The Post Whatever Thread

Drugging your horse so you’re guaranteed a win is all about greed.
Well, drugging your horse so you're guaranteed to win IS banned so there's no need to ban horse racing wholesale. That's like banning banks because some people rob them.
Well, drugging your horse so you're guaranteed to win IS banned so there's no need to ban horse racing wholesale. That's like banning banks because some people rob them.
Not really. I’ve been reading that much abuse, starvation and drug use to get horses to win these races is prevalent. Horses being used for gambling profits etc therefore leading to the mistreatment of them really isn’t comparable to bank robbery. If the practice of banking itself was inherently bad, then it would be comparable. The practice of horse racing itself, is not healthy for horses, let alone it breeds nefarious behavior on the part of owners, trainers and jockeys.

It seems like horse racing breeds abuse so that some owners and jockeys can win at all costs.
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Start with the fact of saddle-breaking and riding colts before their bones have fused, and go on to trucking them all over the countryside so they have no permanent community (They're social animals!) forcing them to compete when they would prefer to run together, for the joy of it and beating them with a whip to make them run faster than is good for them, and then to the enlarged hearts and sore fetlocks, injuries and chronic pain suffered by nearly all thoroughbreds and then finish with the slaughterhouse if they have a fracture, an anxiety attack or a losing streak.
That's like banning banks because some people rob them.
How about banning banks because they rob people?
How does your bank rob you?
Let me count the ways....
...then again, let's not. To begin with, I'm not all the people, or even representative of all the people, so my personal experience is very far from comprehensive. We each have our experiences. Someday, we might pool them in a thread all its own. It might have sufficed to let the neat rejoinder stand alone for a few minutes. Alas, it was not to be!
And that has nothing to do with what I posted. I replied to what you specifically said.
The rest of my post did. Do you bet on horses?

Why are you defending horse racing when I’ve posted plenty of evidence that it’s dangerous and unhealthy for horses? It has no correlation to bank robbery.
Horses are bred for a variety of purposes from riding to pulling heavy loads to racing.
Some cows are bred for gross milk production some for butterfat content, and some for meat production.
Many different breeds of dogs are bred for specific traits including racing.

Banning racing, or pulling heavy loads, or herding sheep or producing milk, etc...etc... means banning those breeds of animals.

Why would you want to do that?
how many million people would starve to death if people stopped eating animals ?
are you happy to freely choose to be one of those whom starve to death to save the animals & when will you start ?

how much more plastic would we use if we stopped using leather ?

wiping out
all domestic animals
would save methane
but what % of humans survive off that ?
business ... ? possibly around 25% to maybe 40%
of all people globally would be instantly unemployed

and around 50% of the world population would be starving

Horses are bred for a variety of purposes from riding to pulling heavy loads to racing.
Some cows are bred for gross milk production some for butterfat content, and some for meat production.
Many different breeds of dogs are bred for specific traits including racing.

Banning racing, or pulling heavy loads, or herding sheep or producing milk, etc...etc... means banning those breeds of animals.

Why would you want to do that?

show jumping is probably quite risky for horses to equal to best practice racing
cross country is very high risk
that would be banned

but people poison their own kids with rubbish diets, make them fat and ignorant ...

transference doesn't fix anything
it just makes more lynch mobs

look at all the hundreds of millions people spend on those selective breed dogs and cats that are genetically damaged so they have life long problems
just for peoples personal Ego amusement
horse breeder don't seek to make some mutant warped horse that has 3 legs or 2 heads just to please their ego and give them something to play nurse maid to.

you dont see PETA standing up and declaring those types of pets should be banned because they get donation money from a lot of those pet owners
that group of pet owners is PETAs' cash cow guilt buy off income stream
its always about the cash
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You moved the goal posts.

I don't bet on anything.

And I wouldn't trust PETA as far as I can throw a horse.

if your racing a horse and see goal posts, you may want to pull up & check your GPS & make sure you have not just trampled a school football team

(i love horse riding, its fabulous, i dislike fat lazy humans who waste everyone else's resources and cause problems while pretend they are completely self sustaining)

animal bans
human bans
culture bans
product bans
protein bans

banning things wholesale... considering around 50% of the worlds population do not have the luxury to be able to ban animal use it means the only people demanding it are rich privileged people who hold many more different alternate answers, and instead are blaming all the poor agrarian people who cant change.

ban animal use
ok now 40% global unemployment
70% starvation
and hundreds of millions of refugees flooding your borders to take your grain foods

what now ?

what is PETAs' supporters answer to that reality ?

"umm thats not our problem we dont decide those things"

the child standing on the beach poking holes in stranded jelly fish wearing drag
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Horses are bred for a variety of purposes from riding to pulling heavy loads to racing.
Some cows are bred for gross milk production some for butterfat content, and some for meat production.
Many different breeds of dogs are bred for specific traits including racing.

Banning racing, or pulling heavy loads, or herding sheep or producing milk, etc...etc... means banning those breeds of animals.

Why would you want to do that?
Read up on horse racing for gambling and entertainment. It’s not comparable to them running freely - or working on farms. Or basic horse back riding. Racing at dangerously high speeds, sprinting, while being abused and whipped the problem.
Yea, I don’t know much about horse racing but even before reading all this, gambling on animals out performing other animals...what could go wrong? :redface:
sprinting, while being abused

i think your throwing a lot of good horse owners under the buss
but i do get your point about the gambling side leveraging the cost of winnings above the value of the animals suffering
which i am personally against
i dont gamble
im not anti gambling

if it is regulated properly then it can create jobs & fuel entertainment and better outcomes for all
but when it is given free license to own the welfare of people and animals then it becomes the greed monster
normalizing abuse of people and animals

Yea, I don’t know much about horse racing but even before reading all this, gambling on animals out performing other animals...what could go wrong? :redface:

there you go
i have spent hours and years chatting privately to horse owners and have been riding since early childhood

horse owners and riders like horses
they dont ride the horses to abuse them

that power concept of slavery normalization as a human trait
is very American culture dogma

you cant normalize the psychopath and then blame horse owners for all the American greed problems of lack of empathy and lack of regulation

you cant say "ban exercise because psychopaths enjoy watching people suffer as they exercise"
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There’s nothing wrong with horse riding. Horse racing (like the Kentucky Derby) however causes injuries, coupled with the gambling aspect and abuse that some of the owners and jockeys use to win at all costs. All I can say, is read up on it like I did. I’m just sharing what I’ve learned about the “sport.”