The Nonsense of Atheists

That's bat shit crazy. :D

Seriously though Lori, I do have a question.

As a parent, would you encourage them to believe in the biblical account of Jesus, I would suspect that you would.

If so, will you also open their mind to all of the questionable aspects of it ?

IOW, full disclosure.

You have stated you know god exists because of your experiences, what if your child doesn't have such experiences ?

How can you not indoctrinate your child when you know god exists ?

What are you going to do if they rebel ?

i'll probably be able to relate well.

i don't believe in god myself because i was indoctrinated, and i know that's not a way to attain a relationship with god, so i wouldn't encourage it. i used to go to church with my grandma when i was young. i have not too long ago actually, but i just do that because i love her and i like spending time with her, and it makes her happy. other than that, i didn't like church all that much. but if the kids i foster or my own wanted to go i would take them. if a child asked me about my own experience with god, i would be honest but gentle with them. much much gentler than i am with you guys. ;)
even as an atheist, i would expose them to all the religions in an objective way including the rationalizations of agnostics or atheists. by having more knowledge, they can make a better informed choice or not even choose.

I think the best thing that can be done is full (as full as possible) exposure to all religions and their inconsistencies, unfounded beliefs and conflicts between them.
But theists that allowed you a place in history to think that way personally, did. Were you born or do you live in the USA?

You stand on the shoulders of giants and spit on them using a freedom they afforded you.

this post is so ludicrous, it's like looking into an abyss of mass misinformation and misjudgement that it's hard to know where to start. but this is exactly the kind of religious or theistic dogma and arrogance that was and is the problem. it's also so backward that i think that's how religious arguments remain alive, because it's just so rediculous people leave it alone after awhile like one would a crazy person.

shoulder of giants! lmao
But theists that allowed you a place in history to think that way personally, did. Were you born or do you live in the USA?


So what's your point. That some theist are rational enough not to kill me for having different beliefs ?

Yes I was born in the USA and live here.

Is there a point ? Are you going to tell me that Christians allowed me to be who I am today ?

Do you want to discuss slavery in the good ole USA ?

Do you want to discuss keeping black people and women from being able to vote in the good old USA ?
this post is so ludicrous, it's like looking into an abyss of mass misinformation and misjudgement that it's hard to know where to start. but this is exactly the kind of religious or theistic dogma and arrogance that was and is the problem. it's also so backward that i think that's how religious arguments remain alive, because it's just so rediculous people leave it alone after awhile like one would a crazy person.

shoulder of giants! lmao

I couldn't even respond to it birch...I started to but then ....
So what's your point. That some theist are rational enough not to kill me for having different beliefs ?

Yes I was born in the USA and live here.

Is there a point ? Are you going to tell me that Christians allowed me to be who I am today ?

Do you want to discuss slavery in the good ole USA ?

Do you want to discuss keeping black people and women from being able to vote in the good old USA ?

How many atheists operated the underground railroad? I bet there were few. Theists are flawed like everyone else, but theistic belief has made the world a beautiful place to live.
Theists are flawed like everyone else, but theistic belief has made the world a beautiful place to live.

beautiful concepts of all kinds make the world more beautiful, not just whether some entity or god is out there. if that was the case, all christians or theists would be beautiful and create beauty or express beauty but they don't.

there are people who are not theists but maybe new age etc or not of any religion that add beauty and a sense of love etc.

the most beautiful thing of all that can be even construed as spiritual is 'love', not a god or entity or anyone or anything. just pure and sincere 'love'.
How many atheists operated the underground railroad? I bet there were few. Theists are flawed like everyone else, but theistic belief has made the world a beautiful place to live.

As noted before. Being a theist is not a requirement to do good things or bad things.

Theistic belief has nothing to do with it as evidenced by both the good and bad that has been done in it's name.

So being a theist or atheist does not solely impact ones actions.

It's the reason rational and educated theists pick and choose what from their religion they teach their kids.

"do unto others as you would want done to you" Great.

"Slavery" "Genocide" "Rape", Umm, let's just leave that part out.

Smart, educated theists understand this, that is also why they believe in evolution and allow it to fit in with their religious views. Because they get to a point where arguing against the evidence makes them look the fool, and they aren't.,2933,176050,00.html
How many atheists operated the underground railroad? I bet there were few. Theists are flawed like everyone else, but theistic belief has made the world a beautiful place to live.

The Bible supported slavery, and was often used by the Confederacy to justify itself.
Are you saying that the world would be better off if people as a whole operated under the belief that there is not a higher purpose than oneself?
most certainly. We have our own fate, it is not predetermined nor designated to each by a higher authority. A decision to walk along the street, turn left instead of right, and find that if you had turned right, a car would have gone out of control and hit the pavement/sidewalk where you mnight or might not have been walking?. Its called chance.
The love of money has made us slaves. You might say we live in slavery now, just the chains are much nicer

Do you really want to compare the perceived slavery of the brainless materialist to the slaves brought over from Africa ?

What a f*cking insult to all those (theists included) who righteously fought for their freedom.

"Many auctions ripped mothers away from their children, husbands away from their wives, sisters away from brothers. It is devastating to envision how this must have affected a human being. Scrutiny passed from one to the other, from mother to child, and so on. Three hundred years of slaves being chained together, thrown overboard to drown. Three hundred years of slaves tightly packed together suffocating from the lack of air ventilation. Three hundred years of kidnapping. Three hundred years of children being taken from their mothers. Three hundred years of rape. Three hundred years of fear. Three hundred years of crying. Three hundred years of enslavement. Three hundred years of treating a human as though they weren't human at all"
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After watching the clip, the phrase "pushing shit up hill" comes to mind ..... certainly apt for a thread about the nonsense of atheists

BTW on the same level of philosophical rationalism, here is some footage of some ducks having a god experience

I think it's a valid premise, that our ability to have religious experiences was an evolutionary adaptation to the survival-impeding anxiety of knowledge of our eventual death.
people are just not getting it.

i've met many people who are theists that say 'i just know' that there is a god and most of them were surprisingly the worst human beings as well as dishonest. believing in a god or being a theist does not mean one is moral or a good person or anything that actually matters! there are people who are theists sitting on death row or in prison or very immoral by any standard definition or otherwise etc. it doesn't even mean they are sorry or have a conscience either or sincere in any way etc. it doesn't mean anything of any value unless that person decides to make it so!

they are not credible at all or else it speaks really badly for whatever god they are referring to.