The Nonsense of Atheists

I suspect this is directed at me, not birch.

No, not scared at all. What I hate is the thought of theists instilling their irrational beliefs on innocent children and I will continue to do all I can to stop it or fix it.

In history, do you believe persons that have contributed to the world you enjoy today were predominantly theists or non-theists? Were you born in the USA?
so you are scared of all theists? Meaning the thought of someone who believes in a god/intelligent design and raising children is scary to you?

No, the thought of someone raising children who hears voices in her head and is convinced that god and angels are talking to her is scary.
No, the thought of someone raising children who hears voices in her head and is convinced that god and angels are talking to her is scary.

That isn't what kenny said directly, and in a further post he said he was scared for all children of theists.
No, the thought of someone raising children who hears voices in her head and is convinced that god and angels are talking to her is scary.

lots of people perfectly sane people have had spiritual interactions and experiences, and lots of completely insane people haven't.

the entire bible is based on the premise that you can have a personal relationship with god via christ and the holy spirit. there's account after account of people in the bible who hear the voice of god and live in faith. it's really not unusual or scary.

also, just so you know, rjr6 read a lot of posts of mine out here and liked what he heard so much that he contacted me more directly. after talking for quite a while, he liked what he heard so much that he proposed marriage to me, and now we'll be raising children together.

it must suck having to try to convince yourself you're surrounded by crazy people.
In history, do you believe persons that have contributed to the world you enjoy today were predominantly theists or non-theists? Were you born in the USA?

Doesn't matter. What I believe is that theists and religion have done significantly more harm than good to humanity and you can't prove otherwise.
it must suck having to try to convince yourself you're surrounded by crazy people.

Don't have to try at all. Just have to read your posts.

what's even more surreal is that evolution is not even entirely incompatible with an idea that an entity started it all, which is also what the christian intelligent design idea is.

Or that a god started or created the universe to have life evolve everywhere it can.

Maybe it long since moved on creating other universes or has since died.

None of those scenarios has any effect on evolution.

You can have a god and evolution. You can have a god that is just allowing things to evolve without any input.
Extremely important.

how so?

i'm asking because i wouldn't consider the age of the earth as something that affects my decision making on a daily basis, including my decision to foster children, or how i might raise them.

i mean, how ridiculous is it to think that someone might say, "well, if the age of the earth is this, then i'll do this, but if the age of the earth is that, then i'll do that". i just can't think of any circumstance or decision that information would factor into. to me, the idea that it would sounds crazy.
I suspect this is directed at me, not birch.

No, not scared at all. What I hate is the thought of theists instilling their irrational beliefs on innocent children and I will continue to do all I can to stop it or fix it.

Which is why I would never indoctrinate a child. I also won't tell them there is no god or there is a god.

I want them to use reason and logic and the evidence available to come to their opinion on the subject.

Understanding that it being an unknown or impossible to know subject, one should continue to evaluate things based on the better information as it comes along.

It may be at some point that we get closer to what would be considered an answer, or not.
how so?

i'm asking because i wouldn't consider the age of the earth as something that affects my decision making on a daily basis, including my decision to foster children, or how i might raise them.

i mean, how ridiculous is it to think that someone might say, "well, if the age of the earth is this, then i'll do this, but if the age of the earth is that, then i'll do that". i just can't think of any circumstance or decision that information would factor into. to me, the idea that it would sounds crazy.

Just answer the question. We already know you have irrational beliefs, it's not going to hurt your rep any more.
In history, do you believe persons that have contributed to the world you enjoy today were predominantly theists or non-theists? Were you born in the USA?

Loaded question RJR6.

Do you believe religious people tend to have more children ?

Do you believe religious people who have more children will tend to indoctrinate them to believe in their religion ?

Do you believe that will create a cycle that will be hard to break ?

Do you believe that throughout history, mankind has done terrible things and wonderfull things to/for each other regardless of whether they were/are religious or not ?