The Para People

There seems to be confusion about what death is. When it happens eventually all cellular activity in your brain stops, memory no longer functions, intelligence no longer functions, awareness no longer functions, etc. There is no experience at all. As an anology it is the same non-experience as dreamless sleep. And once you die, thats it... there is no consciousness for you ever again... and your body will be eaten by bugs and bacteria. So the very fact that you're typing words on a keyboard shows that you are quite alive.

Ah, you scientist groupies. Always overestimating what must be true because of what you've proved to yourselves to your own satisfaction.

Speaking of dreamless sleep. I have been aware during dreamless sleep. I did not have REM type paralysis. I could hear myself snoring. There were no images in my mind. This has happened on rather a large number of occasions. I assume I have this ability because of meditating - it is mentioned in some Buddhist and Hindu texts that one can be aware during this state - and because of work with lucid dreaming, perhaps also.
"Speaking of dreamless sleep. I have been aware during dreamless sleep. I did not have REM type paralysis. I could hear myself snoring. There were no images in my mind. This has happened on rather a large number of occasions. I assume I have this ability because of meditating - it is mentioned in some Buddhist and Hindu texts that one can be aware during this state - and because of work with lucid dreaming, perhaps also."

I have had the same experience too!
I can recall be aware even though there was nothing to be aware of???
Not always, but it has happened in the depths of sleep, that where not REM in nature. In this void I feel such peace beyond anything I have ever felt otherwise...with but one exception!
brent...I'm with CC on this one. You should see about getting a brainscan. I don't mean any disrespect but there have been many instances where a physical problem has led to a person experiencing strange events. Friend of mind was just diagnosed with a tumor on the brain and he is the first to admit that he feels like he was in another zone with weird stuff happening, so to speak. Get past any denial you may feel and get it done.

Are all parapeople schizophrenic? No, but if my friend's brain tumor can affect him in a way even he considers abnormal, like having paranormal experiences, then there is definitely a reason to believe that many parapeople have some type of physical abnormality present within the cranium.

Trauma, physical or mental, may also contribute to someone becoming a paraperson. Poisoning, diet, & abuse may also be factors. I think each and every paraperson, unless they are knowingly a charlatan, owe it to themselves to discover if there is a physical or mental abnormality associated with their life. Or maybe they just enjoy the notoriety that they are different than most and simply choose to continue in this fashion. There seems to always be a need for attention.
Ah, you scientist groupies. Always overestimating what must be true because of what you've proved to yourselves to your own satisfaction.

It's based on evidence, observation, and education. Something I have found that 'believers' tend to do is dismiss a huge amount of knowledge concerning what is known about reality and then claim non-believers are overestimating the truth or not being open minded. It is of course a psychological defense mechanism to protect a belief from scrutiny.

Speaking of dreamless sleep. I have been aware during dreamless sleep. I did not have REM type paralysis. I could hear myself snoring. There were no images in my mind. This has happened on rather a large number of occasions. I assume I have this ability because of meditating - it is mentioned in some Buddhist and Hindu texts that one can be aware during this state - and because of work with lucid dreaming, perhaps also.

That's most likely hypnopompic hallucination (possibly minus the hallucination). It occurs when your mind comes out of sleep before the rest of your body does (and its easy to plunge right back into sleep from this point as well). You might very well have heard yourself snoring or that may have been hallucinatory.
Simply put, the recurring refrigerator thing is not normal for an adult.
I thought the fridge was the cause of the noise.
Also I speak in a very very small and quiet tone.
So when someone else comes over it very very loud to me; and I must try to speak on their level, which takes a lot of yelling or something.
Or just getting warmed up, any way you look at it.
So, I guess there's a lot of stuff like this...

Everything that you have described is normal psychological control. It relies on words, vocal cues, facial expressions, body posturing, smell, tone, content and outcomes of previous conversations, defensive sensitivities, thought based simulation of actions and outcomes, etc. There's nothing para-anything about it.

So it is normal psychologicial control to know that others are being controlled by you?
That you can make them shut up or feel bad?
What about fighting for your own presense in their presense.
I really would like to see an acurate description of this; otherwise I don't believe that we will ever. Because you see there is an accurate description of it. What you guys are saying is not accurate. About it all being para this para that, and that it's like we're being forced into a tunnle. I don't like any of that. Then again is there anything I do like?

How about this: what about being destroyed in your sleep; when you tell your mother about it, she doesn't believe you.
She says that's impossible.
Or when you tell the Dr. it's telepathy that you are doing :D Or that he should maybe think you're like a psychic, for all of the un-named events taht you can't describe; being destroyed by others presences; who knows "what" it is....
But I don't see any real evidence to support that the para people are bologinia. I mean, you can't have evidence at the same time as there being a lack of acceptance.

What it does show is that you have a considerable amount of psychological trauma resulting from your family relationships, you are self-isolated, and quite lonely. Your road to recovery is likely going to include alot of intense therappy, finding outlets some serious pent up aggression, and getting social with new people. I suspect that is going to be hard but think about it this way, what better way to get revenge on your dad then to get your shit together and make a life for yourself?
Yeah. I guess he'll eat my words.

That was an explanation of a threat simulation dream (not hypnagogic hallucination).

Sleep paralysis is normal. Everyone gets it from time to time.

There seems to be confusion about what death is. When it happens eventually all cellular activity in your brain stops, memory no longer functions, intelligence no longer functions, awareness no longer functions, etc. There is no experience at all. As an anology it is the same non-experience as dreamless sleep. And once you die, thats it... there is no consciousness for you ever again... and your body will be eaten by bugs and bacteria. So the very fact that you're typing words on a keyboard shows that you are quite alive.

J.B. also replied to this one.

I haven't any real confusion, IMO.
I have experienced just about dying.

You are aware of course,
that when your body runs out of energy, or you aren't able to accept the energy provided to your body you will of course run out of energy, "if you can't accept the energy you die." then you will die...

There is a major problem with that with me.
For example.
If I were to ly back on the floor and pretend for a second that I am not dead, I liky would begin to feel my skull once more and my bones in my arms, and think about all of the things I have done which relate to this.
And I would try my damnest to try and accept the energy on the ground, although I would start to feel I am certain very happy or sad that I "love the world so much"; and I would instincitevly fight losing the energy; even if I "did" want to lose it.

Guess you are right though.
I do have some confusions about it.
no more, I don't exactly feel like elaborataing on a lot of concepts until the moon turns blue. :cool:

And Psychoticepisode:

I do not wish for attention.
Unless CC is going to touch some of my "writings."
It is wrong to say that about me, unless you provide some evidence. It perhaps will be funny...
But yeah, para people are weird, but it is IMO a nature to investigate and not to rediculate. Possibly you can do either one. Redicule them, but always be sure that the truth in the end is one worth holding on to?
I thought the fridge was the cause of the noise.
Also I speak in a very very small and quiet tone.
So when someone else comes over it very very loud to me; and I must try to speak on their level, which takes a lot of yelling or something.
Or just getting warmed up, any way you look at it.
So, I guess there's a lot of stuff like this...

It's also not a normal experience. Again, I would recommend an MRI. It might turn something up that can be (or should be) corrected.

So it is normal psychologicial control to know that others are being controlled by you?
That you can make them shut up or feel bad?
What about fighting for your own presense in their presense.
I really would like to see an acurate description of this; otherwise I don't believe that we will ever. Because you see there is an accurate description of it. What you guys are saying is not accurate. About it all being para this para that, and that it's like we're being forced into a tunnle. I don't like any of that. Then again is there anything I do like?

What you described is normal relationship dominance, submission, influence, etc. If you want to see an example of good control, just train a dog to sit, beg, and roll over. Humans do the same things to each other all the time (and often realize it). The difference is the complexity and dynamics that can be achieved with humans.

How about this: what about being destroyed in your sleep; when you tell your mother about it, she doesn't believe you.
She says that's impossible.
Or when you tell the Dr. it's telepathy that you are doing :D Or that he should maybe think you're like a psychic, for all of the un-named events taht you can't describe; being destroyed by others presences; who knows "what" it is....
But I don't see any real evidence to support that the para people are bologinia. I mean, you can't have evidence at the same time as there being a lack of acceptance.

Is that destruction in your sleep the refrigerator thing? The evidence for the paranormal not being real is the absence of evidence for it being real over a large sample size of claimants over time.

J.B. also replied to this one.

I haven't any real confusion, IMO.
I have experienced just about dying.

You are aware of course,
that when your body runs out of energy, or you aren't able to accept the energy provided to your body you will of course run out of energy, "if you can't accept the energy you die." then you will die...

Nearly all the energy you receive is from food.

There is a major problem with that with me.
For example.
If I were to ly back on the floor and pretend for a second that I am not dead, I liky would begin to feel my skull once more and my bones in my arms, and think about all of the things I have done which relate to this.
And I would try my damnest to try and accept the energy on the ground, although I would start to feel I am certain very happy or sad that I "love the world so much"; and I would instincitevly fight losing the energy; even if I "did" want to lose it.

Guess you are right though.
I do have some confusions about it.

I can only speculate that your brain is damaged in some way as to not be able to distinguish between being alive and being dead (not to mention not understanding that food -not the floor- is the human source of energy). See a doctor about an MRI.
The entire source of your post is simple:

Denial once again.
You are being an idiot and an ass to say that I don't understand that food is the source of human energy. One more thing that is the source of human energy, is, as I repeate for the 10 thousandth time, is energy changing.

Your energy gets shifted around and moved from different places etc.
Until finally your energy is starting to lose itself.

This is pretty simple.
You lose the energy you die.

Is that destruction in your sleep the refrigerator thing? The evidence for the paranormal not being real is the absence of evidence for it being real over a large sample size of claimants over time.

My sleep is fine.
Kind of...
But anyway...
This paranomal can surely be worded down to not exist, as you have done there, but also, it doesn't exist for you like it exists for everyone else.
This situation is exactly like you describe about the defination of truth ;)
See, truth is what we are.
You will never, not once, in your life time CC, be able to define all of the intricities to the whole Para People thing.
I don't even believe this thread will accomplish it without my saying that it needs to be done, because all of you evidence seekers are nothing but idiots.

What you described is normal relationship dominance, submission, influence, etc. If you want to see an example of good control, just train a dog to sit, beg, and roll over. Humans do the same things to each other all the time (and often realize it). The difference is the complexity and dynamics that can be achieved with humans.

I was really being dominant trying to defend myself.
You don't know a damn thing.
Brent, you have issues and possibly brain damage. The refrigerator experiences, not being able to distinguish between being alive and dead, and thinking the floor is a source of energy all point to this.

IMO, I think the paranormal for you is a means to ground yourself. You appear to have a psychological need for grounding and the paranormal is your ticket to get there.

While you don't fall into the 'normal' para-people category, it would appear that PsychoticEpisode's description fits like a glove in your case.
Brent, you have issues and possibly brain damage. The refrigerator experiences, not being able to distinguish between being alive and dead, and thinking the floor is a source of energy all point to this.

IMO, I think the paranormal for you is a means to ground yourself. You appear to have a psychological need for grounding and the paranormal is your ticket to get there.

While you don't fall into the 'normal' para-people category, it would appear that PsychoticEpisode's description fits like a glove in your case.

CC, you have issues and probably brain damage. The refriderator experience, not being able to distinguise between being dead and alive, and thinking the source of energy is the floor (notice the twist on words), all point to it.

IMO, you have no idea how much trouble I am in. You could never experience more trouble if you had fallen out of a fucking air plane.

I understand this much better than you do and your ignorance in the above post just reflects back to yourself.

I know what I am talking about as I have experienced it first hand.
I am not some incongruent moron such as yourself who doesn't defend his beliefs or recognize the causes of his experiences.

Your whole post falls to dirt.

You don't understand my words.
Perhaps that sucks for me?

In every case; you eat dust.
Oh I do understand the trouble you are in. If you can't become functional then you wont reproduce and might end up dead early and / or severly freedom restricted for the remainder of your life.
CC, you have issues and probably brain damage. The refriderator experience, not being able to distinguise between being dead and alive, and thinking the source of energy is the floor (notice the twist on words), all point to it.

This is one of the best twists I have ever seen!:bravo:
It shows how the same words are viewed differently between different mind sets. Who can say who is right? It does a lot to destroy the overall effect of there being any argument.

This is how the whole thing started.LOL:argue:

Your whole post falls to dirt.

You don't understand my words.
Perhaps that sucks for me?

In every case; you eat dust.

He's got a point, when we consider no one has any authority in this world to lock up or force treament on the 'Para' Problem.

The non-para people seem to think the para people are brain the opening statement from PsychoticEpisode so clearly states in the form of satirical questioning. And the 'Para' people tend to forgive them of their lack of 'para' experience and can only hope they wake up. Thus, a para person might consider the reverse to be true.

This paraperson has become a identifier.
It identifies people who either believe in the paranormal, though they have no
direct experience. Or people who have had experiences and believe them to be paranormal. They use the logical and rational side of their head to try to understand what happened. They become convinced based of the way their brain processes logic. If you believe then you are PARAPERSON!!!

Either the parapeople are more highly evolved or they are delusional. The nonparapeople will say they are delusional. Someone will soon prove my point.

The nonparaperson is now a word too. It identifies people who haven't had any experiences and dismiss them as delusions that do not conform with true objective nature. Or people who have had experiences but used the rational side of their head to convince themselves with logic that it was a delusion.
If you don't believe then you are NONPARAPERSON!!!

Either the nonparapeople are more highly evolved or they are delusional. The parapeople will say they are in denial (as I believe). Someone will soon prove my point. I just did!!!

So Existabrent...

At least we got this far...LOLOL:cheers:
!Cheers, yes~!

Indeed I have at least introduced that several concepts exist: 1: You are dead and I am dead to you.

That the whole notion has not and likly will not be investigate as we so desire..
*sigh* - for my own sake I am going to refuse to believe those words: "has not and likly will not"

Implies: not.
To not do.
Not good ;)

If that's true, well obviously I'm gonna be screwed if "I so desire" or "we so desire"...

So, para is a lot of nonsense but there is a lot to it.



...Indeed I have at least introduced that several concepts exist: 1: You are dead and I am dead to you...

That was such a great response to Jozen Bo's post! Non-sequiteur at its best. Jozen's claim of getting 'this far' isn't really a measurement of anything. Nothing has been accomplished towards evidence for the existence of the paranormal; however, quite a bit has been accomplished towards peeling away the layers of some of the paranormal believers in this thread.
!Cheers, yes~!

Indeed I have at least introduced that several concepts exist: 1: You are dead and I am dead to you.

That the whole notion has not and likly will not be investigate as we so desire..

I am not too certain about that.
People are out in the world are finally starting to seek out my work. I got the feedback. At first there will be just a few...all saying roughly the same thing if they do this sincerely using a code. That will off course draw more attention. Its human nature. It sneaks up on you.:scratchin:

As the numbers will the need to investigate. When thousands of people all around the world form a network...saying check this out check this out...curiosity will grow more. :huh:

When tens of thousands of people start saying this...

I think by then the government will have no choice!!!:runaway:

Time to investigate, it will become. Controversy!!!

It is too late to stop this from happening, trying to suppress it with force will only make it stronger!


When the governments find out...they will all be scrambling all over the world to be the first to capitalize on its potential. Thats how governments are!!!
History has made this clear!

Billions of dollars spent, jobs made, economic explosion.
Everything will start getting better. The world will become extremely interesting!!!

Its only a matter of time!

And I will sit back and watch...knowing how its beginning was so meager!!!
