The Mormon Jesus vs. The Gospel Jesus?

Oh, and BTW, you're not going to make very many LDS friends if you call the Church a "cult."

Yet cult it is, along with the other Christian cults.

The one thing I notice about Christianity is that its members easily refer to other groups as cults, but take offense to their own group being called cult. This is ironic, since a cult is any system of religious worship directed at a single object or deity.

But the magical underwear link didn't demonstrate the "fact" of the Mormon cult. Is there some information or evidence you can provide that explains the "fact" of Mormonism?

Is it enough to say that "it's a fact that millions of people are deluded by the Mormon cult?"
SkinWalker said:
Yet cult it is, along with the other Christian cults.

The one thing I notice about Christianity is that its members easily refer to other groups as cults, but take offense to their own group being called cult. This is ironic, since a cult is any system of religious worship directed at a single object or deity.

A word is defined by its usage. You can be sure that when fundamentalist and evangelical Christians use the word "cult" to describe Mormonism, they *don't* mean that it's simply a "system of religious worship." They want the most negative connotation imagineable. I take offense to the term, myself, and if you continue to use it to describe my religion, I'll stop conversing with you.

SkinWalker said:
But the magical underwear link didn't demonstrate the "fact" of the Mormon cult. Is there some information or evidence you can provide that explains the "fact" of Mormonism?

Is it enough to say that "it's a fact that millions of people are deluded by the Mormon cult?"

Take the missionary discussions if you really want to know more about Mormonism. The missionaries are in the phone book under "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."
Marlin: All 'religions' were cults once upon a time. They had very few followers outside the mainstream. Simply because cults get successful is when they are no longer called a cult, but their roots will always be as such. It's simply semantics.

Mormonism and Scientology are two of the most ridiculous 'religions' (aka cults) around. And that is REALLY saying something.
KennyJC said:
Marlin: All 'religions' were cults once upon a time. They had very few followers outside the mainstream. Simply because cults get successful is when they are no longer called a cult, but their roots will always be as such. It's simply semantics.

Like I said, though: the actual usage of a word defines that word, not just one aspect of its dictionary definition. When Jim Fundamentalist calls Mormonism a "cult," he isn't saying that Mormonism resembles his religion when it began. He isn't calling it a "system of religious worship." He wants you to believe that it is a dangerous mind-control satanic organization that will destroy you and send you to hell forever. Semantics? More like a not-so-subtle redefinition of an emotionally-charged hate word used in order to engender fear and hatred of its object.

KennyJC said:
Mormonism and Scientology are two of the most ridiculous 'religions' (aka cults) around. And that is REALLY saying something.

You're saying that out of ignorance and misinformation. Mormonism is true Christianity, with Jesus Christ as its center and exemplar. Want to know the very heart of Mormonism? Here are the two great commandments that Mormons strive to follow:

1. Love God with all your might, mind, and strength.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Upon these two commandments rests the entirety of Latter-day Saint religion. Not so controversial, is it? It revolves around Christ, and all other teachings are just appendages to that divine Center of worship.

Our enemies try to take the focus away from this true design of our religion, to emulate Christ and serve our fellow man. But those two commandments, echoed in other Christian denominations, are what we're all about.
You're saying that out of ignorance and misinformation.

I am? I thought everyone knew exactly how Mormonism got started. At least Scientology has a cool sci-fi story. Christianity (although obviously false) is somewhat well planned and intelligent for something that is almost 2,000 years old. Mormonism is the most retarded popular religion on the planet. But I guess that's what happens when the 'prophet' is a retard. :D

Mormonism is true Christianity, with Jesus Christ as its center and exemplar. Want to know the very heart of Mormonism? Here are the two great commandments that Mormons strive to follow:

1. Love God with all your might, mind, and strength.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

You seem to be trying to equate it to Christianity out of desperation.

Watch this if you can...

It's funny because it's true.
Say what you will, phlog, but I know for a fact that "Mormonism" (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) is true.
know? facts? you mean you believe they are true, minus contrary evidence, because you want to believe, please let me shake a few mormon trees & see what falls out?


& I just thought of another one today, shipbuilding & seafaring skills, if these BoM people built boats or ships to get here, they would have built them to go back to do pilgrimage to Jerusalem. until 1947, many Jews ended many prayers with, "next year in Jerusalem", why would Lamite, Jarite, Nabhobite & Mulite peoples be different?
At the conclusion of both the Seder night and Yom Kippur, Jews the world over say, "Next year in Jerusalem."

& mormoms have resorted to being "history thieves" by sending mormon tourists down to the Mayan ruins & saying that those were "Mormon", for shame, for shame

thieves liars

Saturday, December 29, 2007 Our Mayan experience begins today with a bang at perhaps the most beautiful of Mayan ruins, Palenque. See beautiful pyramids, temples, palaces, and towers, surrounded by streams and waterfalls and nestled at the misty feet of jungle-shrouded mountains. These ruins have been known since the 1800s and are still yielding incredible discoveries today
btw, we just missed this one :mad:

"book of mormon tours" gets 68K hits on google, seems there's lots of interest :eek:
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Ah, the old "South Park conveys accurate history" trick, LOL.

People are free to say what they will, using degenerate cartoons, chanting tired litanies of "archeology, anthropology, linguistics, etc.", citing non-LDS-approved tours, whatever. You may even convince some people not to believe in true Christianity. That will be what you'll have to explain to God when He asks you how you treated His good word at the final judgment.

I know in my heart, despite not having a perfect knowledge or being a perfect person (far from it!), that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and most importantly, that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world. No one can take these testimonies away from me. God has revealed it to me in a way that no one can ever refute.

I bear these testimonies in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Peace out.
For others, however, let me just say that the arguments WBY is bringing up are old, tired, and already disproven and/or answered as much as 50 years ago. For those interested in real answers to such arguments, I suggest the following web sites:

and the official LDS web site,

will any of these sites show me where to find a Niaphite village or city? or explain how 3 successive continent-wide long-lasting empires left no evidence of their passing? the puny Roman Empire only left a few aqueducts, theaters, baths, statues & some puny cities, you know, like London, Bath in puny England; Paris, Arles in puny France; the rest are really puny; in Croatia, Romania, Spain, Hungary, Montenegro, etc..., you know, an occasional stone, coin here & there, & that puny township, I think it's called Rome?

I'm not asking for much, you know, nothing fancy, like maybe a little city or a mass grave of those thousands of Nephites, Jarites & Mulklites that died in those epic battles at Hill Cumorah?

any help here?

I know in my heart, despite not having a perfect knowledge or being a perfect person (far from it!), that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was a true prophet,
& what pray tell, theology do you follow from the BoM? it refutes LDS belief, early or reformed

the only reason that LDS adheres to the BoM is, if they ever refute it, J. Smith's claim to fame will have been disowned by his very followers, hence, must defend this religio-fantasy, work, even though LDS beliefs are more in tune with sci-fi, Kolob anyone?

and most importantly, that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world. No one can take these testimonies away from me. God has revealed it to me in a way that no one can ever refute.

I bear these testimonies in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Peace out.
does His blood wash you of your sins? or to quote Martin Luther;
# 1 Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone")
# 2 Sola fide ("by faith alone")
# 3 Sola gratia ("by grace alone")
# 4 Solus Christus ("Christ alone")
# 5 Soli Deo gloria ("glory to God alone")

so are you Pauline or Joline?

Achanting tired litanies of "archeology, anthropology, linguistics, etc.", citing non-LDS-approved tours, whatever.
and what chanting goes on in your head? "must not listen, defend, counter-thrust, burning bosom, testimony, must not listen, etc..."

You may even convince some people not to believe in true Christianity. That will be what you'll have to explain to God when He asks you how you treated His good word at the final judgment.
LDS is true polytheism, not Christianity, Jesus will deal with me as He may, under His rules, He knows that His words will last forever, not mine or yours, the Bible is the only true testament of Jesus, God's instructions, our treasure

the BoM is another testament of error, goes with the BoA, secret,pssst, let me tell you a secret, Joesph Smith was a conman, he didn't know Egyptian, reformed or othwerwise, don't tell anyone, wink, wink;)
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Ah, the old "South Park conveys accurate history" trick, LOL.

Just as they did with Scientology, the satire did not come from embellishing anything, but showing exactly what Mormons believe and how Joseph Smith created the religion.

What parts of the depiction was wrong?

I know in my heart, despite not having a perfect knowledge or being a perfect person (far from it!), that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and most importantly, that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world. No one can take these testimonies away from me. God has revealed it to me in a way that no one can ever refute.

Knowing it in your heart, and claims that god revealed does not impress. Many people say similar things and are proven liars.

Using my brain (not my heart), I am telling you for a fact that Joseph Smith is a liar. It took a woman to prove this by telling Martin Harris to test his so-called prophetic friends abilities.

I bear these testimonies in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Oh Don't be so melodramatic...
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I know in my heart, despite not having a perfect knowledge or being a perfect person (far from it!),
poor kid, you just failed the first test of mormon godhood, guess you have to make due with just telestial heaven, poor fella

that the Book of Mormon is true,
what part? I must of missed it, seems more like a novel to me, they're called "alternate history" now a days

that Joseph Smith was a true prophet,
really & what did he prophesize about? did any come true? no, not even one? must be a false prophet, he failed the "Deuteronomy 18" test
which states:
Deu 18:20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
Deu 18:21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?
Deu 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

2 unfulfilled prophecies
PEACE AND KNOWLEDGE: Sept 21, 1823. Joseph Smith says in the Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith 2:40, that Moroni told him that Isaiah 11 was "about to be fulfilled." Isaiah 11:6-11 prophesies that the wolf and the lamb, the calf and the lion, etc. shall dwell in peace together, and that nothing will "hurt or destroy," and that the earth shall be "full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

FULFILLMENT: None of this has yet come to pass.

SALE OF BOOK OF MORMON COPYRIGHT: Winter 1829-1830. Comp Hist 1:165 Joseph had a revelation that Hiram Page and Oliver Cowdery were to go to Toronto to sell the copyright of the Book of Mormon to raise money.

FULFILLMENT: They went, according to the revelation, but were completely unsuccessful. Joseph Smith "inquired of God" and was told that some "revelations" are not from God. David Whitmer reports this incident in his book An Address To All Believers In Christ, Richmond, 1887, photo reprinting by Utah Lighthouse Ministry, pp 30-31.


and most importantly, that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world.
this is the only truth you have written about so far

No one can take these testimonies away from me. God has revealed it to me in a way that no one can ever refute.
how can God reveal what isn't true? is your god confused?
I bear these testimonies in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I'd rather remind you now, than have Jesus remind you later, take heed of this!
Mat 7:21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Peace out.
Just as they did with Scientology, the satire did not come from embellishing anything, but showing exactly what Mormons believe and how Joseph Smith created the religion.
the problem for mormons is that LDS was created within a literate society, within the last 200 years, it is a historic religion in the full sense of the word, because it has a "history"; with writings, diaries, newspaper accounts, subpoenas, court records, legislation, & several printed editions of the BoM, that are different, edited, as the LDS hierarchy tries to clean out its closet, from a book that is decidedly not the most 'perfect book' ever written, but still stay within boundaries so as not to destroy J. Smith's 'prophet' status

What parts of the depiction was wrong?
it might have been more devastating if, they had 2 stops & rewinds (sort of like the déjà vu sequence in "Matrix"), where J. Smith restarts his stories about how he was told about the plates & how many divinities where at that first vision.

seems even though he claimed to be there, his stories over time didn't match.
which I think is the way lies are discovered, truth is unchanging, lies get tweaked a little over time

There are other earlier accounts of the First Vision, including one handwritten by Joseph Smith himself, which make no mention of an appearance of the Father and the Son. Instead, these earlier accounts refer to an angel, a spirit, many angels, or the Son. The story in its present form with the Father and the Son, did not appear until 1838, many years after Joseph claimed to have had the vision.

forged: the White Salamander letter
Abstract: The Dawn House Papers (1825-1997) contain correspondence, articles, articles of agreement, notes, magazine excerpts, religious/political cartoons, symposium materials from Brigham Young University (BYU), court materials, an essay House wrote concerning the McLellin papers, and news clippings primarily regarding the Mark Hoffman case. Dawn House (b. 1947), formerly known as Dawn Tracy, served as a reporter for the Daily Herald located in Provo, Utah, from 1975-1983. She later became a reporter for The Salt Lake Tribune from 1983-1992.
The majority of the collection regards the Mark Hoffman forgery and murder cases which took place in Utah. In 1986, House was assigned to cover stories on the White Salamander letter. This letter is a document regarding the foundation of the Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The White Salamander letter presents the idea that a white salamander, instead of an angel, spoke to the LDS Church founder Joseph Smith, Jr. Mark Hoffman forged certain LDS Church documents regarding the White Salamander letter and sold them to the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (RLDS Church) and the LDS Church..


hint: if you are unsure of what materials are out there that might discredit your religion’s foundation, why you buy it in order to conceal it. Both the RLDS & LDS hierarchies should have known that the “White Salamander Letter” was forged, but since they didn’t know if their prolific founder had, like you know, made up stories as he went along, hey! You buy & hide it in the closet, so that hopefully, it stays hidden, quiet, mums the word
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Like I said, though: the actual usage of a word defines that word, not just one aspect of its dictionary definition. When Jim Fundamentalist calls Mormonism a "cult," he isn't saying that Mormonism resembles his religion when it began. He isn't calling it a "system of religious worship." He wants you to believe that it is a dangerous mind-control satanic organization that will destroy you and send you to hell forever. Semantics? More like a not-so-subtle redefinition of an emotionally-charged hate word used in order to engender fear and hatred of its object.

You're saying that out of ignorance and misinformation. Mormonism is true Christianity, with Jesus Christ as its center and exemplar. Want to know the very heart of Mormonism? Here are the two great commandments that Mormons strive to follow:

1. Love God with all your might, mind, and strength.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Upon these two commandments rests the entirety of Latter-day Saint religion. Not so controversial, is it? It revolves around Christ, and all other teachings are just appendages to that divine Center of worship.

Our enemies try to take the focus away from this true design of our religion, to emulate Christ and serve our fellow man. But those two commandments, echoed in other Christian denominations, are what we're all about.

Love your neighbour as yourself. At one point , if you were a man you could love four female neighbors. Why the change. Did the angels update the book ?
Mormonism and Scientology are two of the most ridiculous 'religions' (aka cults) around. And that is REALLY saying something

To be honest with you I think they are no more ridiculous than all the other cults currently being sold on a doorstep near you. Why pick on scientology when christianity is equally stupid? They will never provide a decent argument as to why their beliefs are more worthy, but people in general seem to give them some credibility by default merely because there's lots of them and they've been here a long time. I submit that they are on par with all other cults. If they want recognition as being anything of worth they need to put the effort in. (No fools, creationism is not effort).
Myles said:
I read your document but , as I expected, it contains the usual stuff about the "Lord" teling people what to do. Other Christians will tell me that they are right because the " Lord" has told them otherise. The Lord sure creates a lot of confusion in the minds of men.

Thanks anyway

If one person's beliefs are mistaken, does it logically follow that all people's beliefs are mistaken? If one person says "The Lord told me that the world is flat" and another person says "The Lord told me that the world is round," are both of them necessarily wrong? Can one person be mistaken and another know the truth, or does one mistaken belief mean that all beliefs are equally mistaken?