The Para People

The spiral prop is very important for obtaining results.

No kidding. That relic from the Twilight Zone opening montage needed a home.

I will need pictures of your code and wheel...otherwise I will assume you are lying as you have nothing to show!!! If you will find for yourself that there is way more to this reality to see then you have seen before. You are missing out!

I'm placing my fingertips on my monitor and am getting a vibe from your words. This method is similar to the Vulcan Mind Meld made famous on Star Trek. Ok, concentrate.....hmmmm......I can see that your a very passionate person who has ....oh, oh! The pain, I can't go on. Let's talk about something else.

Your device sounds similar to the hand-writing analysis gizmo found at every tourist trap. I think with a little imagination and financial backing your device could grab its share of the tourist market.
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To PsychoticEpisode


I could care less if you are too close-minded to explore and investigate this. Really! (Its not my job to cater endlessly to hesitators, there are too many other people to connect with- I am constantly encountering people who
take this seriously) Every day more and more people are showing interest.

I got some feed back from other sources around the world..and guess what!!!

The idea is growing!!!:yay:

"No kidding. That relic from the Twilight Zone opening montage needed a home."

Aren't you funny?:zzz:

"I'm placing my fingertips on my monitor and am getting a vibe from your words. This method is similar to the Vulcan Mind Meld made famous on Star Trek. Ok, concentrate.....hmmmm......I can see that your a very passionate person who has ....oh, oh! The pain, I can't go on. Let's talk about something else."

How silly can you get???

"Your device sounds similar to the hand-writing analysis gizmo found at every tourist trap. I think with a little imagination and financial backing your device could grab its share of the tourist market."

Obviously you lack observation skills. Your analysis is for the tiolet!

Have fun eating dust.:blbl:
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"Here's what will happen to the Spiral Mind Mapper.... On the ebay scrap heap. You might get a few bucks for it"


You are a flaming idiot!!!
I thought you said the para people are full of it.
And now you are claiming to know the future? How?
Your name should be something like...PsychoticRetard!!!
Or PsychoticContradictionMan.
Or maybe just Psychotic.

You haven't been paying attention, you are too busy espousing your delusions.

It won't be on E-bay because it is free!
It is not about the money! I have enough money as it is.

The PDF file is for FREE...GET IT? Probobly not, because your are an idiot!!!

Its too bad...that atomic matter in the form of your brain matter is wasted.
You could be an intelligent observer of reality...but no, you choose stupidity!

You are not an idiot...sorry.

You are entitled to your opinion.
I was very offended by your statement, so I lashed out.
I wish that your life is successful and fulfilling.
I believe that this work of 'mine' is going to be valuable to humanity and its future. I am acting in accordance to my perception, which is all any of us can do. I am not going to get carried away in some mindless name-calling game anymore. May you find happiness. Since you started this thread, I'll let you finish it. Feel free to tease, mock, or say whatever you want about the 'parapeople'. I will leave you alone.

May you love as you are loved,
*reiteration bump*

Most of the time CC, to be certain.

But dismissing anything like that isn't going to help a god damn thing, is it?....

It's certain that the para people are absolutely satisfying normal emotional needs with fantasy (sarcasm);
But you haven't at all answered the question to what a "Para Person" actually is... or what it is that they are doing.... or saying.... IMO the debate is pretty fucking simple and straight forward.

You yourself haven't gone farther than that... (sadly).
Jo-Bo .... Let's put things in perspective. This is the internet, we really don't know each other, insults and flaming don't mean much. If I thought you were crazy then I would'nt act smug and speak facetiously. I'm sure you've had many an inquiring gaze and puzzled look aimed your way.

Still there is a problem. Have you ever once taken the advice of a naysayer? Most people obsessed do not. The Spiral Mind Mapper seems to be an obsession, a life's work, and means more to you than any detractor's words. You cannot fathom that your endeavor is for not. At some point, somewhere, the realization will hit home that this device is a red herring. You'll either be humiliated or stay obsessed. Humiliation is temporary and obsession can last a lifetime. There is nothing I would like to see more than a paranormal event, even if its a mind mapper doing its thing, but I'm realistic....ain't gonna happen.
Most of the time CC, to be certain.

And we are in agreement :).

But dismissing anything like that isn't going to help a god damn thing, is it?....

It isn't an act of dismissal. It's pointing out the confirmity between concept and reality.

It's certain that the para people are absolutely satisfying normal emotional needs with fantasy (sarcasm);

That it is.

But you haven't at all answered the question to what a "Para Person" actually is...

Well nobody asked. For a normal human being (i.e. no type of mental defect such as schizoprenia) a para-person is someone who cannot or does not want to distinguish between imagination and objective reality.

...or what it is that they are doing.... or saying....

Like an extravert whom needs to talk (the urge builds up in them) the imagination of a para-person builds up and needs to be released. Society does not provide outlets for this; hence, you get folks coming to a science site and releasing their pent up imaginations. By doing so they are demonstrating that the release for them is of far greater value than objective truth. Of course releasing their imagination feels good so that acts as positive reinforcement to do it again as is evidenced by the end comment at one of Jozen Bo's releases:

I love being me!!!!

Of course this is a science site which by its very nature will always value truth over people's psychological needs and this causes para-people pain as is evidenced by one of Jozen Bo's posts:

You are a flaming idiot!!!
I thought you said the para people are full of it.
And now you are claiming to know the future? How?
Your name should be something like...PsychoticRetard!!!
Or PsychoticContradictionMan.
Or maybe just Psychotic.

You haven't been paying attention, you are too busy espousing your delusions.


The PDF file is for FREE...GET IT? Probobly not, because your are an idiot!!!

You could be an intelligent observer of reality...but no, you choose stupidity!

This of course redirects the para-persons imagination into being released in a moment of anger. Once released the whole cycle can start over again.

IMO the debate is pretty fucking simple and straight forward.

You yourself haven't gone farther than that... (sadly).

From a scientific standpoint there's no real debate. The paranormal simply doesn't exist. Like I said, the analysis I provided only applies to normal mentally healthy people. People with real cognitive defects embrace the paranormal often just so they can become functional in life. This is most easily demonstrable with schizophrenia as afflicted people often ground their hallucination in religious / paranormal ideas as they are often not capable of comprehending that brain defects are really the source of those perceptions.
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Your ficking cool man!!!
I mean that!!!

...If I was frikkin cool, I wouldn't be posting with the attitude of a moron then, would I?

"If that's true, well, it's clear, that one form of delusion can cause severe mental breakdowns... Surely it wasn't just their fears. Can I uncover or shock you more to the point of beliefe."

I have no fear. I have defeated all fear. Fear fears me!!
Deletion of fear is one of the best things there is, looked at from perspectives which you enjoy maybe.
But I'd also reckon that that's good for you in this case.Fear is a fundamental attitude. Fear of others or of ones own responsibility is also something to maybe inspire a certain responsibleness, or some such.

"Clarity is what I as well seek. Sometimes we must (or I must) push through all of the garbage to show everyone that I am infact making a huge point."

Keep up the good work!!!
Is it, I wonder...

Beyond Belief!!!
Being proud of those who have made great achievements is a great thing to do.

"Depends upon what sort of control, and to what level of proof.
(If that is a "clarified statement")
...I don't think it is. I reckon you're right to an extent, maybe.
Oh duh!
Sometimes meditation is great."

I agree. I think we need to challenge the limited veiws of others.
Oh yeah...I meditate a lot too. Very fond of tantra yoga!!!
Challanging the limited views... hmm, good. Meditation is good.

"Results? I don't care to bother with proving it here, and now, rather I just wish to see some positive comments comming out of the way towards my statements. Does control exist? What is up with the para people?"

...The one's who need the proof are too busy doubting!
But, the doubting as you said eariler is also necessary.
Without doubt, we would not arrive with a certain sense of what is right or wrong.

"That isn't going to happen ... is it?
Instead we have to sit back and watch another 4 or 5 pages unfold, or the thread close."

Things take time.
I wonder. Because I am just typing irrelevancies at the moment.
What the point of this thread really is?
I suppose that you and I can continue our individual talks and perhaps arrive with some sort of ground to something.

"These questions aren't going to be answered, although : 1: control exists. 2: telepathy exists 3: the para people are not delusional and an answer has not been uncovered to the appropriate extent."

I can give you an answer on all three...
1...Obviously yes
2...No so obvious, but yes
3...again yes

And if you can do that, I can myself elaborate on each of the terms and give precise definations to why such and so are accurate, or not.
Not now. Though. Ask if interested perhaps.

"These are the main questions.
They haven't been debated. And no I am sure you don't want these kinds of results..."

I think those are good questions. There are different kinds of results...the result of this thread, the result of my expirement, etc.
That is what we are seeking is it not?

"I haven't heard that statement once. Is there finally a one up for the para people?"

This is the REAL DEAL WHEEL!!!
I forget what that statement was, but the real deal would involve scientific evidence; or, what would qualify as scientific evidence--- if this is even remotely the same thing....

ver, the question raises up....
where is the scientific value for this such?" ”

"Hah. Amazing. My amazing final statement caught the whole thing.
I wonder what my final statement will do this time...
Hopefully shed light to the fact that randi is a fool."

Randi is just being consistent with his limited views.

His limited views can only be debated and challanged, agree?
And we are in agreement :).
Yes. We are. At least to the extent that you can provide for...

It isn't an act of dismissal. It's pointing out the confirmity between concept and reality.

Concept and reality, aye?

That it is.


Well nobody asked. For a normal human being (i.e. no type of mental defect such as schizoprenia) a para-person is someone who cannot or does not want to distinguish between imagination and objective reality.

Care to elaborate for us CC?

Like an extravert whom needs to talk (the urge builds up in them) the imagination of a para-person builds up and needs to be released. Society does not provide outlets for this; hence, you get folks coming to a science site and releasing their pent up imaginations. By doing so they are demonstrating that the release for them is of far greater value than objective truth. Of course releasing their imagination feels good so that acts as positive reinforcement to do it again as is evidenced by the end comment at one of Jozen Bo's releases:


Of course this is a science site which by its very nature will always value truth over people's psychological needs and this causes para-people pain as is evidenced by one of Jozen Bo's posts:

Let us see this pain?

This of course redirects the para-persons imagination into being released in a moment of anger. Once released the whole cycle can start over again.

From a scientific standpoint there's no real debate. The paranormal simply doesn't exist. Like I said, the analysis I provided only applies to normal mentally healthy people. People with real cognitive defects embrace the paranormal often just so they can become functional in life. This is most easily demonstrable with schizophrenia as afflicted people often ground their hallucination in religious / paranormal ideas as they are often not capable of comprehending that brain defects are really the source of those perceptions.

We still haven't any thing to back up the actual paranomal, but sure CC, we are otherwise in agreement.

What is agreement, anyway? :(
Objective reality is not exclusive of subjective reality.
Without the subject there is no object!
This is basic psychology 101...not some delusional idea of a "para-person".
We are educated in psychology enough to know this, right...

This has been debated in many different forms, such as...a universe (object) existing without a single bit of life (subject) to observe it. This idea is delusional. It deprecates the value and meaning of life itself. That is why anyone with any sense at all defends the truth.

Objectivity and subjectivity cannot exist without the other. Without the object, where does the subject reside. Without the subject, the object has no purpose. your mood always the same?
Worshiper of Myuu?
Is Myuu...the psychic God or Goddess you espouse not paranormal?
One multi-brained Bazoombafoo dwelling Extraterrestial you speak of?
Or is it that your version is the only version?

You are not being consistent.

So what is it?

Is Myuu an attempt to expose me as a vulnerable overly imaginative paraperson who cannot distinguish reality from fantasy?

If so, your objective wit is cold and heartless, preying on what you view as the weak-minded.

Or is Myuu the real thing and not your own fantasy?
In which case you should be proclaiming the truth of the paranormal.

As to statements that we will forever and forever remain without what I prefer to call supernatural in nature's superb development of free expression, and always rely on technology, I have my doubts. Time will tell.
I will not fall prey to the doubts you present.

Doubt itself is a weakness.
I know...I am a fighter. I have trained and trained and trained. As a youth I practiced Kajukenbo 8 hours a day, I wanted to be like Bruce Lee. Does that make me delusional too? That I would have a role-model?

Later on I stopped training, but my mind had momentum. My study of architecture...knowledge of structural systems...human anatomy...ability to control my gland all worked together. I could not fight was too much.

Last situation I had was with a boxer who moved to get into my face...I tapped him on the chest. Thats all. His heart skipped the next several beats and he could not breath normal for over a month. From a tap. How did I do it?
CHI!!!!!! I know human energy systems, how heart waves move about, with the right timing you can kill someone with a tap. Just a tap on the chest.

I regret what I did. I took his pride away and I can feel the pain of those around me...because I am "para" as you say. That guy, being a boxer wanted his pride and dignity back, he hated me. Two months later he bumped into me
and followed me for two miles, telling his wife to call the police and that he'd have his justice.

I considered misleading him to a secluded place, but I realized and felt his pain. I told him to punch me one time and one time only and instead he shook my hand in peace. Why? What happened?

Why do I feel what others feel? Why do we ignore the it easier to ignore the pain then know the truth? To numb our senses so we don't feel as much?

The evidence is out there, there are studies and statistics. But if someone is determined not to see they will never look. I have debated this long enough.
Rather then waste anymore time trying to perform the great miracle of convincing you, I will spend the time gathering those of a like mind as mine...who have personally experienced the 'para'.

They are more then you care to admit, they outnumber you, America is not the only place and even within it there are many like "us". How many more are there in other parts of the world? Like India...whose economy is on the rise while America's is slumping more and more. The Euro is almost twice the dollar!!! And Europe is filled with many like-minded "para" people as well. I could go on, there are many countries like India where "para" is normal and it is the Western Normalized Brain Washed Culture that is frowned upon as being "defective".

The work I have accomplished cannot be stopped...not by some kids who are too confused to see the truth and to numb to feel it. It will work on every person who uses it with 100% success. Its that good. Our numbers will grow faster and we will grow louder. We will spread out and distribute all over the World this great gift. Science, like the church that held back the truth of a round planet, will have to except that humans possess supernatural abilities.
Then science will be greater the ever.

No...NO...NO...the world will not end. It is just now beginning! When the time is will be welcomed and cherished as the special being that you are.

I wish your happiness...Crunchy Cat

My Kind Regards,
Concept and reality, aye?

Yep, when concept conforms with reality you have truth.

Care to elaborate for us CC?

Let us see this pain?

Didn't you read the Jozen Bo quote demonstrating the pain?

We still haven't any thing to back up the actual paranomal,...

And it will never happen either. Of course there is always the option of recognizing the need for imagination release and creating societal outlets for it so truth doesn't have to conflict with release.

but sure CC, we are otherwise in agreement.

What is agreement, anyway? :(

Agreement between people is acknowledgment that what is shared amongst their minds conforms to reality.
Yep, when concept conforms with reality you have truth.
It isn't an act of dismissal. It's pointing out the confirmity between concept and reality. ”

Concept and reality, aye?
Seems awefully dismissive to me :D

Didn't you read the Jozen Bo quote demonstrating the pain?

Sadly I'm not gonna bother, sorry.

And it will never happen either. Of course there is always the option of recognizing the need for imagination release and creating societal outlets for it so truth doesn't have to conflict with release.
To say it will never happens mean, you're only wanting it to happen.
Or something.
If you want to see the words, the proof of what we can do, there are concepts. Words to explain.
So far we have nothing of this sort.
The ideas you are giving are interesting though,
Social outlits.
These kinds of things?
Who's to say that's the correct solution?

Agreement between people is acknowledgment that what is shared amongst their minds conforms to reality.

Objective reality is not exclusive of subjective reality.

Objective reality is a dependency of subjective reality and the reverse is not true.

Without the subject there is no object!
This is basic psychology 101...not some delusional idea of a "para-person".
We are educated in psychology enough to know this, right...

That's like saying trees don't make noise when falling if nobody is around to hear it... which is objectively false.

This has been debated in many different forms, such as...a universe (object) existing without a single bit of life (subject) to observe it.

It's a debate of those who value truth above psychological needs and those who value psychological needs over truth.

This idea is delusional. It deprecates the value and meaning of life itself. That is why anyone with any sense at all defends the truth.

And this statement just proves the point of my last response. You psychologically need 'life' to have a special objective value / meaning. The reality is that all 'value' is completely subjective (value does not exist outside of your mind). The objective meaning of life is the relationship that life has to anything that it can have a relationship with. It is not a warm or cold statement. It simply is what it is and no fantasy magic.

Objectivity and subjectivity cannot exist without the other. Without the object, where does the subject reside. Without the subject, the object has no purpose.

Subjective is dependent on the objective as the human brain is a construct of reality. The dependency doesn't go the other way. In other words, without the objective, there is no subjective; however, without the subjective ther IS plenty of objective. your mood always the same?
Worshiper of Myuu?
Is Myuu...the psychic God or Goddess you espouse not paranormal?
One multi-brained Bazoombafoo dwelling Extraterrestial you speak of?
Or is it that your version is the only version?

Myuu is the invention of the schizophrenic mind of a former member named MewSkitty. He perceived Myuu the Mew (a pokemon) as inhabiting his mind and wanting him to spread the message that others should worship Myuu. He is basically the SciForums home grown version of an Invisible Pink Unicorn or Flying Spaghetti Monster. The Zaboombafoo dimension is a name derived from the PBS children's show on animals called Zaboomafoo. I wield it to demonstrate that ideas that are not falsifiable cannot be proven or disproven but have no more probability of existing as a minature tinfoil monkey doing the cha cha in the rectum of a paramecium. It was only recently that the Zaboombafoo dimension was linked to Myuu for my entertainment.

You are not being consistent.

So what is it?

Is Myuu an attempt to expose me as a vulnerable overly imaginative paraperson who cannot distinguish reality from fantasy?

If so, your objective wit is cold and heartless, preying on what you view as the weak-minded.

Or is Myuu the real thing and not your own fantasy?
In which case you should be proclaiming the truth of the paranormal.

Myuu is the invention of a former member's schizophrenic mind that is often used as a source of amusement as well as tool to demonstrate people valuing their psychological needs over truth.

As to statements that we will forever and forever remain without what I prefer to call supernatural in nature's superb development of free expression, and always rely on technology, I have my doubts. Time will tell.
I will not fall prey to the doubts you present.

There is of course the option where you can accept reality for what it is, accept that you have an imagination that needs releasing, and help find a way for people like yourself to release it so you don't have to get into battles of your psychological needs vs. truth on some science site.

Doubt itself is a weakness.
I know...I am a fighter. I have trained and trained and trained. As a youth I practiced Kajukenbo 8 hours a day, I wanted to be like Bruce Lee. Does that make me delusional too? That I would have a role-model?

Doubt can be a strength and a weakness. How and when you apply it makes the difference.

Later on I stopped training, but my mind had momentum. My study of architecture...knowledge of structural systems...human anatomy...ability to control my gland all worked together. I could not fight was too much.

Last situation I had was with a boxer who moved to get into my face...I tapped him on the chest. Thats all. His heart skipped the next several beats and he could not breath normal for over a month. From a tap. How did I do it?
CHI!!!!!! I know human energy systems, how heart waves move about, with the right timing you can kill someone with a tap. Just a tap on the chest.

I think the correct question is how did it happen and not how did you do it. You've already filled the answer void with a fantasy concept of CHI rather than actually understanding what happened.

I regret what I did. I took his pride away and I can feel the pain of those around me...because I am "para" as you say. That guy, being a boxer wanted his pride and dignity back, he hated me. Two months later he bumped into me
and followed me for two miles, telling his wife to call the police and that he'd have his justice.

Well, there are sore losers everywhere. That's not your fault.

I considered misleading him to a secluded place, but I realized and felt his pain. I told him to punch me one time and one time only and instead he shook my hand in peace. Why? What happened?

He probably got over it.

Why do I feel what others feel? Why do we ignore the it easier to ignore the pain then know the truth? To numb our senses so we don't feel as much?

Mirror neurons and simulation. When you see how someone feels your mirror neurons fire off so you can feel the same. Then simulation kicks in and you predict what might happen next. Thats real science.

The evidence is out there, there are studies and statistics. But if someone is determined not to see they will never look. I have debated this long enough.
Rather then waste anymore time trying to perform the great miracle of convincing you, I will spend the time gathering those of a like mind as mine...who have personally experienced the 'para'.

There is plenty of evidence out there but none of it is for the existence of the paranormal. That just a plain and simple truth. Until you admit this to yourself your psychological needs will always be at war with truth and when you bump against it that is going to cause you pain... just like its doing now.

They are more then you care to admit, they outnumber you, America is not the only place and even within it there are many like "us". How many more are there in other parts of the world? Like India...whose economy is on the rise while America's is slumping more and more. The Euro is almost twice the dollar!!! And Europe is filled with many like-minded "para" people as well. I could go on, there are many countries like India where "para" is normal and it is the Western Normalized Brain Washed Culture that is frowned upon as being "defective".

I freely admit that para-people vastly outnumber non-para people. That is a simple truth. The reason of course is that society provides no outlets for your imagination so truth takes a backseat to fantasy.

The work I have accomplished cannot be stopped...not by some kids who are too confused to see the truth and to numb to feel it. It will work on every person who uses it with 100% success. Its that good. Our numbers will grow faster and we will grow louder. We will spread out and distribute all over the World this great gift. Science, like the church that held back the truth of a round planet, will have to except that humans possess supernatural abilities.
Then science will be greater the ever.

If you had accomplished something, you would be able to demonstrate it. Truth is the conformity of a concept or notion in the mind to actual reality. Evidence, on the other hand, is a demonstration of that conformity.

No...NO...NO...the world will not end. It is just now beginning! When the time is will be welcomed and cherished as the special being that you are.

I wish your happiness...Crunchy Cat

My Kind Regards,

Who said the world was going to end?
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Seems awefully dismissive to me :D

Well if truth seems dismissive to you then I can't really control how it makes you feel.

Sadly I'm not gonna bother, sorry.

Well then why ask the question in the first place if the answer is too much effort for you?

To say it will never happens mean, you're only wanting it to happen.
Or something.
If you want to see the words, the proof of what we can do, there are concepts. Words to explain.
So far we have nothing of this sort.
The ideas you are giving are interesting though,
Social outlits.
These kinds of things?
Who's to say that's the correct solution?

Simply put because they work. Humans have a ton of psychological needs / instincts that society provides no outlets for. People sometimes find outlets and sometimes they don't. When they don't they often have to choose between satisfying their needs and truth... and needs almost always win out in those cases. When they do, they function exceptionally well and find themselves very happy and adaptable.