The Nonsense of Atheists

OMG, what horrible influence love and compassion would have on children!

i'm afraid you missed the point. we weren't discussing emotional nurturing or physical support.

the discussion has been about creationism and evolution. that's why it was clearly designated as "influencing the mind" which would denote issues with objective reasoning.

as long as you don't try to educate them except on basic human morals or values, there shouldn't be any hazard.
It still took millions of years and was the result of the evolutionary process. The oceans were full of food that nothing else was eating. It was a golden age of evolution, but it wasn't anything other than evolution. What scientists are you talking about? The very few creationists who seek to undermine the vast amounts of evidence in favor of evolution?

no, all scientists who study this know that those millions of years were a mere instant relative to the billions in which evolution had been creeping along at a snail's pace, and that the supposed intermediary species are not there in the fossil record.
i'm afraid you missed the point. we weren't discussing emotional nurturing or physical support.

the discussion has been about creationism and evolution. that's why it was clearly designated as "influencing the mind" which would denote issues with objective reasoning.

as long as you don't try to educate them except on basic human morals or values, there shouldn't be any hazard.

sanctimonious pos.

i'm objective enough to know that love and compassion are what people need and that i can provide that. how's that for a fucking moral?
no, all scientists who study this know that those millions of years were a mere instant relative to the billions in which evolution had been creeping along at a snail's pace, and that the supposed intermediary species are not there in the fossil record.

This is simply not true.
i know, why don't we just herd them all into gas chambers and exterminate them?

what a shame. it's that you refuse to understand the difference.

it is just noted that religions are a faith that has it's place but not in areas of school curriculum. by playing the victim, this is in hopes that people would have the wool pulled over their eyes and allow it as if it's legitimate.
i'm objective enough to know that love and compassion are what people need and that i can provide that. how's that for a fucking moral?

and who is denying that is also a need? people need food, water, shelter, and air for physical survival. they also need love and support for emotional well-being and self-esteem. but we weren't discussing that and there was no contention that you couldn't provide that aspect.

sorry, you missed the point.
what a shame. it's that you refuse to understand the difference.

it is just noted that religions are a faith that has it's place but not in areas of school curriculum. by playing the victim, this is in hopes that people would have the wool pulled over their eyes and allow it as if it's legitimate.

oh come on. you are sickeningly "us against them".
and who is denying that is also a need? people need food, water, shelter, and air for physical survival. they also need love and support for emotional well-being and self-esteem. but we weren't discussing that and there was no contention that you couldn't provide that aspect.

sorry, you missed the point.

no, i get your point. and your point is indicative of the fact that you miss the point.
oh come on. you are sickeningly "us against them".

what's sickening is you refuse to get the point.

you think it's just a matter of a power issue with no valid reason at all.

no, creationism should not be taught in school as valid. religions can be taught in school as a subject matter though, including it's history and doctrines and it

no, i get your point. and your point is indicative of the fact that you miss the point.

didn't make any sense to me.:shrug:
A point to this is most people that deem themselves normal tend to avoid "Schizophrenics", mainly because they don't understand their blight or potentially know which way the wind will blow. (What sporadic action a Schizophrenic might suddenly do)

Now I mention this because if "God" was talking to all those people out there at the same time, "it" would be the most schizophrenic entity known to man, dealing with so many different conversations at the same time. (There is no wonder we'd have earthquakes or tsunami's)

Why do people knowingly "Invite" this "god" entity into their thoughts when they should realise that it's nothing more than a schizophrenic parasite operating under the invitation pre-tense usually associated with Vampire mythology. (Personally I see it a rogue group using BCI systems to sap intelligence, data or prospective designs/patents from people they shouldn't steal from, but hey we all have our theories right?)

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what's sickening is you refuse to get the point.

you think it's just a matter of a power issue with no valid reason at all.

no, creationism should not be taught in school as valid. religions can be taught in school as a subject matter though, including it's history and doctrines and it

how about if we teach kids the facts and let make their own minds up? :eek:

didn't make any sense to me.:shrug:

if we let religionists to take over the world, the whole world would be even more corrupt. it's because they don't reason even fairly or correctly as even this thread shows.

that's the irony.
no, all scientists who study this know that those millions of years were a mere instant relative to the billions in which evolution had been creeping along at a snail's pace, and that the supposed intermediary species are not there in the fossil record.
Scientists regularly find intermediaries wherever they postulate they should be found. But you wouldn't know that if you only read the Bible.
if we let religionists to take over the world, the whole world would be even more corrupt. it's because they don't reason even fairly or correctly as even this thread shows.

that's the irony.

1. Atheists are "religionists." Atheists act as if they are God.

2. Wherever atheism has prevailed, as under Chairman Mao, and Josef Stalin, the brutality, the fascism, the mass murder has been unprecedented.
Nor will it pass for atheists to try to pretend that atheists didn't murder by the tens of millions because of their atheism. They certainly didn't do it because of their Christianity.

3. I would contend that the most atheistic government on earth is North Korea. This is one idyllic garden spot for atheists to contemplate. Why don't you all move there.

4. On the other side of the spectrum is Vatican City. Indeed Italy itself is full of Catholics, and we visit Italy often. Love the Cinque Terre, Sorrento, the Lakes Region, and of course Roma. You godless liberals can go to Pyongyang, and try to find a bowl of rice.

That is a taste of the nonsense of atheists.

5. Now for the coup de grace. Offering up the incredible precision of physical constants, such as the gravitational constant, the C12 coupling constant, the electron/proton mass ratio, or any of the other constants so critical to our very existence invariably evokes the nonsense response from the godless left that we're in the "right" universe out of an infinite number of them, all of which just "happened."

Decades ago, before the atheist nonsense of the Multiverse, atheists argued that our one universe was so big and so wide and so complex that God wouldn't have bothered to make all this stuff just for humans. So there. Fast forward to the finely tuned constants. Godless leftists then started arguing Multiverse nonsense. There are an infinite number of big universes, all with different (wink, wink) constants in each one. Ours just happens (wink, wink) to be in the "right" one.

Very well then. Borrowing from the unimpeachable (wink, wink) "logic" of godless leftists, there are an infinite number of universes, and we just happen to be in the one with God.
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Mao murdered for a political ideology called communism, the entire country went temporarily insane during the revolution. Don't blame atheism.

Christians did kill because of their Christianity, that's a historical fact.

The happiest countries on the planet are also the most secular. The Vatican isn't really a country, more like a country club, it's easy to get along with your homeboys.
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