The Nonsense of Atheists

they're still birds. they're still finches. it's not like they turned into a giraffe.

This is the kind of change that can happen in tens of thousands of years, they are in the same general group of finches, but they have become a new species. This proves the concept. There are no barriers to further change. You would have to explain why they cannot change even further. How much different do they have to be from an original species? Into penguins? Are they different enough for you? How about a land animal into whales? Because there is evidence for that too.

i did acknowledge it, and the subsequent stasis, and said that there has been no fossil evidence of this tree of life that darwin suggests exists in relation to it and it's ancestry.

Actually, you could not be more wrong- all fossil evidence supports the tree of life.
I take it your not well versed in human nature.

human nature is to attempt to avoid judgement, which imo is the entire truth about the entire effect of every single thought and action you posses while alive on this earth.

some people do that by turning a blind eye.

some people do that by saying nothing matters.

and some people do that by using religion as a scapegoat.

phlog wants me to preach? ok, i'm here to tell you that not one of us will escape judgement, regardless of what they believe, and anyone who gives a shit will be kicking themselves in the ass, myself included.

yeah you are. your using courage as to do good rather than do something to overcome fear or an obsticle not always. it only takes courage to be honest when their is a cost on you for doing so.

yes, iow, you're afraid of the consequences. you might perceive them to be an obstacle.

because I rely on rationality, science, and evidence as opposed to thinking their is a magic sky fairy

well so the fuck what? when your choices and thoughts are meaningless.

Sure their is. power is mere something which gives you choices. even if there is no meaning to life their are still ways to garner power and give ones self more choices.

your choices have to matter first sweetheart, otherwise you're just a hamster spinning a wheel.
I was under the impression that you used to be an accountant, and are now a waitress. You posted a picture of yourself wearing Applebees garb;

I wasn't aware office staff had to wear stained uniforms, to fit in with the waitresses, my bad.

you have something against waitresses phlog? let me guess, you think you're above them right? and for as concerned as you are about the stains on my old uniform, it really surprises me how you choose to present your own self.
This is the kind of change that can happen in tens of thousands of years, they are in the same general group of finches, but they have become a new species. This proves the concept. There are no barriers to further change. You would have to explain why they cannot change even further. How much different do they have to be from an original species? Into penguins? Are they different enough for you? How about a land animal into whales? Because there is evidence for that too.

Actually, you could not be more wrong- all fossil evidence supports the tree of life.

well apparently that depends on how you choose to perceive the evidence, because i've heard the exact opposite coming from the mouths of scientists.

the reason they call the cambrian explosion an explosion is due to the amount of time that passed during the development of these very diverse and complex species relative to anything we had seen in the fossil record before then, or that we have since then. an appropriate analogy for the event might be something like a finch turning into a giraffe overnight.
The only reason the conversations been taken there is in attempt to avoid my point which was that some atheists believe in darwinism just like some religious people believe in religion.

no, it's not the same. i get what you're trying to do but pretending you aren't. you are defending creationism but pretending that's not your opinion.

creationism just is unrealistic and evolution is realistic. creationism has nothing to do with evolution. it believes that an entity created all species separately and that humans did not evolve but were directly created as humans.

this and evolution are not equitable in this case, as you think they are. it's not a case of apple vs orange.

it's a case of realism vs fantasy.
no, it's not the same. i get what you're trying to do but pretending you aren't. you are defending creationism but pretending that's not your opinion.

creationism just is unrealistic and evolution is realistic.

it's not equitable in this case, as you think they are. it's not a case of apple vs orange.

keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel better birch.

the truth is that i would have to google "creationism" to even be able to agree or disagree with you. the truth is that i believe it's overwhelmingly obvious that there is intelligence behind our design, and that i believe a part of god is law, that which we are created according to and live according to. that's why god is called "father".
you have something against waitresses phlog? let me guess, you think you're above them right? and for as concerned as you are about the stains on my old uniform, it really surprises me how you choose to present your own self.

So are you saying you are no longer employed as a waitress?
the truth is that i would have to google "creationism" to even be able to agree or disagree with you. the truth is that i believe it's overwhelmingly obvious that there is intelligence behind our design, and that i believe a part of god is law, that which we are created according to and live according to. that's why god is called "father".

why do you have a problem with evolution but pretending you don't?

you said you don't give a crap what darwin believed. darwin was a theist who believed that a god was behind the design or that it does not contradict that belief except the process was through evolution.

that has been repeated to you a couple times now and yet you seem to reject it.

you can believe there is evidence for intelligence but i see a cyclic system of survival and a lot of it is quite disgusting to disturbing to brutal. i agree a lot of it is complicated but doesn't appear to be that intelligent or efficient. if you believe that's intelligent, so be it. if there is a larger lifeform, it would most likely be a part of, not a creator. and even if there was a creator or whatever, there is no automatic reason to worship it.

there are lifeforms inside people's bodies but they are not it's creator nor is a mother a technical creator of it's child just because it came from her etc.
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why do you have a problem with evolution but pretending you don't?

why do you pretend that people are lying to you and that you know what they really think? you might want to see a psychologist about that.

you said you don't give a crap what darwin believed. darwin was a theist who believed that a god was behind the design or that it does not contradict that belief except the process was through evolution.

that has been repeated to you a couple times now and yet you seem to reject it.

my beliefs don't depend on what other people believe.
So are you saying you are no longer employed as a waitress?

why does that matter to you phlog? is it because you're a bigoted, arrogant, elitist, asshole, or is there some other point you're trying to make?
you can believe there is evidence for intelligence but i see a cyclic system of survival and a lot of it is quite disgusting to disturbing to brutal. i agree a lot of it is complicated but doesn't appear to be that intelligent or efficient. if you believe that's intelligent, so be it. if there is a larger lifeform, it would most likely be a part of, not a creator. and even if there was a creator or whatever, there is no automatic reason to worship it.

there is if it's law and we all live and die and suffer according to it.
why do you pretend that people are lying to you and that you know what they really think? you might want to see a psychologist about that.

my beliefs don't depend on what other people believe.

no, because i can tell by your responses. it would be easy to stop that by you being proactive and telling us what you believe rather than what you don't. why is it that you don't answer any direct questions?

why haven't you answered james r's question?

how are you a witness for christ or your god but don't want to or can't even say what you believe or why?

isn't it better to keep it to yourself until you are clear as to your beliefs and why?
no, because i can tell by your responses. it would be easy to stop that by you being proactive and telling us what you believe rather than what you don't. why is it that you don't answer any direct questions?

why haven't you answered james r's question?

how are you a witness for christ or your god but don't want to or can't even say what you believe or why?

isn't it better to keep it to yourself until you are clear as to your beliefs and why?


"Informally, phyla can be thought of as grouping organisms based on general body plan."

now THAT is copied and pasted straight out of wiki, and THAT, along with my other posts this morning, though not addressed to james directly, answers all of his questions.

so this is what you suggest...

to keep my mouth shut until i think i know everything (like some people around here), and then in my arrogance go out and try to convince everyone else to think as i do? wow, that's brilliant. :rolleyes:

this is how it really goes (and i've explained this to you before)...

i have a relationship with god. it changes me. and i interact with other people. again, that's it. the fact that i live MY OWN LIFE (as opposed to attempting to live other people's lives for them) according to my faith in a god i know is WORSHIP. and the fact that i interact with others during the course of my life is WITNESSING.
Just answer the question, are you still employed as a waitress?

no, but after being a waitress i would have to say that it's an excellent job to have if you're looking to be a witness.

so just answer the question, what's your point?
i have a relationship with god. it changes me. and i interact with other people. again, that's it. the fact that i live MY OWN LIFE (as opposed to attempting to live other people's lives for them) according to my faith in a god i know is WORSHIP. and the fact that i interact with others during the course of my life is WITNESSING.

the subject this morning had nothing to do with this. no one was contesting what is your personal relationship or your personal life or your personal beliefs.

it was that you stated that there was no evidence for evolution and equated evolution to creationism. that was the issue people had.

people can believe in creationism but it's just not equally valid as evolution in reality. in a metaphorical meaning or symbolism, perhaps.
it was that you stated that there was no evidence for evolution and equated evolution to creationism. that was the issue people had.

ok, this is delusional, and you're freaking me out. because what actually happened was that i said there's obvious evidence of evolution, and then i reiterated that the last time you lied. i JUST told you that i would actually have to google "creationism" to know anything about it. THAT is what was stated, and your lying is a big "issue".
no, but after being a waitress i would have to say that it's an excellent job to have if you're looking to be a witness.

so just answer the question, what's your point?

Were you a waitress, or an accountant when God delivered his message to you.

Are you an accountant now?