The most narrow minded ignorant thing you've heard a religious person say?

The stupidest thing i have ever herd a fundimentilist christan say was that "the bible proves god exists" followed by "the bible is real because god proves it is" AGRRRRRRRR this from someone who should KNOW what circular logic is!!!!!!!!!
What children are not indoctrinated?

No, what makes children STUPID is that parents don't communicate anything at all.

Anything is better than nothing.

Telling a child that there is a Supernatural God that wants them to be good and noble... that hurts them how?

Letting a child get away with anything, in order to reinforce their self esteem... oh, that's way better isn't it?

We only have to look at this most recent Generation of Young Adults, raised on such lazy principles, and we know how well that goes.

A generation of Volontary Retards.

And look at the Philosophies such a Generation advances.

Yeah... being so much more stupid will help even more, won't it?
I get the impression you are making assumptions that are not true about my position. I can't be sure.

In any case, I still have my question. What children are not indoctrinated?
Of course children are indoctrinated, we spend alot of money and effort doing it. Its called the education system. It doesnt nessarly mean its a bad thing in all cases, without some level of indoctrination we would all be scavangers running around trying to find food. Indoctrination and its related culture is what brought around conciousness
Some haven't a clue as to the difference between indoctrination and education. Most likely, those individuals have some issues with education.

Back to the OP, for theists, there is no length or breadth they will go to making the most ignorant, narrow-minded claims.

Their indoctrination into the cults of their parents plays a huge part in their decision making processes in that they lose all sense of reason and rationale in favor of their cults beliefs, usually in terms of biology and cosmology.
Some haven't a clue as to the difference between indoctrination and education. Most likely, those individuals have some issues with education.

And you probably have no idea how condescension indoctrinates, as one example amongst many. Sure I have 'issues' with education. I was told, also as one example amongst many, that Manifest Destiny was a good philosophy. Let alone the myriad ways parents indoctrinate their children - yes, even rational parents like you would be - about how to live, what is right and wrong, what reality is and isn't. It's easy to look at the fundamentalists and see their broad stroke, blunt indoctrination and feel all gooey about ourselves and indoctrination free 'we' are, but this is just fantasy.

in·doc·tri·nate /ɪnˈdɒktrəˌneɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-dok-truh-neyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -nat·ed, -nat·ing.
1. to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
2. to teach or inculcate.
3. to imbue with learning.

If you think that the parenting by humanists and public education are easily distinguished from indoctrination, I suggest you re-read that definition and then perhaps take some philosophy and pedagogy classes. Toss in a little family psychology and if you are still walking around feel smug and pure in relation to religious people, you were not paying attention.

Never trust those who say they teach and parent without bias.
If you think that the parenting by humanists and public education are easily distinguished from indoctrination, I suggest you re-read that definition and then perhaps take some philosophy and pedagogy classes.

It would appear YOU didn't read the definition. Get a brain.
The entire Culture is indoctrinated.

Parents don't gove a ___. they sit their retarded children in front of the TV set, and then it does the work.

But then we need to worry about the point of the indoctrination.

I watch a lot of movies. I find that EVERY movie is predisposed AGAINST Civilization and takes the side of Revolution or Barbarism.

yes, screenwriters love Rebels and Defiant Bad Boys wearing hats with horns.

But as Progaganda, what purpose does it serve?

Nobody's. It is Corporate Propaganda designed only to make money in the short term. Stupid, Meaningless Propaganda.

But it DOES serve the purpose of Atheism. Atheism is AGAINST Civilization, and Stupid Screenwriters who like Rebel Heroes are against Civilization. So we have an alliance that is working their fingers to the bone in order to arrive at an end where we have another Dark Age.

I get the impression you are making assumptions that are not true about my position. I can't be sure.

In any case, I still have my question. What children are not indoctrinated?
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The entire Culture is indoctrinated.

Parents don't gove a ___. they sit their retarded children in front of the TV set, and then it does the work.

But then we nedd to worry about the point of the indoctrination.

I watch a lot of movies. I find that EVERY movie is predisposed AGAINST Civilization and takes the side of Revolution or Barbarism.

yes, screenwriters love Rebels and Defiant Bad Boys wearing hats with horns.

But asd Progaganda, what purpose does it serve?

Nobody's. It is Corporate Propaganda designed only to make money in the short term. Stupid, Meaningless Propaganda.

But it DOES serve the purpose of Atheism. Atheism is AGAINST Civilization, and Stupid Screenwriters who like Rebel Heroes are against Civilization. So we have an alliance that is working their fingers to the bone in order to arrive at an end where we have another Dark Age.

The defiant bad boys tend to be willing to commit unlawful violence in defense of civilization. The films are an excuse for the Oliver Norths and the police who shoot innocent black people. But they are not against civilization. I would also argue that what they provide is a catharsis, a simulated freedom. We go in the box adn feel free vicariously for 90 minutes and then we are not so concerned about our lack of freedom the rest of the time.

YOu are also assuming that to rebel against current civilization is to rebel against civilization.

Movies are defining civilization and tend to have a very conservative agenda. They let us know who the bad ones are and they promote the bad apple theory of things. These few loathsome men are the problem.

And yes, they do indoctrinate.
What an Idiot. What a Moron!

Atheists are FOREVER insisting that they do not have to prove a negative... that the burden of Proof for God rests with the Religious People to prove God.
I am an Atheist (or probably classed as an Atheist).
I beleive in the existence of God as a concept of belief which has no meta-physical existence apart from actions by the hand of man on man, in the name of God, or existence in the form of faith.
I do not believe in any deity,only man who has used the one God concept as savagely as hitler would be proud.
There is no burden unless you are trying to relieve some>
as to your insults, I pity your ignorance
And this MORON comes out and suddenly asserts an entire library of Atheist literature that is PROOF OF THE NON-EXISTENCE OF GOD.
You have no assertion of me FOOL and i will give you some food for thought.
the bible belongs next to Aesops fables, Gepetto's son's escapades, and harry potter as nothing more than a moralesque based introduction to life for the basis of raising children with an ideal of social ettiquette (thou shalt not kill etc),good in its ideals wrong in its interpretation and enforcement.

You my friend are in my top ten of you even know the difference between religious people and religious liberals?????????

This guy has got to be SO stupid. Wonder why he isn't more Religious...
You know nothing of what I believe?????
And if you want me to explain Liberalism to you and its place in the history of a One God Concept, I will
Q, indoctrination is how we form culture. Wether its concidered bad or not is debatable but the fact that it happens IS true.

Our education system IS one means sociaty uses to indoctrinate its youth, but it is one of many forms. Admitedly this maybe less so at a university level where critical thinking is taught but it does still happen even there
But watch the movies. You can make up as many contrary scenarios as you please, but when you actually watch the movies, they support rebels who are against Law and Order, and they villify Villians who represent the Collective Good.

Yes, they do their ground work. They ALWAYS arrange the FACTS so that the GOVERNMENT is doing something intolerably EVIL. But remember, they are making it up. Its FICTION. They are ARRANGING the Story so that people will HATE CIVILIZATION.

Think about the room full of screenwriters. "Oh, let's have the Government Officials oppress woman and blacks, then surely we will be able to gain sympathy for our bomb throwing rebels who will leave a mile wide swath of death and destruction in their paths".

You need to consider whether you are being manipulated.

Why is it that you THINK that CIVILATION and its INSTITUTIONS are the problem? If you were to read the newspaper and pay attention to the actual occurances in the World, then you would find that GOVERNMENTS and CIVILIZATION are only trying to HELP, but that Private Parties are out to overthrow everything.

Its Barbarism. The idea is that one can destroy a Civilization but if one comes out with one Golden Candlestick the more, than one has PROFITED. The people who are behind this Propaganda to destroy Civilization only care about coming out with the one silly stupid golden candlestick. They don't care what they destroy as long as they get some little bit more in the end for themselves.

Watch the propaganda. Think about it. You will see what it is REALLY saying. It wants you to take your eys off the REAL THREAT and to treat your only FRIENDS like they are the enemy.

Yes, its tricky. If it was not, then they would not need PROPAGANDA.

The defiant bad boys tend to be willing to commit unlawful violence in defense of civilization. The films are an excuse for the Oliver Norths and the police who shoot innocent black people. But they are not against civilization. I would also argue that what they provide is a catharsis, a simulated freedom. We go in the box adn feel free vicariously for 90 minutes and then we are not so concerned about our lack of freedom the rest of the time.

YOu are also assuming that to rebel against current civilization is to rebel against civilization.

Movies are defining civilization and tend to have a very conservative agenda. They let us know who the bad ones are and they promote the bad apple theory of things. These few loathsome men are the problem.

And yes, they do indoctrinate.
Q, indoctrination is how we form culture. Wether its concidered bad or not is debatable but the fact that it happens IS true.

Our education system IS one means sociaty uses to indoctrinate its youth, but it is one of many forms. Admitedly this maybe less so at a university level where critical thinking is taught but it does still happen even there

Didn't read or understand the definition either, Asguard?
Q you just proved YOU dont understand what indoctrination means.

You dont think our political, cultural views are indoctrination?

How about marching through the streets in "patriotsium"

What about ALL millatry training?
You dont think our political, cultural views are indoctrination?

How about marching through the streets in "patriotsium"

What about ALL millatry training?

So, what does that have to do with the education system you claimed was indoctrination, not that your comments are actually valid?

Q you just proved YOU dont understand what indoctrination means.

Funny, it's always other people who continuously claim I prove things. hehe
I've been through military training. No... there is absolutely no formal indoctrincation. No informal indoctrination either. They smoke cigerettes, get drunk, they gamble and they chase whores.

Politically, they are smart enough to know that they are the NAZIS. they don't need to be told.

Q you just proved YOU dont understand what indoctrination means.What about ALL millatry training?
:deal: found what liberalism means yet and why as you claim is moronic, the fact thats it is ignorance with religious groups has no place in the national pshyce or are you an idiot just calling me a moron????????/