The Nonsense of Atheists

Why isn't it obvious by now that religionists will never acknowledge evolution as the origin of species?

They simply cannot. It's against their religion.

it's actually not at all, though some insist that it is. i mean if you want to entertain the idea that god (whatever that is) blew on a handful of dust (which seems to give god human characteristics), and at some point mixed in a rib, and poof there were some people, then go for it, but based on everything we know that doesn't seem a likely scenario. imo those (atheist and religious) who try to read the bible as if it's a science or history text just don't get the whole point of it at all.

in general, the bible says god has done and will do lots of things, but doesn't really go into the logistical, practical details of how it's all done. as i've said before, there are two different questions you can answer, one is how, and the other is why, and they don't contradict each other, and don't necessarily have a thing to do with each other either.
of course it doesn't explain why because there is no why. we just exist there no reason for it we just came into being

i'm sorry but that sounds as utterly ridiculous to me as the idea of god does to you.
the catholic church supposedly does.

i think what religion does is concede when it appears that the evidence is really overwhelming, not because of a love of truth.

these hypocrities like lori and msquirrel have been putting on an act that they were not religious, that they didn't take the bible literally, even going so far as saying that they don't care about morality but "laws of nature" etc and being as evasive with biblical matters almost never quoting from them.

it is all an act they put and is used for evasion. when the dust clears and they can reassert what they really believe, they may start slipping that in a different thread and it starts all over again. it's religious deception.

you're paranoid.
i'm sorry but that sounds as utterly ridiculous to me as the idea of god does to you.

that because you need delusions to help you deal with the fact than in grand scheme of things your irrelevant nothing more than speck in time and space. and yes I know so am I; I don't need to pretend otherwise to feel worthwhile. you need things to have meanings but they don't. things just are. just because they are ridiculous to your god deluded mind doesn't change the fact that it is the truth.
that because you need delusions to help you deal with the fact than in grand scheme of things your irrelevant nothing more than speck in time and space. and yes I know so am I; I don't need to pretend otherwise to feel worthwhile. you need things to have meanings but they don't. things just are. just because they are ridiculous to your god deluded mind doesn't change the fact that it is the truth.

like i said, that's ridiculous, and then i'll add pathetic too.
no it isn't you merely lack the courage to accept it.

courage?!?! to accept that nothing matters?!?! explain to me how that takes a bit of courage?

what takes courage is being accountable, and responsible, giving a shit, and being a powerful and righteous person.
courage?!?! to accept that nothing matters?!?! explain to me how that takes a bit of courage?
courage is the overcoming of fear. we are all aflicted with the fear that in the end life has no meaning

what takes courage is being accountable, and responsible, giving a shit, and being a powerful and righteous person.

Your misusing the word courage and I also believe you misunderstand the concept of being righteous

and powerful???????????????????? your histeronics comes across more as meme to be successful than anything to do with courage. nothing of your of what you said has anything to do with courage

That's complete nonsense, Lori. To pick an example completely at random, about two days ago I watched a documentary about London's Natural History Museum. It contains acres and acres of preserved animals and fossils. One part of the doco talked about and showed specific birds that Charles Darwin had collected in the Galapagos and elsewhere. Have you heard of Darwin's finches? Different species come from different islands. Just looking at them, you can see subtle differences.

they're still birds. they're still finches. it's not like they turned into a giraffe.

Is it your claim that these different species were all separately created by God?

yeah. when you hear the word "god", what do you think it is? i think that a part of what god is, is law.

This sounds a lot like a cut-and-paste from a creationist site.

i wrote that. it's fairly common knowledge. my point is that discrepancies like this are ignored by some who wish to BELIEVE anyway.
courage is the overcoming of fear. we are all aflicted with the fear that in the end life has no meaning

i'm not. and why would anyone fear that life had no meaning? i would argue that would be a huge relief to many.

Your misusing the word courage and I also believe you misunderstand the concept of being righteous

no i'm not. i'll give you an takes courage to be honest.

and powerful???????????????????? your histeronics comes across more as meme to be successful than anything to do with courage. nothing of your of what you said has anything to do with courage

how in the hell would you know? there is no such thing as power if there is no meaning.
i'm not. and why would anyone fear that life had no meaning? i would argue that would be a huge relief to many.
I take it your not well versed in human nature.

no i'm not.
yeah you are. your using courage as to do good rather than do something to overcome fear or an obsticle
i'll give you an takes courage to be honest.
not always. it only takes courage to be honest when their is a cost on you for doing so.

how in the hell would you know?
because I rely on rationality, science, and evidence as opposed to thinking their is a magic sky fairy
there is no such thing as power if there is no meaning.

Sure their is. power is mere something which gives you choices. even if there is no meaning to life their are still ways to garner power and give ones self more choices.

they're still birds. they're still finches. it's not like they turned into a giraffe.

What you said was that species do not come from other species. And yet, on the Galapagos islands we have many slightly-different species of finch.

Now, what I asked you was: did God create each separate species of finch in a separate act of creation, so that all the different species look remarkably alike and yet have subtle difference, or do you think that - just maybe - all those species had a common ancestor finch?

What do you think?

Lori said:
i wrote that. it's fairly common knowledge. my point is that discrepancies like this are ignored by some who wish to BELIEVE anyway.

What you wrote sounds like a cut-and-paste creationist piece, and it's wrong. Let's take a closer look, then.

Lori said:
no, the truth is that virtually all phylum level body plans exploded on the scene in the cambrian period, and remain unchanged to this day.

What's a "phylum level body plan"? Either that's so non-specific that every species in phylum has it, or you're discounting certain types of "change" by pretending they are not really change at all.

there is also no evidence whatsoever in the dna and fossil records from the cambrian and precambrian periods that indicate some common ancestor for these organisms, or that they evolved gradually over a period of time that was even near the length of time that would be required to achieve the complexity or variations through mutation.
I'm no expert, but I believe that the Precambrian fossil record shows many creatures similar in many ways to those found in Cambrian rocks. In light of what we know about evolution, there is little doubt that there was a common ancestor of all Cambrian life.

As to length of time, how much time do you think would be required to evolve the Cambrian lifeforms?

Silly question, I know. You have no idea what would be a reasonable time, because your starting point is that no amount of time could have done it by evolutionary processes.

But the jumping-off point for your comment must have been a "what if?" So, given your understanding of evolutionary theory, how much time do you think the theory of evolution would require to evolve the Cambrian life? Please feel free to cite any relevant sources for your estimate, too.
What's a "phylum level body plan"? Either that's so non-specific that every species in phylum has it, or you're discounting certain types of "change" by pretending they are not really change at all.
its also pure and utter crap

just look at the phylum cordata which includes humans, sharks, snakes, birds, and the dinosaurs and that no where near a comprehensive list

the range of body types in a phylum is immensive.
that because you need delusions to help you deal with the fact than in grand scheme of things your irrelevant nothing more than speck in time and space.

Yeah, God chose to speak to a waitress. And what does she do with this supposed gift? Why, she waits tables, and spouts crap on the Internet.

You know, if God spoke to me, I'd at lest start a church, and let people know about his latest word. Set things straight. Not wait tables.
it's actually not at all, though some insist that it is. i mean if you want to entertain the idea that god (whatever that is) blew on a handful of dust (which seems to give god human characteristics), and at some point mixed in a rib, and poof there were some people, then go for it, but based on everything we know that doesn't seem a likely scenario. imo those (atheist and religious) who try to read the bible as if it's a science or history text just don't get the whole point of it at all.

in general, the bible says god has done and will do lots of things, but doesn't really go into the logistical, practical details of how it's all done. as i've said before, there are two different questions you can answer, one is how, and the other is why, and they don't contradict each other, and don't necessarily have a thing to do with each other either.

this is the typical condescending post you do after awhile. you wait to get all the feedback and regurgitate pretty much what has been posted to you repeatedly AND which you've been rejecting and turn around to pretend you agreed with it all along.

if this post was legit, there would have been no reason for you to have balked the whole time!

it's already been explained that darwin was a theist! that he had no problem with the idea that a god was behind it all! that creationism wasn't literal! that it's through a process and that's evolution!

you are wishy-washy and mislead people!
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Now, what I asked you was: did God create each separate species of finch in a separate act of creation, so that all the different species look remarkably alike and yet have subtle difference, or do you think that - just maybe - all those species had a common ancestor finch?

What do you think?

you will notice that they don't answer these questions or express their opinion directly. it will be evaded by saying that only god knows or cover several different opinions in order to hide their own.
Yeah, God chose to speak to a waitress. And what does she do with this supposed gift? Why, she waits tables, and spouts crap on the Internet.

You know, if God spoke to me, I'd at lest start a church, and let people know about his latest word. Set things straight. Not wait tables.

A point to this is most people that deem themselves normal tend to avoid "Schizophrenics", mainly because they don't understand their blight or potentially know which way the wind will blow. (What sporadic action a Schizophrenic might suddenly do)

Now I mention this because if "God" was talking to all those people out there at the same time, "it" would be the most schizophrenic entity known to man, dealing with so many different conversations at the same time. (There is no wonder we'd have earthquakes or tsunami's)

Why do people knowingly "Invite" this "god" entity into their thoughts when they should realise that it's nothing more than a schizophrenic parasite operating under the invitation pre-tense usually associated with Vampire mythology. (Personally I see it a rogue group using BCI systems to sap intelligence, data or prospective designs/patents from people they shouldn't steal from, but hey we all have our theories right?)
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this is the typical condescending post you do after awhile. you wait to get all the feedback and regurgitate pretty much what has been posted to you repeatedly AND which you've been rejecting and turn around to pretend you agreed with it all along.

if this post was legit, there would have been no reason for you to have balked the whole time!

it's already been explained that darwin was a theist! that he had no problem with the idea that a god was behind it all! that creationism wasn't literal! that it's through a process and that's evolution!

you are wishy-washy and mislead people!

And you're a paranoid, bigoted, wannabe armchair psychologist, who can miss a point like nobodys business.

I don't give a shit if darwin was a theist and my point had nothing to do with my own opinions on creationism or darwinism at all. The only reason the conversations been taken there is in attempt to avoid my point which was that some atheists believe in darwinism just like some religious people believe in religion.
Yeah, God chose to speak to a waitress. And what does she do with this supposed gift? Why, she waits tables, and spouts crap on the Internet.

You know, if God spoke to me, I'd at lest start a church, and let people know about his latest word. Set things straight. Not wait tables.

What a bunch of lying condescending bullshit. How does the fact that I'm an accountant factor in? How about that I have told you what gods told me? How about the fact that church people don't want to listen any more than you do?

And don't you worry, I'm setting things straight, just not in the way you might want me to.