The Mormon Jesus vs. The Gospel Jesus?

If one person says "The Lord told me that the world is flat" and another person says "The Lord told me that the world is round," are both of them necessarily wrong?

It means that one is most certainly wrong. How would you suggest that we determine which one that is?
If one person's beliefs are mistaken, does it logically follow that all people's beliefs are mistaken? If one person says "The Lord told me that the world is flat" and another person says "The Lord told me that the world is round," are both of them necessarily wrong? Can one person be mistaken and another know the truth, or does one mistaken belief mean that all beliefs are equally mistaken?

It's a question of the impossibility of sorting the sheep from the goats.
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Through studying the scriptures, pondering their message, praying about them, and receiving a personal witness that they are true.

Which scripture specifically? What makes that certain scripture valid? What does praying do that getting off of your ass and finding out the answer cannot do a whole lot faster? A personal witness heh... :bugeye: