The Nonsense of Atheists

Just answer the question. We already know you have irrational beliefs, it's not going to hurt your rep any more.

you didn't ask me the question. i was just commenting on a question you asked someone else. but my answer is, i don't know.
Loaded question RJR6.

Do you believe religious people tend to have more children ?

Do you believe religious people who have more children will tend to indoctrinate them to believe in their religion ?

Do you believe that will create a cycle that will be hard to break ?

Do you believe that throughout history, mankind has done terrible things and wonderfull things to/for each other regardless of whether they were/are religious or not ?

All of the above. Attitudes are the problem. Religiosity just happens to be some sort of whipping posts. And i don't think you are going to find many examples of people doing good things for each other because of their belief that the earth is 4 million years old.
wait a minute it 14 billion or 4 million? because i have to plan the rest of my day accordingly.

Originally Posted by rjr6
In history, do you believe persons that have contributed to the world you enjoy today were predominantly theists or non-theists? Were you born in the USA?

i can answer this one. it's actually kind of a deceptive question because those who contributed positively did not take their religion literally.

so, in other words, their religion was irrevelant especially in areas of scientific progress.

as for positive ethics, those who exercised it for good, did not let dogma rule over their honest sense of right or wrong or what is humane or not humane etc.
wait a minute it 14 billion or 4 million? because i have to plan the rest of my day accordingly.


a perfect example of missing context. it's not that these facts make a difference or will have any affect on every aspect of life or day to day life but that how one reasons or lack thereof will or can influence very important decision-making processes by profession and those they have contact with or influence.

it's not that it may even be an intentional folly but still the same. good intentions are a start but not enough.
All of the above. Attitudes are the problem. Religiosity just happens to be some sort of whipping posts. And i don't think you are going to find many examples of people doing good things for each other because of their belief that the earth is 4 million years old.


And yes all of the above, which makes your question irrelevant.

The point is that what history has showed us is that regardless of whether they are religious or not, or of any specific religion. There are people who do bad things, good things and all in between.

Your post was to make it appear that religion or the god fearing people of the past have created this utopia that we now enjoy, when it's a loaded question because religions have influenced and forced large masses of people in the past who have thus indoctrinated their children and on and on it goes.

It's too easily countered. For example.

Were the people of the past better educated as a whole or less educated ?

Did these people have more information available about earth sciences or the workings of the universe or less ?

It's not a good question to ask RJR6 because what you're really suggesting is that these ignoramuses of the past did a pretty good job getting us here so we should stick with it. NOT.

But I agree that it has more to do with what is really in their hearts. Do they only care about themselves or do they want to help others as well as themsevles. We have done well cooperating but there are always those who want more than their share.

No one group religious or otherwise has the market cornered on this.
I did not tell my children what to do regarding athiesm. They made their own minds up and thankfully, without prompting, followed me. The only people who think athieism is nonsense are those who feel threatened by it.
a perfect example of missing context. it's not that these facts make a difference or will have any affect on every aspect of life or day to day life but that how one reasons or lack thereof will or can influence very important decision-making processes by profession and those they have contact with or influence.

it's not that it may even be an intentional folly but still the same. good intentions are a start but not enough.

well, i'm a degreed accountant by profession, which requires some objectivity and analytical skills, and i've been successful. i maintain many successful and fulfilling relationships with all kinds of different people with different beliefs and i love them all. and i must say that my relationship with god has encouraged me to love people and to help them in any way i can, which contributed to my desire to foster kids i'm sure.

what about what i've said here sounds so crazy or scary to you?

And yes all of the above, which makes your question irrelevant.

The point is that what history has showed us is that regardless of whether they are religious or not, or of any specific religion. There are people who do bad things, good things and all in between.

Your post was to make it appear that religion or the god fearing people of the past have created this utopia that we now enjoy, when it's a loaded question because religions have influenced and forced large masses of people in the past who have thus indoctrinated their children and on and on it goes.

It's too easily countered. For example.

Were the people of the past better educated as a whole or less educated ?

Did these people have more information available about earth sciences or the workings of the universe or less ?

It's not a good question to ask RJR6 because what you're really suggesting is that these ignoramuses of the past did a pretty good job getting us here so we should stick with it. NOT.

But I agree that it has more to do with what is really in their hearts. Do they only care about themselves or do they want to help others as well as themsevles. We have done well cooperating but there are always those who want more than their share.

No one group religious or otherwise has the market cornered on this.

Are you saying that the world would be better off if people as a whole operated under the belief that there is not a higher purpose than oneself?
i can answer this one. it's actually kind of a deceptive question because those who contributed positively did not take their religion literally.

so, in other words, their religion was irrevelant especially in areas of scientific progress.

as for positive ethics, those who exercised it for good, did not let dogma rule over their honest sense of right or wrong or what is humane or not humane etc.

Give me an example of "those".
well, i'm a degreed accountant by profession, which requires some objectivity and analytical skills, and i've been successful. i maintain many successful and fulfilling relationships with all kinds of different people with different beliefs and i love them all. and i must say that my relationship with god has encouraged me to love people and to help them in any way i can, which contributed to my desire to foster kids i'm sure.

what about what i've said here sounds so crazy or scary to you?

That's bat shit crazy. :D

Seriously though Lori, I do have a question.

As a parent, would you encourage them to believe in the biblical account of Jesus, I would suspect that you would.

If so, will you also open their mind to all of the questionable aspects of it ?

IOW, full disclosure.

You have stated you know god exists because of your experiences, what if your child doesn't have such experiences ?

How can you not indoctrinate your child when you know god exists ?

What are you going to do if they rebel ?
Are you saying that the world would be better off if people as a whole operated under the belief that there is not a higher purpose than oneself?

No, I am saying that we don't need to believe in any religion or god(s) to have a higher purpose then ourselves.

That is evidenced all the time.

The point is, it's not a required ingredient.
even as an atheist, i would expose them to all the religions in an objective way including the rationalizations of agnostics or atheists. by having more knowledge, they can make a better informed choice or not even choose.
No, I am saying that we don't need to believe in any religion or god(s) to have a higher purpose then ourselves.

That is evidenced all the time.

The point is, it's not a required ingredient.

But theists that allowed you a place in history to think that way personally, did. Were you born or do you live in the USA?

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