ego
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You grabbed the wrong tin can......:D
brain complex variant mix result
pushes single note
thought was 2 dif peoples thoughts
plus food
plus 1 persons drama
plus 1 drama from 2 people
brain says
pet food motherfucker throw it out
but its part trick part truth part over flow
part my own drama

felt sick from eating it because brain was telling me it was poison
so had mild nausea for almost 2 hours afterward

like getting 4yo birthday party(mud baths ball pits slime tubs crazy running around throwing things and getting dirty), prom ball of teenagers & a heavy metal band audience and mixing them all together
while forcing them to wear cross dressing

what i am confused about is the sound of some type of item being dropped from a meter or 2 height onto a bathroom floor in the early hours of the morning
that was very odd
like someone holding up a large bottle of shampoo & dropping it on the bathroom floor in the dead of night where it echoes through the entire house

i didnt kill anything so what ever it is lives to haunt another day
(it may be part auditory hallucination on top of hypersensitivity)
doesn't change what it is

person quarter of a mile away started smoking outside their house
i am inside in a different house
doors closed
windows in my room closed
and i can smell the cigarette [other peoples drama ! ... it doesn't bother me] :)
(normal in my world is rarely the same kinda normal as the average person)
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Someone poked a card with a sunflower seed taped to it through my letterbox earlier. Please grow this in your garden was written on the card. I looked out to see little kids poking them through other doors.

I live In a block of flats????
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Someone poked a card with a sunflower seed taped to it through my letterbox earlier. Please grow this in your garden was written on the card. I looked out to see little kids poking them through other doors.

I live In a block of flats????
Sure seed is sunflower?

Might be setting you up to be raided :)

I live In a block of flats????
Me too (different block, probably).

I had a lady knock on my door to sell me chocolate to help the Philippines. If it had been anything but chocolate... I had to use my laundry money to pay her.

She suggested that if I couldn't do laundry I could use the Side A/Side B method.
That was something.
Lucky there wasn't a big light green trampoline near by.
At first I thought he was going to collect a parachute on the way down and the other 3 were his back up plan

One of those would collect him if he missed picking up the chute

Wonder what speed he landed at?
