The Nonsense of Atheists

Yeah, but you also think that there is some truth in it's entirety if you take a holistic view of it, when it's a sum of incorrect parts. I don't understand how you can excuse it's errors, and see more than there is to see.

well if you look at it holistically, there aren't any errors. imo it's only when people start using it for something it's not meant to be used for, and not looking at it holistically, or not in conjunction with the holy spirit, that you begin to have errors, or what are perceived incorrectly to be errors. it's the perception that is incorrect. it's like trying to use a wrench to screw something.

but don't get me wrong, i believe the historical account of jesus. i believe he is who the bible says he is, and did what the bible said he did, including the resurrection. i think if he was not, and had not, that christianity would not exist today.

and i've had the holy spirit interpret the bible to me in a way in which it practically becomes the story of my life. i relate to it in a personal way, and via my own life experience that allows me to really understand it...what i'm meant to understand.
No "accounting" needed.

i don't understand what you mean by this. i really do live my life in faith in a god i know. i don't know how i could be more accountable than that. try it sometime...
Is there some reason why you felt the need to fabricate lies?

it's called sarcasm. don't you remember the argument? lori posted that there was evidence for reincarnation but not evolution.
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this whole 'i'm a christian or muslim yada yada but not religious' is a big joke.

it's evidenced even by the different subjects and points discussed on this and other threads. even the people claiming they aren't religious do take a lot of the bible literally including defending creationism indirectly by stating it's equal to evolution and the belief in christ as a son of god or savior etc.

it's an oxymoron to claim you are a christian but not religious, then why even be a christian. they are trying to appeal to the mainstream or not be totally ridiculed while still holding to their religion.
this whole 'i'm a christian or muslim yada yada but not religious' is a big joke.

it's evidenced even by the different subjects and points discussed on this and other threads. even the people claiming they aren't religious do take a lot of the bible literally including defending creationism indirectly by stating it's equal to evolution and the belief in christ as a son of god or savior etc.

it's an oxymoron to claim you are a christian but not religious, then why even be a christian. they are trying to appeal to the mainstream or not be totally ridiculed while still holding to their religion.

it's not a joke, but it's a paradox for you because you don't believe that god is real, so you equate religion with god itself, and religion is not god.

i equate religion with some particular denomination among many, that are are all just man-made organizations of some sort, where people get together in some building and sing and pray and preach. they often operate charities and orphanages and hospitals. they go on "missions". they adorn costumes sometimes, but usually have some accepted "dress code", some accepted standard of morality that can vary greatly from one denomination to another. people participate in these organizations for a variety of reasons...because it's a family tradition, because they want a community support group, because they want to be a "good" person, or maybe they think it will make them appear to be a "good" person. or maybe because they have a genuine interest in god.

but all of those things are not god. and you don't need god to be around, or to be a part of your life, to participate in those things. and you don't need those things to have a relationship with god. it's just not the same thing. it's not the same dynamic. and in a lot of ways i think religion can and often does take the place of god in people's lives.
That's kinda scary.

fuck you.

it is scary that children are abused and neglected and ripped away from their parents. it's sure as hell scary for them. and my goal is to give them as much love and as much comfort as i possibly can for the time i have them with me.

you have a problem with that?
post by rjr6:

Kenny, my wife and I are having a discussion as to why you think it is "kinda scary" that she may adopt. She thinks it is for one set of reasons, I another. Would you be kind enough to expand on why you think this?
NMSquirrel and RM,

why can't you accept that there are ppl out there who do believe in god but do not believe in religion?
your continuing attempts to pidgeon hole me with your preconceived ideas is VERY arrogant of you..(you think you know more of what i believe than i do..)

Great. So you have shed or declined a specific religion.

My question for you is: what god are you believing in ?

Can you provide any details of this god ?

Can you define this god that you believe in ?

The problem is not that I don't respect your choice to believe, it's that when asked to really define as best as possible this god, the slope gets very slippery.

You are left with pure endless speculation or you create a new religion.

So define away.

You also should realize that you are choosing to place a god where one is not needed. IOW, you don't have to believe in god for things to be the way they are, you are just choosing to do so.

So then it gets back to what god, define your god.

He objectively assesses the data and concludes that given numerous finely tuned physical constants, the elegance and interconnectedness and majesterium of the universe, from the top down, that Somebody had to make all this. It didn't just pop here by itself. To pretend otherwise is the height of folly and dependence on absolutely nothing. Who and where that Somebody is far beyond our power to deduce, in our present condition.

Right, so you conclude that it's all so unimaginable to have started from nothing. Yet your god would have come from nothing.

Again, you are simply placing a god where one isn't needed.

We don't have those answers.

I think you confuse the position of atheists down to a god is not possible. Which is not the case.

A god is possible but lots of things are possible. I think it's wise to leave that question open as there is no way at least currently to answer it.

The problem with believing in a god, IOW to attempt to answer the unknown, maybe unknowable. Is then you have to define this god.

So maybe you can define your god for us.

There is no way to do this without making claims of knowledge. It's all speculation RM so to claim the atheist position is nonsensical is absurd.

They are just choosing not to make crap up.

There are two questions:

Do you believe in god ? NO
Do you know there is no god ? NO

You could add:

If there was something that proved to you there was a god would you believe ? YES

So in this last question. If you answer it yes, then tell us what it is that has made you a believer.
post by rjr6:

Kenny, my wife and I are having a discussion as to why you think it is "kinda scary" that she may adopt. She thinks it is for one set of reasons, I another. Would you be kind enough to expand on why you think this?

Kenny, I haven't spoken with you before, so excuse me if this is a bit forward, but could you answer the question to settle the dispute?
Kenny, I haven't spoken with you before, so excuse me if this is a bit forward, but could you answer the question to settle the dispute?

Can you read?

If so I suggest you read this thread (and maybe others she has participated in).
as i said, these people are a joke. again, they rail about being pigeonholed but that's because they forget they are always defending christianity or christian doctrine on the one hand while on the other, claim no religion. you'll see them flip flop by saying they just 'believe in a god or are theist' and lather say they are christian.

one just needs to look back at the posts regarding evolution or creationism and you'll see that theists were the ones who were trying to somehow legitimize creationism by focusing on criticizing evolution.

what's even more surreal is that evolution is not even entirely incompatible with an idea that an entity started it all, which is also what the christian intelligent design idea is.

they have been stupidly arguing against it because the main issue is that would be admitting that 'homosapiens' were not always so.
so you are scared of all theists? Meaning the thought of someone who believes in a god/intelligent design and raising children is scary to you?
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so you are scared of all theists? Meaning the thought of someone who believes in a god/intelligent design and raising children is scary to you?

I suspect this is directed at me, not birch.

No, not scared at all. What I hate is the thought of theists instilling their irrational beliefs on innocent children and I will continue to do all I can to stop it or fix it.