The Post Whatever Thread

post your source of info
so we can all learn

you think psychopaths wont buy animals to make cash ?
you think it is all around the other way ?
people who love animals become psychopaths as greed over takes their soul ?

your putting the cart before the horse

show jumping and cross country events ...
= banned under racing bans as an equal risk level to competition

leveling the aspect of gambling to greed as a tool for animal use is a false narrative

your suggesting your solving the human psychopath by denying them horses

it doesn't work that way

american brain washing by social engineering cold war child brain washing by religion and extremist republicans

"regulations and laws dont work"
ban all liberty & freedoms
then only let elite break laws
spend working class tax money on policing bans of working class people
then use lack of regulation as a weapon to target upper class that is not liked by new money celebrity elitists

laws dont work
so ban horse racing
because bans dont work
so because regulation doesn't work
so because laws dont work
because american ?
because gun regulation
because 2nd amendment

because class war

how much does sports betting make in the usa per year ?
how much of the modern usa economy is sports betting ? 10%?
remove all the sports betting and professional teams will shrink viewers will drop
broad cast rights income will drop by 40%

regulations dont work
so ban churches
ban horses
ban gambling
ban guns
ban drugs

bans dont work so ...
give everyone a gun ...

guns dont work so more guns ...
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I posted the article a page back. Why are you defending abusing animals? Maybe help me understand that?
There’s nothing wrong with horse riding. Horse racing (like the Kentucky Derby) however causes injuries, coupled with the gambling aspect and abuse that some of the owners and jockeys use to win at all costs. All I can say, is read up on it like I did. I’m just sharing what I’ve learned about the “sport.”

What kind of horse? Arabian? What kind of rider? Jockey? Immigrant? What countrys are involved. Motivation? Ego. Narcissistic Capitalism run amok?

Why do I talk like this? Id, ego, #heylookatme, your, you're, you're, countries, countrys, #differenttobedifferent...
I posted the article a page back. Why are you defending abusing animals? Maybe help me understand that?

what type of thing do you define as abuse of an animal ?

puppy mills ?

selective genetic breeding making genetic problems that make pets suffer all their life requiring surgery and drugs ?

feeding 1 species that imbalances another causing mass suffering
bad food feeding which makes animals suffer terribly from illnesses etc ?

locking animals up ?
zoos ?

forced breeding ?

give some examples so we can discuss it intelligently if you wish
dog fight
memory circuit accessed
I became interested in sculpting
at my last university, there was not even one figure sculptor in the art department
---ok, that's on hold(for now)
and then
I was up on the scaffold with my dog doobie(he could climb the ladder) laying up concrete blocks to build my shop/woodworking studio.
a fellow on the other side of the alley came out with his german shepherd dog
doobie lept over the block wall and landed on the german shepherd dog's back
and a dogfight ensued
somewhat embarrassed
I leapt over the wall, and with the other man, tried to break up the dog fight
when it was over, neither dog seemed injured
but the other human and i were both bleeding
I invited him up for peroxide, bandages, and beer
we got to talking
and, one thing led to another
it turned out that he was a figurative sculptor
and he offered to mentor me, and let me use his tools
we would share the cost of the model, and sculpt with other figurative sculptors
in their shared studio.
I learned by watching and doing, and taking their criticisms to heart and mind.

5 universities over 13 years
I owe my figurative sculpting skills
to a dog fight
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If I could chose to ban anything that I wanted
I would first choose to ban people who wanted to ban things---almost anything

ban the ban

from c,s,n & y
if you believe in justice
and if you believe in freedom
let a man live his own life
rules and regulations, who needs them
open up the door
I didn’t move the goal posts.
You said, "Drugging your horse so you’re guaranteed a win is all about greed."

If the owner was doing what everybody else did, that would not "guarantee" a win. He would have to do something unusual to guarantee a win. So you could not have been talking about general abuse of all horses. You may have intended to talk about all horses but that is not what you wrote. I responded to what you wrote, not what you may have intended.

But then you expanded your target to all horses. That's classic moving the goalposts.
He would have to do something unusual to guarantee a win.
A variable finish line. The moment the horse is slightly in the lead, the finish line appears and victory is his.

That was Trump's reason for claiming election victory, he started ahead in the count and declared victory at that point. End of race was achieved the moment he was ahead! Never mind the other 80 million votes that had not yet been counted.
You said, "Drugging your horse so you’re guaranteed a win is all about greed."

If the owner was doing what everybody else did, that would not "guarantee" a win. He would have to do something unusual to guarantee a win. So you could not have been talking about general abuse of all horses. You may have intended to talk about all horses but that is not what you wrote. I responded to what you wrote, not what you may have intended.

But then you expanded your target to all horses. That's classic moving the goalposts.

i was reading a doping news item and it turned out an associate of the owner doped the animal
[i expect the partner thought doping would give a better result increasing winnings and not damage the animal but they were busted
humans dope humans
humans dope teenagers in Olympics etc etc etc
now suddenly it is supposed to be moral outrage because they are animals and not Mexican children in American cages]

as you say, if everyone doped then it would make doping pointless
aside from making animals die a lot faster by reducing the life span of their hearts & the consequential cooking of their body organs by extensive repeated over heating during extreme exercise

i wonder if wegs is trying to adjust her point to move goal posts to different games
gambling versus doping
etc etc
spiking a contender in media or drugs etc
the American game is the fallacy of accountability

Americans don't want more regulations
but they want to ban everyone from having fun
its a bit of an evolutionary hurdle for their culture

the American right wing claim th left wing want to ban everything
while the right wing flame the idea of banning as if its an alternate to regulating
because regulating is a dirty word to their investors

so they are soo busy gaming both ends they are missing the teenagers going on mass shooting rampages in the middle
then claim they didn't do anything and none of it is their fault

it is quite sad to watch it go around and around destroying people in its torturous rampage
but they seem to enjoy it

He would have to do something unusual to guarantee a win.
or guarantee a lose and sell to wall st bankers

doping boxers
throwing fights
etc etc
puberty stopping drugs for teenage Olympic athletes
heart medication for swimmers to increase oxygenation (doping and self doping)
spiking(adding a compound to increase or decrease performance on demand to meet an outcome that can be gambled to win with

but the reality of the complex nature = more intelligent regulation
and that doesn't sell tickets in America
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she was this much age
but i paid her

who he thinks he is
China has successfully landed a spacecraft on Mars, state media announced early on Saturday.

The six-wheeled Zhurong robot was targeting Utopia Planitia, a vast terrain in the planet's northern hemisphere.

NASA's Perseverance rover isn't just exploring the Red Planet. The life-hunting robot will also help a little bit of Mars make it to Earth a decade or so from now, if all goes according to plan.

One bit of information I wanted to know, how far apart are these Rovers?

You know are they ever likely to meet?

Can't find the info

Can't find the info

Found a video

and managed a photo. Still no indication of distances between them - Edit 2 Eyeballing it 1,250 and 1,300 km

Did manage to extract a photo
Chinese rover landed first go.jpg


The only active rover right now besides Perseverance is Curiosity, which was deployed in 2012. It is roughly 3,700 km (2,300 miles) away from Perseverance's landing site in Jezero Crater

:) :)
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it would be quite nice if the screaming could please stop
it is grating somewhat awfully

failure to desist abusive actions results in punitive consequences