The most narrow minded ignorant thing you've heard a religious person say?

How is it that you come to this position?

Hating an ideology and not hating an adherent is not mutually exclusive.

It is much rarer that it is claimed. Religious people tend to lie to themselves and the rest of us when they say they hate homosexuality but not homosexuals.

and rationalists fail to notice how much hate they have in smugness and condescension. They think these distancing mechanisms have eradicated the hate, but they tend to feel the hate in others when they are condescended to.

One can hope that a connection will be made over time in both groups.
Religious idiocy:

Well then you are going to burn in hell for all time.

Rationalist idiocy

You only believe that because you are not brave enough to face the truth.
You got it backwards.

Creationism is based upon science, reason and tons of evidence.

Evolution is based on the blind acceptance of superstitions and fairy tales.

This past spring I was expelled from my high school. Why? Because I'm a Christian. There was a girl in my class who was wiccan, and I didn't want demons to possess me or anyone else and save her from satan. So, I told her that her faith was evil and told her to accept Jesus as Savior and she would be saved. Simple as that. Just say the sinners prayer and you can be saved!

Well I got sent to the principal for that. She said I was 'discriminating' against her religion. I was only doing what the Bible, God, Jesus and my pastor said! How is that wrong!?

Well, afterwards I was forced to aplologize, even though it's a sin to, so I never meant what I said. So, instead I put a copy of a Jack Chick tract in her locker about how wicca and a paganism lead to murder, rape and other horrible things because it lets the devil get inside of you. I also left a little note about how she was going to hell. I was hoping she would see the error of her ways and repent from the evil, disgusting 'religion'.

Instead I was called down to the principal again and this time there were two police officers there. And they said I was under arrest for harrasing this girl and threatening her! What did I do? I just wanted her to accept Jesus and be saved! Now her family (all evil, stupid, disgusting god hating wiccans) want to sue me for discrimination and creating a hostile workplace! How is that fair? She's the one who's discriminating against me because I'm one with the LORD!

Jesus is the only way to salvation! It's that simple people! No pope, wicca, or anything stupid like that! JESUS ONLY! Why is is wrong to tell others that? It's all the fault of the ACLU and simlar atheist organizations trying to destroy us Christians. Next they'll want to genocide us for doing our Godly work.

Meg, Myspace [Comments (238)] [2007-Aug-11]
The Earth is 6000 years old.

Makes me want to cry.:bawl:


Oh wait on the File Front Forums...this guy keeps getting baned and creates a new account to tell people Dinosaurs were on the Earth 3,500 years ago I guess that's that creationist thing.
just go to fstdt dot com it stands for fundies say the darndest things also have pages for racists and consipercy nuts
The most narrow minded ignorant thing you've heard a religious person say?

Upon warning us of the dangers of not converting -

"On Judgment Day, don't say you haven't been warned."

I don't think Christian proselytizers even remotely realize how manipulative they are, how they actually expect us to believe them blindly, the double binds they pose on us.

I don't mind so much all that about the earth being 6000 years old or "God hates fags" and such. Blatant ignorance and hatred are actually easy to bear and to ignore.

It is the psychological and philosophical manipulation and subversion that I find most upsetting.

Would have to be the statement made by a Secular Humanist claiming all of the problems on earth can be attributed to Christianity.

Which Humanist would that be? :confused:
Certainly wasn't me. I wouldn't blame all the problems on earth on christianity, and if I was blaming SOMETHING on christianity, I'd at least attribute equal blame to islam and judaism as well.

For me, perhaps not the most narrow minded, but the most disturbing thing was realising that a lot of the people who threaten (/warn) individuals they will go to hell, actually ENJOY and SAVOUR this belief and the idea that those that disagree with them will suffer in burning torment forever and ever etc etc *insert horror themed afterlife here*.
I've got two equaly ignorant things people have said...

1) when I was 8/9 years old at Nevill Holt boarding school near corby, England. We had to go to church (C of E) every morning and twice on sunday,
one sunday the reverend Benyon told us that, once all the people were black on earth until some people swam in a lake in africa, when they came out as they dried they turned white, soon all the people who heard about it came to swim in the lake, after a while the lake started drying up so the people who came could only get the soles of their feet and the palms of their hands wet, which is why black people have pink soles on their feet and pink palms?????

I didn't believe it then.........

not realy religious but this is ignorance just the same.............
2) 1995/1996 a trashey newspaper printed the headline "BLAIR NEW WORLD",
the same day Radio 1,(simon mayo show i think, he was sacked or moved to another station soon after) announced that we are officialy a "Brave New World",How someone who gets paid to ramble on about rubbish and push a button to play the latest pop schmooz can be so deluded that he thinks by saying three words will solve all the population,polution,fammine and war problems is beyond me?????and as it follows from the SUN headlines "BLAIR NEW WORLD" there must have been some communication between the Radio,newspaper and government for what reason is beyond me.

I find it amusing that the book was written nearly a hundred years before (so there is nothing futuristic about this concept), Blair has dragged us back to a state of fear resembling that of pre-world war 1/2 expectations, and radio 1 never mentioned it after mayo was sacked (or moved). Whatever stunt they were trying to pull all they've done since then is continue rambling bull and pushing buutons to play kiddies bop.
You got it backwards.

Creationism is based upon science, reason and tons of evidence.

[Comments (238)] [2007-Aug-11]

This would go close for me to the most ignorant thing.

The rest of that post, I assume is for real and not a pisstake.

Why do I assume that?
PJdude is clearly not capable of parody, sarcasm or..umm.. reality!
Actually, Christians would be somewhat ahead if they read ANY books.

Who actually reads books anymore?

Ask your atheist friends how many books they read?

It seems obvious to me that very few people are reading. The vocabulary being used On Line is mostly of the spoken sort. When BOOKISH words are used, there is typically a huge uproar about that the posts are no longer 'clear'.

Clearly, here as most elsewhere, few books are being read.

Just wondering if anyone has heard a whopper?

Since I started leaning towards believing the earth is closer to 4.67 billion years old rather then 6000 years, I have had a fair few Christians tell me I'm wrong. Not one of them has ever looked into the age of the earth themselves, but somehow they've got this 100% correct idea of how everything is. It really frustrates me that someone who is ignorant of what you are talking about can tell you that you are wrong. I know as a Christian myself that I've done the same in the past, but I'm really starting to think it's best to just keep your mouth shut until you know the person you are talking to, or know what they believe.

I think the main problem is that Christians read Christian books and never actually read the text of the beliefs the actual other people have. Since reading books on science from a non-Christian perspective things have made a heck of a lot more sense, and although I still don't believe everything scientific theory says, I think there is a lot of truth in it that isn't showed in say Christian books that attempt to explain away the age of the earth etc...

Anyway, what experiences have people on this site had?
This would go close for me to the most ignorant thing.

The rest of that post, I assume is for real and not a pisstake.

Why do I assume that?
PJdude is clearly not capable of parody, sarcasm or..umm.. reality!

i don't it could be poe's law which states that without a disclaimer of some sort a parody or satire of a christian fundimentalist will be mistaken for the real thing but yeah i think its real the website i posted a link to also has things that make this one seem normal the site is it will scare the crap out of you
and in case you wre thinking i am like these people i am not just repeating them for a show of ignorance these 2 things i posted are both real things said by real people.

You did mean "i don't" yeah? Not, I'm not ( capable). Clarification sought but not expected.
It so often complained that Religious People are the ones who are ignorant.

But how many Atheists have ever pored through the Vatican Libraries reviewing the evidence for the Saints.

There are so many documented miracles, even in modern times, and yet no atheist really answers for any of them, except to rest on the a priori argument that 'things that are not possible do not happen' which is not an argument at all but a tautalogy -- it doesn't happen because we say so because we say so because we say so.

What Science tells us is that God and the Supernatural are dismissed simply from Scientific Doctrine.

When the Sterling Hospital in India released a Paper verifying that a certain Holy Man, Pralad Jnani indeed was living without food, their Paper was dismissed, A PRIORI, and the Hospital's credentials were pulled. You see, they spoke outside of Accepted Doctrine.

People keep asking Religion to PROVE anything, but if one looks at the workings of Science... Science would never lend itself to such a Study... the times that it has been done... the 'scientists' were blackballed.

Oh, the Our Lady of Lourded Shrine in France. Many miracles there. A group of 30 Doctors were assembled on a committee and they went over thousands of submitted cases and forwarded about 30 that were Bullet Proof Miracles. So the Scientific Community instigated proceedings to have all of these 30 Doctors disencredited.

Science is the New Religon and it is as Blindly Prejudiced as any that have ever come before. They already know what they believe and NOTHING that can be shown them could possibly change their mind.
It so often complained that Religious People are the ones who are ignorant.
I wouldn't say that religious people are ignorant, I would say that Religious Liberalism is Ignorance anywhere outside your own faith.
religion is for the home, spirit and family.
not for political podiums,national pshyce.
But how many Atheists have ever pored through the Vatican Libraries reviewing the evidence for the Saints.

Atheism is a direct result of lack of proof, evidence in God causing deityal dis-belief. A very high percentage of Athiest believed in God as children (santa, toothfairy etc), but logicaly came to a different outlook than they had been told. A lot are still spiritual people, if there was actual proof of God there would be a lot less Atheist's.
How many Papal workers have scoured the book's of the world, looking for proof in the non-existence of God????

There are so many documented miracles, even in modern times, and yet no atheist really answers for any of them,.

Just because something is miraculous doesn't make it the work of God, generaly things become trivialities when logical explanatons account for the unknown.
I.E. solar eclipse,lunar eclipse

But miracles are still miracles, out of pure interest (not for fault finding) I would be interested if you had some links of any bizzare ones
How many Papal workers have scoured the book's of the world, looking for proof in the non-existence of God????

What an Idiot. What a Moron!

Atheists are FOREVER insisting that they do not have to prove a negative... that the burden of Proof for God rests with the Religious People to prove God.

And this MORON comes out and suddenly asserts an entire library of Atheist literature that is PROOF OF THE NON-EXISTENCE OF GOD.

This guy has got to be SO stupid. Wonder why he isn't more Religious...

Anyway, the people who are well informed from the Documentation that proves so many instances of Providential Supernaturalism... well, what can reading a Literature that insists that Religious People must prove Providential Supernaturalism... what could that possibly do for them.

Once people are convinced by the EVIDENCE of Supernatural Providentialism, then of what use is speculative literature of skepticism.

And let there be no mistake on the matter. Atheisim is entirely SPECULATIVE. No Atheist has ever even bothered to prove anything. DENY DENY DENY. That is all an ATheist ever does. They even deny the EVIDENCE.
What an Idiot. What a Moron!

Atheists are FOREVER insisting that they do not have to prove a negative... that the burden of Proof for God rests with the Religious People to prove God.

And this MORON comes out and suddenly asserts an entire library of Atheist literature that is PROOF OF THE NON-EXISTENCE OF GOD.

This guy has got to be SO stupid. Wonder why he isn't more Religious...

Anyway, the people who are well informed from the Documentation that proves so many instances of Providential Supernaturalism... well, what can reading a Literature that insists that Religious People must prove Providential Supernaturalism... what could that possibly do for them.

Once people are convinced by the EVIDENCE of Supernatural Providentialism, then of what use is speculative literature of skepticism.

And let there be no mistake on the matter. Atheisim is entirely SPECULATIVE. No Atheist has ever even bothered to prove anything. DENY DENY DENY. That is all an ATheist ever does. They even deny the EVIDENCE.
miracles are not proof of god just the supernatrual