The Para People

Well if truth seems dismissive to you then I can't really control how it makes you feel.

See, CC the thing you are dismissing imo, is that there is nothing further to it. For example, we have absolutely not covered how the para peoples demsions are able to be applied to the normal psychological mind.

What is it to the para person that is realistic,
I would say there are all sorts of realistic psychological needs that everyone has, and as you might say it could use a good not dismissing.
But, there's also the fact that it is delusional, which seems to fit the bill. In most cases.
What is the question, can you answer it correctly?
What is a para person?
Who cares, right :/

Maybe just maybe a para person is someone who sees things that everyone else does. Would you accept this defination of a para person. That's basically it right. The person who accepts the normal things that everyone else does but sees them greater or has more "psychological needs" or something than others do. They'd obviously be aware of how they need those releases.

If that is the case then we need to find out everything about the debate.
Including that it may have some truth to it, even for everyone else. It isn't a singling out or anything like that, and even if schizophrenics or whatever are singled out, apparently that's fine?

Schizophrenics are people too. And have just as much needs as everyone else does.
That doesn't mean that I am a schizophrenic only that you seem to repeatedly call me one, a delusional freak or someone who's reality isn't aligned with reality. In which case I don't see how you go about discussing on a forum like this.

Anyway, if you want to know how I feel, I guess the truth is the most important. But what is the truth? For starters. Is it something absolute and objective, or something complete and understandable, or something realistic or whatnot?

I can't say myself. Sadly.

Well then why ask the question in the first place if the answer is too much effort for you?
Effort is a big deal with me apparently. I haven't much desire at the time to read through other peoples pain.

Simply put because they work. Humans have a ton of psychological needs / instincts that society provides no outlets for. People sometimes find outlets and sometimes they don't. When they don't they often have to choose between satisfying their needs and truth... and needs almost always win out in those cases. When they do, they function exceptionally well and find themselves very happy and adaptable.
They may work absolutely.
But that doesn't mean that we should find out more about it. If it's just that they are being adaptable or what, then well, that's good.
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In days of yore, people who saw things that weren't there or talked with invisible people were considered gifted in someways. Make those people your oracles, seers, sages, priests, etc. and I wonder how much schizophrenia played a part in the history of the world. Religion comes to mind right biblical text a schizophrenic's diary? See things no one else could see in ancient times and you're a prophet, today you can book a room at the local nuthouse.

How many parapeople are schizo? Maybe they all are.
If you want to be logical/political about it.
Not all of them.
Some of them have strokes.. :(

Not a very good thing, if you ask me.
See, CC the thing you are dismissing imo, is that there is nothing further to it. For example, we have absolutely not covered how the para peoples demsions are able to be applied to the normal psychological mind.

By 'demsions' did you mean delusions? I think the part that you are perceiving as being dismissed is not 'what' a para-person is, but rather why they are that way.

What is it to the para person that is realistic,
I would say there are all sorts of realistic psychological needs that everyone has, and as you might say it could use a good not dismissing.
But, there's also the fact that it is delusional, which seems to fit the bill. In most cases.
What is the question, can you answer it correctly?
What is a para person?
Who cares, right :/

First and foremost, every human being on the planet is delusional about something (about many things actually). There are zero exceptions. Human beings are not naturally driven to seek out and understand truth. They are driven to survive. Part of that survival is to stay psychologically healthy, and that comes through meeting ones needs. If satisfying a strong need results in delusion then so what? The need is satisfied and that's all that matters. Why para-people are that way is hopefully clearer.

Maybe just maybe a para person is someone who sees things that everyone else does. Would you accept this defination of a para person. That's basically it right. The person who accepts the normal things that everyone else does but sees them greater or has more "psychological needs" or something than others do. They'd obviously be aware of how they need those releases.

That defintion doesn't distinguish a para-person from anyone else. Most people are consequently unaware of their needs... especially needs like releasing ones imagination. A paraphrase of the definition of 'what' a para-person is might be more to your liking. A para-person is someone with a strong urge to release their imagination... so strong that the release is more important than truth if no outlets for that release are available.

If that is the case then we need to find out everything about the debate.
Including that it may have some truth to it, even for everyone else. It isn't a singling out or anything like that, and even if schizophrenics or whatever are singled out, apparently that's fine?

Schizophrenics are people too. And have just as much needs as everyone else does.
That doesn't mean that I am a schizophrenic only that you seem to repeatedly call me one, a delusional freak or someone who's reality isn't aligned with reality. In which case I don't see how you go about discussing on a forum like this.

Schziphrenics are a minority of the para-people and their psychology is not the same as a normal persons. They often ground their hallucinatory experiences in the paranormal just to be functional. It's an entirely different scenario with them.

Regarding you specifically, whether or not you have schizophrenia is quite simple to determine. Do you frequently hear / see things that other people and / or audio + video recorders do not? If the answer is 'yes' then you are a lucky winner of the schizophrenia lottery!

Anyway, if you want to know how I feel, I guess the truth is the most important. But what is the truth? For starters. Is it something absolute and objective, or something complete and understandable, or something realistic or whatnot?

I can't say myself. Sadly.

'Truth' is the conformity of a concept or notion in the mind to actual reality. That's about as simple a definition as you can get.

Effort is a big deal with me apparently. I haven't much desire at the time to read through other peoples pain.

Thats a big step in the self-honesty arena. Embracing truth can help you know yourself better.

They may work absolutely.
But that doesn't mean that we should find out more about it. If it's just that they are being adaptable or what, then well, that's good.

Oh I completely agree. I think all human needs (the need to kill, imagine, rape, talk, act, feel purposed / approved, etc. ) should be explored in depth so society can figure out how to make good outlets for them. I suspect the benefits would be a near absence of felony's, no more conflict between truth and needs, and a whole lot of happy people.

It's a really really big task.
I don't see or hear anything....

I do though have a horrible "imagination", as you would call it of course.
And there is one other disorder, which involves hearing things, which is not schizophrenic!

"Ringing in the ears."
Comes after much torment/shock etc, think it comes mostly from the army?
Could be mistaken. Google ringing in the ears.
Too lazy here...
gonna just fall back ..
Fighting is a good term.
As I said, parapeople are also relatively realistic.
I am no more insane than anyone else, and equally capable.
CC, why should I explain myself to you?

Fighting huh?
Yes. Fighting is a good term. When I claim in my avatar to either
1: Be dead (not quite literal)
2: have power over death,

It would be quite obvious to assume that "fighting" quote goes in with this.
Of course I am determinend to prevente any of the bullshit prevengint me. I can't find the source of it though.
Of several things...

Fighting? I have power over people just as they have power over me, or rather, they have a power which I can't have power to (which may define that death thing slightly. It's a positioni of a lot of power and strenght sorta...)

Anyway CC, the point is, Fighting and survival are very important things.
First of all survival of your life.
If your life is threatend you're gonna hesitate to fight back.

If you have trouble sleeping at night because you are aware of others minds, well, is this entirely delusional. If you're destroyed by it and they as well are aware of it?
Para people, despite evidence, look into these things.
There are things like this that probably do exist.
Delusional or not.

The battlefield is where it is.
At my house.
If I have "power over people" then obviously I'm gonna hate having that power over them all of the time. They are gonna get to me and I am gonna have to endure.
Sorta. Not like I should even tell you right :D

The cause?
Can't accept into my body, for some reason, I swear, if I could find the answer I would, but it doesn't appear to exist in the way that I would like for it to at this moment.

The cause is tricky.
There's a lot to it.
And a lot more that I can't do about it.

Which makes survival every day a necessity and a requirement and something that I can't do without.
Until I get the hang of it.

I don't feel like shedding any more BS right this moment.
I know all about tinnitus, my question is about the details of the experience of what happens before the ringing.
U see post 91?
It's all there, pain and all, were you to deciphere it.
But, when I start to go to sleep sometimes I suddenly will hear a noise I think is the refridigerator.
It sort of scares me when I realize it isn't the refridigerator.

I walk around, sometimes it gets very annoying.
It's like a bombfield just went off. Like I'm in shock or something.
And my ears are ringing.
I go outside lie down beside my car trying to feel my emotions and all the necessary things. And it is cold as hell. I have a blanket. maybe no one will think I am an idiot.

I work with my ears and hope that things are not falling to peices.
I think that my leg is dead and my body is losing itself as well, maybe because of "action paralysis..."

The experience before the ringing in the ears is a very odd one, hard to remember it though.
Tough days over here ...
I replied before post 91 was available for me to see. I see two potentially seperate topics. The first is the awareness of 'other minds' and the ability to control other people (and be controlled by them). What is the experience of each of these parts like?

The second one (refrigerator bomb) is kind of scary. It has elements of a threat simulation dream carried over into a hypnagogic hallucination. That's not a normal combination for people to experience on a recurring basis. Have you ever had an MRI to see if your brain has any structural / developmental abnormalities?
I replied before post 91 was available for me to see. I see two potentially seperate topics. The first is the awareness of 'other minds' and the ability to control other people (and be controlled by them). What is the experience of each of these parts like?

The second one (refrigerator bomb) is kind of scary. It has elements of a threat simulation dream carried over into a hypnagogic hallucination. That's not a normal combination for people to experience on a recurring basis. Have you ever had an MRI to see if your brain has any structural / developmental abnormalities?

You must be crazy, if you think my brain has any abnormalities.

Sad you replied before 91 was avaliable.
Two potentially seperate topics. Ok. Awareness of other minds, yes indeed. And also the ability to control other people (and to be controlled by them). What is the experience of these 2.

Well CC, it's simple. Awareness of other minds is a horrible experience. As I am sure you are fully aware.

If you are aware of other peoples minds, then CC I would reckon that things become different or something to you maybe, you start doing things you wouldn't normally (at the outset), which incites many egotistical feelings possibly as well as a definate like of your present. It's horrible actually. Just the awareness of other minds mind you. In this you are aware that maybe they also are aware.
Nothing abnormal or "psychological-non-needs" about it maybe....

Anyway, being aware of other minds is a joke... Can happen at any time. Can distort your perceptions or something.


CONTROLLING, of other minds, though, is equally distasteful. You just, when living with family you are going home to try to get them to help you, suddenly are unable to get the help that you desire. It is a sad thing mostly... But, yeah, one day you walk inside and you are aware of your perceptions and how they are all managing.

There is of course also a amplified self awarenesss, or amplifed subconscious, things like this, Quantum Quack calls the psychic realm....

All para talk. Maybe. It isn't just schizophrenics that are capable of control and awareness of other minds. It is entirely normal I myself would say.

Durring trying to mannage how you feel when walking inside the house that you would of course prefer not to walk in because of fear of upsetting them or them upsetting you, well of course you are pained by it.

You don't wish for it to happen.
Just as you don't wish to control them.
But you are, they're in the living room talking while your in your bedroom out of the cold trying to get them to quit talking if it is being affected by you. You scare them, even make them aware of certain things, on thanksgiving, t he whole thing gets worse as you only beg someone to help you out, move in by yourself before you litterally lose all of your power and die.


Not quite a life story for your lame ass CC, but enough to satisfy what control things are similar to.

The second one (refrigerator bomb) is kind of scary. It has elements of a threat simulation dream carried over into a hypnagogic hallucination.

IMO this makes no sense to me what so ever.
threat simulation dream???????????????????

Hypnagogic hallucination?

Explain, please?:(

Sometimes CC, when I sleep I can feel the death of my body...
I am dead, I hold power over you so much that you would die trying to fight if you were to attempt to fight. Your energy would entirel waste up as you would be entirely incapable of preforming enough power to out do me :) Trust me, I have heard power from all sorts of people. They are weaklings :D

So CC, i'd say that maybe it's because I'm dead but I wouldn't know.
Although it is only a position, and not something that will forever last, unless it will, which I can perfectly well live with and work with.

You must be crazy, if you think my brain has any abnormalities.

Have a doctor check it out. There might be something.

Well CC, it's simple. Awareness of other minds is a horrible experience. As I am sure you are fully aware.

If you are aware of other peoples minds, then CC I would reckon that things become different or something to you maybe, you start doing things you wouldn't normally (at the outset), which incites many egotistical feelings possibly as well as a definate like of your present. It's horrible actually. Just the awareness of other minds mind you. In this you are aware that maybe they also are aware.
Nothing abnormal or "psychological-non-needs" about it maybe....

Anyway, being aware of other minds is a joke... Can happen at any time. Can distort your perceptions or something.

What makes it horrible? How do you experience it?


CONTROLLING, of other minds, though, is equally distasteful. You just, when living with family you are going home to try to get them to help you, suddenly are unable to get the help that you desire. It is a sad thing mostly... But, yeah, one day you walk inside and you are aware of your perceptions and how they are all managing.

There is of course also a amplified self awarenesss, or amplifed subconscious, things like this, Quantum Quack calls the psychic realm....

All para talk. Maybe. It isn't just schizophrenics that are capable of control and awareness of other minds. It is entirely normal I myself would say.

Durring trying to mannage how you feel when walking inside the house that you would of course prefer not to walk in because of fear of upsetting them or them upsetting you, well of course you are pained by it.

You don't wish for it to happen.
Just as you don't wish to control them.
But you are, they're in the living room talking while your in your bedroom out of the cold trying to get them to quit talking if it is being affected by you. You scare them, even make them aware of certain things, on thanksgiving, t he whole thing gets worse as you only beg someone to help you out, move in by yourself before you litterally lose all of your power and die.

It wasn't quite clear how you were controlling people or vice versa. Could that be clarified? It sounds like normal emotional interactions of people in bad family relationships.

IMO this makes no sense to me what so ever.
threat simulation dream???????????????????

Hypnagogic hallucination?

Explain, please?:(

Nightmares (being chased or escaping from a hostile environment) is a training simulation your brain runs your semi-conscious mind through. It basically creates a threat and you have to figure out what to do.

Hypnagogic hallucination is a natural human hallucination that can occur before you fall asleep. Its content can sometimes be scary sometimes (ex. seeing spiders, snakes, hearing creepy noises, etc.) but it usually only lasts a few moments. It is often accompanied by temporary sleep paralysis.

Sometimes CC, when I sleep I can feel the death of my body...
I am dead, I hold power over you so much that you would die trying to fight if you were to attempt to fight. Your energy would entirel waste up as you would be entirely incapable of preforming enough power to out do me :) Trust me, I have heard power from all sorts of people. They are weaklings :D

So CC, i'd say that maybe it's because I'm dead but I wouldn't know.
Although it is only a position, and not something that will forever last, unless it will, which I can perfectly well live with and work with.

Clearly you are alive so you can't be dead, dying, or have died. Maybe the death experience is just a weird hypnagogic / hypnopompic hallucination? Keep in mind that the three natural human hallucinations that everyone experiences (hypnagogic -before sleeping-, dreams -while sleeping-, and hypnopompic -while waking up-) can really throw people off if the experience is intense.
Have a doctor check it out. There might be something.

Why u think that.

What makes it horrible? How do you experience it?

Oh dull.
Yeah Brent.

Ok. Got your attention.

First I'd thought you were asking about something "para" like.
if the experience of awareness of other minds is normal, ... hmmm... well, sure it is. It has'ta be, or something...

I dunno. Project or give a lot of thoughts to other people. Have an atmosphere be "controled" or affected by a lot of other people like my family. Like I'm washing dishes and I think something comes up (I live alone now btw though.... It's like this: At my grandmothers house I feel a hell of a lot more safe... but here alone, I feel very not safe. When alone at both places.) like my dad is watching and ... well, I guess this is just normal. IMO it is horrible sometimes.

Especially when ..
well I guess that's just normal :) Yay.

It wasn't quite clear how you were controlling people or vice versa. Could that be clarified? It sounds like normal emotional interactions of people in bad family relationships.

Could control be clarified?

I dunno. [I believe it can]

I walk into my house and they're talking and it is obvious from my experience of it that they are all being affected by me, and they probably are unaware of it. That is the case sometimes. They aren't aware of it.

I have made them aware of it, speaking in terms of the present.
It's hard to make it exactly clear and I don't know if I want to and you can forever disbelieve it, but I know that it will be proven one day, that you can control other people, and also that many things like this actually happen worldwide every single day.
It is up to you.
It is best that you do.
Actually :D

Yeah. When you're living with shitheads it's pretty tough to get along. That is very sad. Shit faces should be gone. IMO. There is no need one to be raised by an asshole father. It can be horrible.

But that doesn't mean it's completely normal interaction.
To control someone, is to make them talk in a way to where they are being controlled, or to act in a way to where they are fully aware of what they are doing, but that you are controlling them. Very odd. But yes, you can control the way someone talks; it is completely testable.

I have wrote a lot about this in a notebook, refering and attacking to sciforums and James Randi. If you'll give me a seccond I'll let you tell me how much bullshit it is... I seemed after all to attach a whole lot of feeling to it. I may delete some of it though as I don't wish for you to read every thing that I said ok?

my journal from about 2 months ago said:
But please James Randi; get your equipment over here as proof that I am a thorn to my entire area. Proof that I am reading others ctions telepathically. Proof, that I alter their very fabric, which is well known- & understand in which ways I am doing it but pulease let it stop. No one wants to help others in a fashion similar to this. Nor does anyone comprehend it, the most notable feature is denial. I denied it myself, but took it into play in order to arrive at the nature of what ws getting me down.

Blah. Stupid, I know.
I seem to get less stupider but worse quite often.

Control happens. People are effected by others and therefore, they are controlled by others.
But even this isn't proof is it, or is there some sort of "psychic realm" or some such which must be uncovered to allow someone to understand all that goes on in it.

Nightmares (being chased or escaping from a hostile environment) is a training simulation your brain runs your semi-conscious mind through. It basically creates a threat and you have to figure out what to do.

It creates no such threat.
The threat is real and has been all along.
This is what a hypowhatever halucination is? Why is it so serious.

Hypnagogic hallucination is a natural human hallucination that can occur before you fall asleep. Its content can sometimes be scary sometimes (ex. seeing spiders, snakes, hearing creepy noises, etc.) but it usually only lasts a few moments. It is often accompanied by temporary sleep paralysis.

I have experienced such paralysis's that it is unspeakable.
Likly tonight my sleep will still be stiff as I am not what I am now when I go in to my room and go to sleep....

you are alive so you can't be dead, dying, or have died. Maybe the death experience is just a weird hypnagogic / hypnopompic hallucination? Keep in mind that the three natural human hallucinations that everyone experiences (hypnagogic -before sleeping-, dreams -while sleeping-, and hypnopompic -while waking up-) can really throw people off if the experience is intense.

Nah. The death thing is entirely real.
The funny thing is that I hold entire power over others, and it shows because the power exists in death, or some form of dying, orsomething like that; it's like "if I can't accept the energy then I die." For some reason I also can't accept into my body. Perhaps if I were to get out of this god damn house I would be able to... if I lived in a forest or something for about a few months. That's like my total last try, if that fails or I can't do it here then I am screwed...
But yeah. I may not be dead, but I am similar to dead if I truelly have no power...

I experience tons of extreme or intense things.
Sometimes I just have to be on guard all, the, time.
Why u think that.

Simply put, the recurring refrigerator thing is not normal for an adult.

Oh dull.
Yeah Brent.

Ok. Got your attention.

First I'd thought you were asking about something "para" like.
if the experience of awareness of other minds is normal, ... hmmm... well, sure it is. It has'ta be, or something...

I dunno. Project or give a lot of thoughts to other people. Have an atmosphere be "controled" or affected by a lot of other people like my family. Like I'm washing dishes and I think something comes up (I live alone now btw though.... It's like this: At my grandmothers house I feel a hell of a lot more safe... but here alone, I feel very not safe. When alone at both places.) like my dad is watching and ... well, I guess this is just normal. IMO it is horrible sometimes.

Especially when ..
well I guess that's just normal :) Yay.

Could control be clarified?

I dunno. [I believe it can]

I walk into my house and they're talking and it is obvious from my experience of it that they are all being affected by me, and they probably are unaware of it. That is the case sometimes. They aren't aware of it.

I have made them aware of it, speaking in terms of the present.
It's hard to make it exactly clear and I don't know if I want to and you can forever disbelieve it, but I know that it will be proven one day, that you can control other people, and also that many things like this actually happen worldwide every single day.
It is up to you.
It is best that you do.
Actually :D

Yeah. When you're living with shitheads it's pretty tough to get along. That is very sad. Shit faces should be gone. IMO. There is no need one to be raised by an asshole father. It can be horrible.

But that doesn't mean it's completely normal interaction.
To control someone, is to make them talk in a way to where they are being controlled, or to act in a way to where they are fully aware of what they are doing, but that you are controlling them. Very odd. But yes, you can control the way someone talks; it is completely testable.

I have wrote a lot about this in a notebook, refering and attacking to sciforums and James Randi. If you'll give me a seccond I'll let you tell me how much bullshit it is... I seemed after all to attach a whole lot of feeling to it. I may delete some of it though as I don't wish for you to read every thing that I said ok?

Blah. Stupid, I know.
I seem to get less stupider but worse quite often.

Control happens. People are effected by others and therefore, they are controlled by others.
But even this isn't proof is it, or is there some sort of "psychic realm" or some such which must be uncovered to allow someone to understand all that goes on in it.

Everything that you have described is normal psychological control. It relies on words, vocal cues, facial expressions, body posturing, smell, tone, content and outcomes of previous conversations, defensive sensitivities, thought based simulation of actions and outcomes, etc. There's nothing para-anything about it.

What it does show is that you have a considerable amount of psychological trauma resulting from your family relationships, you are self-isolated, and quite lonely. Your road to recovery is likely going to include alot of intense therappy, finding outlets some serious pent up aggression, and getting social with new people. I suspect that is going to be hard but think about it this way, what better way to get revenge on your dad then to get your shit together and make a life for yourself?

It creates no such threat.
The threat is real and has been all along.
This is what a hypowhatever halucination is? Why is it so serious.

That was an explanation of a threat simulation dream (not hypnagogic hallucination).

I have experienced such paralysis's that it is unspeakable.
Likly tonight my sleep will still be stiff as I am not what I am now when I go in to my room and go to sleep....

Sleep paralysis is normal. Everyone gets it from time to time.

Nah. The death thing is entirely real.
The funny thing is that I hold entire power over others, and it shows because the power exists in death, or some form of dying, orsomething like that; it's like "if I can't accept the energy then I die." For some reason I also can't accept into my body. Perhaps if I were to get out of this god damn house I would be able to... if I lived in a forest or something for about a few months. That's like my total last try, if that fails or I can't do it here then I am screwed...
But yeah. I may not be dead, but I am similar to dead if I truelly have no power...

I experience tons of extreme or intense things.
Sometimes I just have to be on guard all, the, time.

There seems to be confusion about what death is. When it happens eventually all cellular activity in your brain stops, memory no longer functions, intelligence no longer functions, awareness no longer functions, etc. There is no experience at all. As an anology it is the same non-experience as dreamless sleep. And once you die, thats it... there is no consciousness for you ever again... and your body will be eaten by bugs and bacteria. So the very fact that you're typing words on a keyboard shows that you are quite alive.
"There seems to be confusion about what death is. When it happens eventually all cellular activity in your brain stops, memory no longer functions, intelligence no longer functions, awareness no longer functions, etc. There is no experience at all. As an anology it is the same non-experience as dreamless sleep. And once you die, thats it... there is no consciousness for you ever again... and your body will be eaten by bugs and bacteria. So the very fact that you're typing words on a keyboard shows that you are quite alive."

What a sad, sad, sad idea.:bawl::bawl::bawl: