The most narrow minded ignorant thing you've heard a religious person say?

This is probably true to a large extent.
The Western usual atheist is an atheist specifically in relation to Christian theism, but not necessarily to all other theisms.

The Western atheism phenomenon seems to have developed mostly in reply to Christianity, in reply to issues specifically brought up by fire and brimstone Christianese, hence Western atheism's focus on fear, guilt and blind faith.

I think the Western usual atheist is hardly an atheist to, for example, Krishna. The usual Western atheism's arguments against theism hardly apply to Hinduism.

Thats not all, what is most amusing is they pick a subject that has been debated ad nauseum for thousands of years and after skimming a few books and websites, decide that they have resolved it.
Thats not all, what is most amusing is they pick a subject that has been debated ad nauseum for thousands of years and after skimming a few books and websites, decide that they have resolved it.

It's not amusing. The time spent -gone forever- and the ulcers aggravated are real.
Bull.. Atheists are atheist to any deity.

This means an atheist would have to know all deities.

A common mistake that people, theist and atheist alike, make is to assume that all religions are basically the same and only somewhat differ in content, but that the content is always structured the same way, and with the same goal.

This is not so.

However, one actually needs to study the various religions to see this.
Number Three

But how many Atheists have ever pored through the Vatican Libraries reviewing the evidence for the Saints.

I know this was since page two of the thread, but I had to add it to my contribution because...

1. I was unaware that the libraries in the Vatican were available to the public.
2. I'd love to know if this poster, or the majority of christian theists for that matter (even if he did), ever pored through the Vatican Libraries reviewing this so called evidence for the "Saints"...or rather did they accept on faith that the evidence was there...or even that such a Vatican Library exists...

Number Two

"Atheism is a religion"

Much touted mantra of the typical theist. I call it "misery loves company". I fail to understand how a lack of a belief could be a religion.

Number One

"Elton John will encourage his audience into his homosexual lifestyle". Unfortunately I live in the country where a very loud and ignorant anglican priest made this statement on national TV. He was of course the general laughing stock...but my country has not yet moved to the place where the Government would speak out against such propaganda. At least did not side with the priest.
This means an atheist would have to know all deities.

A common mistake that people, theist and atheist alike, make is to assume that all religions are basically the same and only somewhat differ in content, but that the content is always structured the same way, and with the same goal.

This is not so.

However, one actually needs to study the various religions to see this.

I'm pretty sure all deities share a certain quality..
This means an atheist would have to know all deities.
M*W: Not true. An atheist doesn't need to know who all the deities are to not have belief in any of them. It's not the vast numbers of those deities, it's the logical and reasonable fact that there are none except in myth.

A common mistake that people, theist and atheist alike, make is to assume that all religions are basically the same and only somewhat differ in content, but that the content is always structured the same way, and with the same goal.
M*W: Again, not so. Most atheists are knowledgeable of the many religions out there, and we probably see the differences more than a theist would. You might ask, "Why do atheists spend so much time studying various religions?" I think it is because we want to know what other people believe and how their belief systems work. If I were asked to give a lecture on this subject, I wouldn't talk about atheism, I'd talk about theists' belief systems.

However, one actually needs to study the various religions to see this.
M*W: I agree.
M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear." ~ Thomas Jefferson
M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"Learning makes a man fit company for himself." ~ Thomas Fuller, 1608-1661, English Divine and Historian